What would make it stand apart? Get rid of open feint and add true online with 6 multiplayer. You name your pygmy and basically it comes down to who can torture the others the most while defending their own Pygmy. That might be something I would play a lot.
I like to think of it more as a T.V. show season. I mean the updates come almost weekly-biweekly nearly, so in that sense it's like waiting for the next episode to come out. On that note though, I agree that this is definitely not a game for the hardcore, and it is for entertainment purposes (Like you said, like all games).
That's a nice idea, I will also play Pocket God more often if it had that and maybe someday they can add it, but one can hope.
Wow!! I'm impressed with this forum! just a simple comment like the above has around 3 pages of comments! ne how....i dunno if (or why) people get addicted to this pocket god game...i really dont see the point! yea, ive been addicted to a few games in the past...few being ishoot, bubble wrap(dont ask!) and now blowfish...oh yea, rite now ive started playing a pretty addictive new game.."mission mars" I'm still trying to get my moneys worth of pocket god so trying to get into it.
What is wrong with ye. Its not a game. It isnt even in the games section. Its an ENTERTAINMENT APP in the ENTERTAINMENT section.
What section is the Pocket God thread in here at TA? Even as an ENTERTAINMENT APP, it's just meh. The art design is stellar...everything else, meh.
Its not a game. So what if its posted in that section. the reason is because the other section gets no views and posts at all. Im pretty sure the dev wants to get some notice.
In all fairness and with no ill respect to anyone, I think a large part of the diehard Pocket God community are quite young... like the Pokemon crowd. A lot of PG-related topics seem to be riddled with posts by kids who have never heard of commas or politeness. They're the casual bunch, the ones who enjoy Wii Sports. The rest of us are quite a bit more calm and maintained while we await updates. (Apologies if you've never heard of commas/politeness but are not a kid )
I bought it to see what the hype was all about. Mistake. Oh well. The pygmies are adorable though I will say. I like using them in Doodle Jump sometimes.
Same here, watched for sometime and bought it to see what's it about. Deleted after ten minutes. I like to play games with strong stories, save and continue after some some. Just to give you an idea I've played Civilization II for 22 hours straight when I was young !! To sum up, Pocket God is like a toothpick, after 2 minutes you're done with it!!