"Pocket God" Considered Offensive in Pacific Isles (?!)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Silverfist, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. mike1450

    mike1450 Member

    Apr 30, 2009
    Oh, well, um.. i uh... um... well, you see, it's because... um... god, this could take a while.
  2. mike1450

    mike1450 Member

    Apr 30, 2009
    Um... A castaway? keep him alive... Shoot, that way they could have turned it into some kind of a, uh, game.
  3. mike1450

    mike1450 Member

    Apr 30, 2009
    Um... A castaway? keep him alive... Shoot, that way they could have turned it into some kind of a, uh, game.
  4. jmarquiso

    jmarquiso Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    #144 jmarquiso, Apr 30, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
    It doesn't - I was just responding to the torture comment :)

    The inference you can make is by comparing the cartoon figures to old cartoon pacific islanders that were, in fact, racist.

    Links to racist imagery of Pacific Islander*

    As I stated, I don't believe it is intentional, but it is something that they should look at - at least make a statement. Otherwise it comes off as insensitive.

    It took me awhile, but if you look at it, it definitely influenced from this stuff - and that's why these images are ingrained in our culture.

    My point is it may be oversensitive, but they do have a point.

    *The links here are to outdated, but still racist material. This is why I didn't make a direct image post.
  5. dudehuge

    dudehuge Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2008
    That's just how the world works, anything can be considered offensive.

    Nothing to see here move along.
  6. Requiem667

    Requiem667 Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2009
    You're statement is racist and prejudiced. It's based on 'race' and 'prejudging' all white people to be 'privileged'.

    Saying 'white people' don't get it because we're white is weak sauce. I have personally been prejudged, discriminated against and even chased once* because of my white skin color so that arguement carries no weight.

    *I'm sure if I hadn't gotten away I would have been in some bad shape too

    My point is that it's a cartoon and would it really make everyone feel better if they had green hair or whiter skin?? That just seems silly to me (since it's a cartoon, not based in reality) but then again I'm somehow 'priviledged' so I must be stupid.

    If the app was called 'Kill all the islanders' or 'Hey, Islanders are dumb aren't they?' then I could understand more. As it is - all the racism is inferred, there is no direct racism in the app.
  7. Requiem667

    Requiem667 Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2009
    So I can understand the cultural imprint of what an 'islander' or tribal person might look like and how that influenced the look of the game BUT that still isn't really direct racism. If the game changed all the references to Pygmies to 'cavemen' would that make the difference? Would changing their hair color make a difference? Does it really come down to some insignificant detail?
  8. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    #148 le'deuche123, Apr 30, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
    White privilege??? I sure hope your suffering somewhere, without water, food, or shelter, to make a comment like that. Were YOU enslaved??? No!! So shut up. For gods sakes count the amount of black people in the senate. Then count the asians, and then spanish people ect..oh yeah, and then that black guy WE elected president. F*****G Tard.

    Also isn't it racist to say that all white people are privileged?? Do you even know any of us???
  9. Reaganomics

    Reaganomics Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2009
    Didn't mean to offend. I didn't make this stuff up it's from the book Heart of Whiteness by white author Robert Jenson.
  10. s0mah

    s0mah Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2008
    failing PHY tests
    little town of bethlehem
    What are you apologizing for?

    Sorry. I've been way too busy enjoying my anglo-entitlement to pay attention to this thread.
  11. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Wow!!! That guy is an idiot to put it mildly. Please, I implore you, look into the immigration of the Irish to America. And again they were WHITE!!!!!!!! And then please if you wouldn't mind take a look at current president. Now how did a black citizen make it to the highest office in the U.S. government, in a white supremecist country???
  12. s0mah

    s0mah Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2008
    failing PHY tests
    little town of bethlehem
    A fix apparently.
  13. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    I knew it!!! Our country would never allow one of "them" to be president, unless it was an elaborate plan to undermine all the liberal panzies, that be stinking up our b'loved 'merica.
  14. starjimstar

    starjimstar Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2008
    It is unfortunate you were chased for that reason and it should not have happened. But I don't think that being chased this one time gives you any insight into the lives of marginalized people. You don't regularly have to deal with the glass ceiling. You aren't always treated as a second class citizen. It sounds as though you think of racism as obvious violent outbursts, but most of the time it is displaced and manifests itself in other ways. It is death by a thousand paper cuts.

