Thank you so so much for the glass and Nodare! I don't really have anything to give in return, but thank you!
V3.0.5 update available. Um or was it already available? MartiNZ posted about it a few pages back. I thought it was 3.0.4 until today.
New to pocket frogs Hi my name is Alana and I have just returned to pocket frogs. I don't have any friends who play and would like to. My friend code is 8J2Q I am also wondering how Froggydex works can someone give me anow idea please
More people! Crazy lol. And returning! Were you a really early on player then? The 'dex keeps track of breeds you have discovered and colour combinations you have bred within them, and lets you clone any such frogs ... for a price! @fazstp: Yeah it was available already. Not sure what it did other than fix that handy bug I was using lol. I remember you from the old days too, good to have more people back posting
Good to hear from you again! It appears 3.05 update for iOS was released much later than the one for Android. I have been checking App Store frequently for it as PF force quits multiple times a day on my old iPad mini. It seems more stable now with it installed. Kind regards,
Yeah I used to play it on the icon touch without the camera in 2010 then I had it on my firest android phone but then it disappeared but I recently searched it and it came up i was so happy and thanks that makes much more sense
I used to play it on my I pod toucheck without the camera but then I couldn't update it because of the IOS update was new than the ipod in 2010 and I got it on my first anDROID phone but then it disappeared and I searched it just the other day and I found it. Thanks that mages much more sense
Needing frogs I am in need of any yellow Anura frogs the only Anura frogs I need except the glass ones can any help me? Please
Does anyone have any low level chroma frogs they could spare? My old device wasn't able to update so I lost everything. Can't seem to breed the chroma the old way. I have glass if anyone wants to trade. My code is 8QXN
Thank you very very much. I love breeding pretty babies. Can't wait till I get back to endangered, they have the best to breed
Woo still more people coming back. Getting reset is lame for sure! I'll make a point of sending some higher level ones for cash also, as that is key early on ... especially now that the bug enabling high level breeding has been fixed!
Mailbox Hi all, I was just wondering if the frogs that you find and the frogs that are gifted to your mailbox they go on the 'dex? From Alana
Mailbox frogs are added to the froggydex only AFTER they are released to the habitats. Any pond or friend gifts to which are sold when they appear (clicking no thanks) or removed from MB won't be added to the 'dex. Thank you to all who sent frog gifts!
Reached 1,000 frogs and level 23. Still really enjoying this second run around, but the lag that comes after a few minutes of playing on Android is a right pain. The UI suffers bouncing in the menus so it is difficult to know what you're selecting, and as it doesn't give a confirmation, to know to whom you're gifting!
Thank you that has helped a lot.imember still getting used to it as it has changed in remember that they used to have requests for frogs what happened to them? I am just on level 6 and whats the best way to level up? I sent you some frogs that my little sister wacted to send you she likes your name
Hi all, How on earth do you move the flowers in the habitats around? I'm so confused they are all on top of each other and I swear you used to have to drago them around any help?