so if the little PI pygmies resemble real pacific islanders how do they know about it pocket god and iphones? i mean the last update just gave them a toilet and the update before that gave them a fishing rod, there pretty far behind so when did they get computers and internet?
This is why there are so many games on the App Store where you kill aliens and zombies. There's no pro-alien or pro-zombie groups to make an outrage over zombie abuse.
i think zombies are always treated unfairly there always portrayed as the bad guys but they do have a good side, they can be very patient and listen to everything you have to say there very good listeners /sigh
we don't offend too easily here in NV have you seen our billboards? lol anyways, as Eric Cartman once said, if you sensor one thing, it starts a chain reaction and we'll see more and more "offensive" stuff pulled. First baby shaker, which is genuinely offensive to many, but this whole pacific islander thing is a bit of a stretch. like others have said, It's not like you see white dudes freaking out over Mr. Smith. some people just insist that they are victims, when in reality they just like making a fuss for whatever reason. you see people like this in every race, religion, sex, or otherwise. some people just think the world is out to get them when it's probably all in their head. no need to get all Tipper Gore on everybody
This is just sad. Everyone just has to complain about something now adays. Big ****ing deal. The pygmies in pocket god look similar to Pacific Islanders. Ohhhh. With that logic I can say those Russians that get shot in CoD look like Russians so that should be recalled. Oh and the Locust in GeOW look similar to humans so that should be recalled. And the skeletons in GOW look similar to humans so it should be recalled. And don't get me started on BIA, iDracula, Zombieville, Hill Billy, and Alien Mangle... This is pathetic. When did the world become so ****ing douchey? Honestly no one can take a joke now adays. Everything has to be taken seriously. Just pathetic.
The Baby Shaker story was put in the Newsweek magazine this week. It was ranked 18 (out of 100, thank god) in the "wall of shame"
Geez, next we are gunna see Shooter pulled because Africans are killed... Or maybe Oregon Trail, because it sterotypes Native Americans... Or maybe Rolando, I mean all the bad guys are black!!! Or maybe... you could go on for a long long time...
id ont like using periods or space on my iphone i always hit return and stuff so i just leave they always turn out super long
Well, midgets aren't a race, so there's no racism involved... though they might be on a short list of people you despise. . And I certainly wasn't trying to fan any flames or start racist comparisons... with actual offensive apps like Baby Shaker, and with actual real world issues like the economy, Somalian pirates, terrorism, and the (unlikely, but possible) potential for a swine flu pandemic, it's my opinion that "why don't we just drop the little things and have fun?" ...'Course, I'm a tie-dye wearin', Birkenstock-lovin' dude, so maybe that's just my style. .
i was just messing around anywase i take everything like its a joke idc if people are racist its there lifestyle or opinion or whatever
Yeah i know that, but sometimes when i hit it i accidentally hit return and don't feel like fixing it.i am on a computer now anyway. cant wait for the landscape keyboard