Hey guys! This thread is solely for the purpose of offering, asking for, and receiving frogs in pocket frogs. I ask that you post all trade offers in this thread because the game thread is getting cluttered. Thanks.
Hi, I really need 2 Yellow Tinge Anura, 2 Red Picea Puncti and 1 Purple Floris Anura. I'm ready to exchange them against rare frogs in my collection. Plus+ ID : Aying Thanks
Can someone spare a YELLOW TINGO ANURA and some BLUE frog? Would be really cool. Plus+ ID -> Lucomagna. Check my Collection if you need Frogs. Thanks!
Maybe all active users interested in trading frogs could 'open' a shop and keep editing their post - depending on their offers / wanted frog? So this thread doesn't get too confusing, because noone knows after the first few pages, which frogs have to be sent and which offers are old? Frog-Shop (Plus+ID: Poppajoe) Offers: - Yellow Tingo Anura - Yellow Tingo Marmorea - Yellow Albeo Anura - Red Tingo Marmorea - Red Albeo Marmorea (2x) - Tangelo Pruni Adamantis Wants: - world peace Just PM me here - I'll drop in within the day
Hello! Plus+ name is: Amarilli I would need: A couple of picachu frogs (yellow tingo Anura) to start the achievement A Tangelo Callaina Zebrae for a request. Pls feel free to browse through my collection and ask me stuff in exchange. Got some nice puncti and some royal Many thanks to those who helped me: mvon007, bensm, **scorpion ( sry can't remember exact name ) The game badly need better social/exchange tools!!
Plus+: moleskinegurl I just finished 'I Choose You' so I have 5 Yellow Tingo Anuras to give away. edit: Thanks for the Blue Albeo, frogggy89!! I need Green and Yellow Albeo Anuras. Thanks!
Hi people I'm willing to send out any of the Rainbow Anura frogs, so just ask me. And I'm looking for: -Purple Folium Clunicula -Olive Bruna Velatus -Beige Cerus Velatus if anyone has these My plus+ name is frogggy89 (frogggy89 has been my nickname and email address for years, so it seems rather appropriate that I'm totally obsessed with this game!)
I would like them! Sorry I can't help in return though. I just played without knowing of the achievements, just found out about them late last night.
I still have 5 Cocos Cafea Crostalli to give away (just finished the Muddy Buddies). First come, first served. Feel free to add me: tf58
Does anyone have a Roboris frog of any color (the kind with hearts on it)? If you do, please gift it to me! I'm "sweetdiss" on Plus+, and I'll send you whatever you want for it. PM or reply to this thread and I'll see if I have what you are looking for (I'll even breed it if I have the raw parts), or just drop by my habitats and look around! Thanks!
Hey, I'm looking for a Olive Bruna Velatus (any Bruna/Olive would be great) and any frog with a Picea pattern color (Azure Picea Anura would be best). I'm sure I'd have something to trade if anyone has any of the above . Thanks!
if anyone has any spare frogs then send some my way Plus:LukeLUFC EDIT: Could someone send me a pikachu please? i will give you a frog in return