Thank you to: Snappy for a Spargo, Tessera, Pulvillus, Skeletos and trio of Latus Vivilion and AndiNZ for a Spargo
Thank you to Snappy for the Templum, Hexas, and Latus. Also, sorry for the delay on the return gifts. I will hopefully get them to you sometime soon. heeranc for the Fortuno
Thank you to: AndiNZ for a Templum, Spargo, and Pyramis Snappy for a Lotus flagfrogger for a Hexas and Tessera Vivilion for an Axis
Just got back into this game Use to Play the game with my android years ago. Just downloaded it on my iPhone and interested. My Game Center name is Sarahmint
Thank you from over the weekend to: Snappy for an Infinitas, bunch of Botulus and pairs of Hexas and Spargo flagfrogger for a Pluma and Shelbus Vivilion for a Latus ANdiNZ for a Pyramis
Hey, all! Long time no post! Just wanted to let you all know I'm taking a page from Lisi's book. I simply don't have the time to be as active with the game and will not be trading as much. I had slowed it down to about once a week; however, after a vacation, I checked and have just finished sending out the last of over 50 frogs that had been waiting for me!! While I appreciate your thinking of me (especially Snappy, Andi, Quo and Lisi), I simply don't have that sort of time. So I am asking, with thanks, that I only be sent the occasional gift (so I know I haven't been quite forgotten!) and that you forgive if it takes me awhile to reciprocate. I don't want to delete the game, as I may want to come back to it later. Thanks for understanding. Happy Frogging!
Hi All : ) Maybe some day I'll have a big enough collection to have frogs worth trading, but until then I'm asking for help again : { I've been looking everywhere for a Ludo, to no avail. If someone could help me out with: 1 Ludo - any color 1 Veru - any color I would be most grateful!!!! Thank you in advance!!!!
Free frogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is a list of frogs that I have available to be gifted out, let me know if you need them: Latus: Olive Aurum Ceres Bruna and Albeo Pink Aurum and Albeox2 Cocos Aurum Violet Carota Tangelo Callaina Beige Albeo and Pruni Lime Tingo Red Callaina Black Callaina Green Pruni Spargo: White Caelus Picea Folium and Floris Golden Albeo and Aurum Azure Picea Viola and Muscus Pink Carota and Muscus Lime Pruni Marine Carota Green Caelus and Carota Orange Ceres and Muscus Emerald Tingo Purple Ceres Beige Pruni Olive Cafea Hexas: Blue Floris and Albeo Beige Caelus Orange Pruni Lime Aurum Azure Bruna Purple Muscus Cocos Folium Red Caelus Green Tingo Janus: Red Carota Janus Violet Pruni Janus
Hello, all. I've been frogless for the last week, having lost my phone at Dinosaur National Monument in Utah while on vacation. Loved the park and the dinos, less thrilled with being phone-less. They found it and are sending it back to me, so I may have it back by the end of this week. But if anyone's sent me frogs and wondered what happened to me, that's it. Thanks to Snappy for a bunch of frogs the week before. Hopefully I'll be back in the game (literally) before too long.
Thank you to: flagfrogger for a Splendico, Hexas, Pistrix, and Spargo Canadian for a Pistrix AndiNZ for a pair of Spargo Vivilion for a Gemma and a Frondis heeranc for a Fortuno Snappy for a Favus, Fortuno, Scutalta, Pulvillus, and pairs of Spargo and Latus
Thank you to: Snappy for a Splendico, Janus, pair of Spargo, and a trio of Templum Jackaboom for a Latus AndiNZ for a Botulus