    As for Pocket God; the solution is not simply to change the skin tone of the characters. You might recall how offensive the film 'Birth of a Nation' was partially because it featured Caucasian actors wearing dark black makeup to represent African Americans.
  15. jmarquiso

    jmarquiso Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2009

    Again, I made my point as an american pacific islander, with knowledge of this very history, who is NOT offended by this game. But I can easily see why.

    I own the game, love the game and also play it on a regular basis.*

    I don't believe that PG is racist, at all. It was unintentional, but that doesn't mean there should not be a response, or that the response should be to "f-them" like a lot of people seem to respond in that way.

    It's as if a game was made using a Sambo blackface character, build in a country that doesn't see that caricature as racist, put into a country where that caricature IS seen as racist. It wasn't until this was pointed out that any of us even recognized it - and a lot of us didn't.

    Cavemen would work, since, well, ALL of us are descended from them. And, to be fair, it looks to me that the developers were going exactly for that. Though there were no animals for the loin cloth, so they used grass skirts. Makes perfect sense.

    There's an unfortunate history of certain Pacific Islanders in New Zealand, the Philippines, Hawaii, and others seen as primitive by others. In fact, there's strong cultural history, quite civilized, and this caricature has been used to justify taking them over -to "civilize" them. I could easily see why any one of them could see it as offensive.

    So, it wasn't intentional. But it certainly deserves respect and response, not a call for free speech - as long as we agree with you.

    *I still think it would be great if we could do something GOOD for the islanders, but that's a whole other gameplay issue.
  16. starjimstar

    starjimstar Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2008
    #156 starjimstar, Apr 30, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
    Well said. I am a civil rights activist, offended more by the attitudes in these threads more than the game itself. I don't think the game needs to be pulled so long as the developers remain open to concerns of those offended. Maybe we will end up with this game:

    EDIT: Oops, that didn't work. Try this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0QSfNrPwK8
  17. Requiem667

    Requiem667 Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2009
    Wow. I wasn't implying any sort of reference to 'black-face' if that's what you're getting at. A lot of people are citing the look of the cartoons (let's remember that we're talking about *#$&ing cartoons here) as the point of their arguements. I was simply asking if changing the look would really matter?

    Also - I'm not an idiot - I'm not trying to undermine the concept of racism by using that one experience I had as an example. I was purely trying to counter the racist comment that was made towards white people.

    True that I'm not a 'marginalized person' in terms of race but I certainly have other glass ceilings that I have to deal as do ALL humans. If you think that the one thing I've mentioned in a single forum post is the representative of all of my 'racist' or 'prejudiced' experience you are sorely mistaken. There are many, many types of prejudice that have nothing to do with race and yes they even effect WHITE PEOPLE.
  18. starjimstar

    starjimstar Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2008
    As a gay man, I am aware of that.
  19. Requiem667

    Requiem667 Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2009
    Thank you - that was intelligent and thought out :) I agree the game itself isn't racist as some are implying in the polling and discussions.

    I DO agree and see how people could be offended as they obviously are. I'm certainly not insensitive to that... but I hate watching people over react when it wasn't something intentional. It's almost like some here are more irrate than the people making the original complaint!

    I also agree that more could be done that's not about sacrifice like the current gifts of fish and coconuts but that's another issue entirely. The game/app is still fun.
  20. jmarquiso

    jmarquiso Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    We can't please everybody. But there's a huge amount of difference between making a misstep and saying, "I didn't mean it so screw you," and "I'm sorry, that wasn't our intent. I hope we can resolve this somehow."

    An example of an unintentionally racist statement was the aforementioned "white privilege" remark. It's equally ironic in terms of the reaction to that since, while it's racist from a certain perspective (oh yeah, I'm also half white), it wasn't meant to be (a certain amount of privilege exists in my experience, but it isn't limited to race as much as class - in my experience).

    I don't think intention has a lot to do with this discussion. The fact is, intended or not, an offense was made. It's up to Pocket God, and Apple, to do something about it.

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