I promise to upload some frog baby pics on Monday, I've been working my but off programming and I forgot
Can we have it so it can use the GPS so we can maybe send it to people a certain distance from us? and maybe track how far the frog goes??? Idea is kind of like where where is george on the dollar bills. I think it might be fun seeing where our frog ends up. if not just the send frog to user 10 20 30 or 50 miles from current place.
have it so your frog can be sent to another person within a certain geographical area. Idea being if your friends stop playing you can still send frog to people close to where you live, and maybe make more friends to trade with.
Hmm, that is an interesting idea. Part of me thinks that would require us running our own servers though but I'll have to mull it over.
Flight Control has the thing where you can see the scores for people within a certain radius of you, that is what gave me the idea. Also didn't scoops have something like that? where you could see the scores of people around you How did you plan to be able to trade/ sell the frogs? Maybe in that coding that has the traits of the frogs you can add the GPS location. (Rarity, Maturity, Hunger, Happy, Value: there you can store the User Name and Current GPS location of the Frog) I was also thinking having the frog store the user name of the person who found/bred it. That might make it easier to track it, or make an achievement if you get your frog back (after two weeks or so that way people can't easily cheat)
Another idea maybe Since you are going to have the pond thing be a little bit like Dizzypad, maybe you can add some doodle jump element, to keep it interesting. That could be scaled to the level that the person is on, so it starts simple then go to more complex to keep the game interesting.
Yeah, we certainly want the pond to be a fun experience, and not just a time waster. Not sure how game-like it will be yet. At a minimum the gifting will allow you to send a frog or piece of scenery to one of your plus+ friends. I do like the idea of recording who sent you the frog, but again I don't think any particular frog will stick around for terribly long since the idea is to be constantly breeding new frogs (and making space for them) to earn the different awards and trying to win the breeding challenges.