you mean the golden picea paritri? Yeh i only have one but it's still easy to breed with it. Is you're plus name cygnet7?
if anyone want to help me with the muddy buddys award i would be grateful. plus+ name is the same as my name here.
BASE COLOR Aqua Azure Beige Black Blue Cocos Emerald Glass Green Golden Lime Marine Maroon Olive Orange Pink Purple Red Royal Tangelo Violet White Yellow PATTERN COLOR Albeo Aurum Bruna Caelus Callaina Cafea Carota Ceres Floris Folium Muscus Picea Pruni Tingo Viola PATTERN Adamantis Africanus Anura Bovis Calyx Clunicula Crustalli Marmorea Mixtus Nasus Partiri Puncti Roboris Serpentis Spinae Stellata Tribus Velatus Viduo If anyone needs any frogs from this list, PM me! All I ask in return is something I don't already have. Thank you to everyone I've traded with so far! Keep 'em comin'!
Martinz. Help me out a bit? plus + : thegrave I'm a pretty terrible player.. but if anything strikes your fancy, just tell me.
anyone have any decent frog that has a rarity of 3 and above to give away haha so bored with all these levels 1s plus+ id is: imnauseous
Black widow to give away I've got a black widow (for the black widow achievement, I think it's the black tingo viduo froggy) to give away First quoted reply gets it! Don't forget to leave your ID! cheers!
Sweetheart froggies! Just completed the valentine achievement! 3 violet albeo roboris (such pretty cute adorable froggies IMO) looking for new habitats! Again, first come first serve! Quote reply with your ID! Xoxo