Thanks to my patient trading friends RQuilt, Snappy, heeranc, butterflyo for all the lovely frogs. RQ, if you still have any of the following, I could use: Latus - Blue Picea, Purple Picea Spargo - Olive Pruni, Blue Picea, Purple Muscus-Viola-Flora, Beige Folium-Muscus-Floris-Picea, Pink Viola & Albeo, Emerald Callaina, Maroon Callaina Happy Friday & a good upcoming weekend to all! (sunglasses because it's scorching here)
Wow! Hi, guys. Just stopping in after a long absence to see how things are going in this, the longest thread. And, wow, rquilt, you did it! Congratulations on your persistence & dedication. I'm delighted to see that you're sticking around to help those who are still striving to join the 100% club - that is so generous. Others 100%-ers have stuck around, too, & it made this thread all the richer. NO, I'm not playing! Am blissfully sitting at 26% & quite happy here. Nonetheless, some of you incredible souls have been gifting me (yeah, I mean you, Froeschi, Snappy & Andi!). What I do when I open the game every month or two or three is just regift everything I receive. So far just the newest, high value frogs. If you get back what you sent me (I'm not keeping track), please pass it on. All of you are just incredible. And you, NB, hit one out of the ballpark with this game.
Thank you for the kind words, lisianne. Great hearing from you! I hope everything is going as well as could be!
Greedy Me Hi all!!! Once again, I find myself greedily requesting frogs, as I've not gifted a frog to anyone else : / I would like to get: 1 Biplex, any color 1 Pingo, any color I don't have a very big frog collection since I just picked this game up again after being gone for a few years, but am willing to trade any frogs in my collection (except my only Nebula, which was a special gift!) Thanks in advance for any help # Oops, forgot: my Game Center ID is R4NDYSG1RL Thank you!
RQ- you definitely are amazing! After we became "frog-friends" and I looked at your game my heart practically STOPPED when I saw your 'dex! Guess I never realized 100% was even a possibility! YOU ARE MY IDOL! #
I will get them to you in a few. No need for a trade back. UPDATE: I sent you a couple of Pingos that I had. Biplex will take a little long as I still have to mature them. UPDATE2: Sent you a bunch of Biplex Thank you for the kind words and compliments! I am very humbled! It took me a few years (yes years) and few updates with new frogs to finally get to 100%. Persistence and patience is key. Also, having a great group of friends constantly trading with you helps a ton! Hopefully, you will be around just as along and I will be congratulating you on reaching 100!
Thank you to: AndiNZ for pairs of Vicis and Pyramis Snappy for a Pulvillus, Splendico, pair of Spargo, and a trio of Hexas Vivilion for a Latus Jackaboom for a Spargo and Gemma, and trios of Latus and Hexas
Available frogs to claim for those who need them: Latus: Aqua Tingo Emerald Viola Pink Aurum Albeo and Picea Olive Aurum(x2) Bruna Ceres and Albeo(x2) Orange Chroma and Albeo Lime Pruni and Tingo Green Viola and Pruni Black Callaina and Tingo Beige Pruni and Muscus Yellow Caelus Cocos Aurum Spargo: Azure Picea(x2) Viola and Muscus Blue Ceres Lime Pruni Marine Carota Green Caelus and Carota Orange Muscus Glass Aurum Emerald Tingo Purple Ceres Beige Pruni Hexas: Lime Aurum Aqua Carota Violet Aurum Orange Pruni Infinitas: Lime Aurum(x4) and Tingo Purple Tingo and Aurum Botulus: Blue Aurum Marine Aurum Maroon Picea Viola and Bruna Other: Olive Bruna Biplex Azure Chroma Splendico
Thank you to: Snappy for the Hexas and Spargo AndiNZ for the Infinitas and Spargo Jackaboom for a Fractus, Dimidius, pair of Spargo and bunch of Latus My updated list of available frogs...let me know if you need them: Latus: Aqua Tingo Red Callaina Violet Carota Tangelo Callaina Emerald Viola Pink Aurum Albeo and Picea Olive Aurum(x2) Bruna Ceres and Albeo(x2) Orange Chroma and Albeo Lime Pruni and Tingo Green Viola and Pruni Black Callaina and Tingo Beige Pruni Albeo and Muscus Yellow Caelus Cocos Aurum Spargo: Azure Picea(x2) Viola and Muscus Blue Ceres Lime Pruni Marine Carota Green Caelus and Carota Orange Muscus Glass Aurum Emerald Tingo Purple Ceres Beige Pruni White Folium Olive Cafea Hexas: Lime Aurum Aqua Carota Violet Aurum Orange Pruni White Picea Infinitas: Lime Aurum(x2) Purple Tingo and Aurum Botulus: Blue Aurum Marine Aurum Maroon Viola and Bruna Other: Olive Bruna Biplex Azure Chroma Splendico
Hello, all, hope everyone is having a good weekend, or about to. Thanks to RQ for a flurry of frogs! RQ, I could use any of the following, if you've still got them: Latus: Aqua Tingo Emerald Viola Pink Picea Orange Chroma and Albeo Spargo: Blue Ceres Glass Aurum weirdly, I have no glass Spargo. And only one Glass Hexas, the Muscus. I feel like I'm not giving the Glass the love they deserve! Hexas: Aqua Carota Violet Aurum White Picea Botulus: Blue Aurum Marine Aurum Maroon Viola Other: Olive Bruna Biplex Thanks again!
Thank you to: Vivilion for a Lauts and Hennae Butterflyo for a Lotus flagfrogger for a Hexas Jackaboom for a Papilio, Hexas, Skeletos, Spargo, Shelbus, and trio of Latus
Thank you to: Vivilion for a Latus and Hexas flagfrogger and AndiNZ each for a Pyramis For those who live in the states, Enjoy your Holiday weekend!
Been a while.. I did not have an iPhone for the longest time. Well, I finally get one, go to check on this game and find four new breeds had been added! Splendid news! My phone even restored my old progress which is just as wonderful. So I look up some information on the new breeds, even check my Dex and the strangest occurrence has happened. Somehow I have 2% of Splendico, 25% of Hexas, 52% of Sprago, and 44% of Latus already discovered... But I don't know how this is possible, I haven't touched the game since the new breeds were put in until now.... So I'm kind of lost and a bit scared.... But anyway, nice to see some old faces again and I will try and get back to gifting as soon as I remember where I stopped off at. I can barely remember what I was breeding for the last time I played, how sad...
Thank you to: heeranc for a Fortuno flagfrogger for a Splendico ANdinz for a Janus, Pyramis and a bunch of Spargo Butteflyo for a pair of Arcus Snappy for a Fortuno and Nebula and trios of Spargo and Latus Vivilion for a Splendico