Alright Do I like rubbing it in everybody's faces? Meh, but I like rubbing it in his face because he would constantly come into this thread saying that the game is out, blahblahblah.
Of course he is, remember Paul is the one who barged into the thread, told us the game was out twice, then when "tricked" into thinking it was out said he couldn't trust us, then didn't believe Eeenmachine when he said it was going to be out on Wednesday.
Oh! Sorry, I sold them about 30 minutes ago. Bah, I need Wednesday to come. Need some more stamps and potions. In other news, my safari achievement is shaping up nicely.
love the game so far. very addictive and kinda relaxing too. there is one bad thing about it though and that is if your gf sees it, you're not gonna get your iPod/iPhone back for a while btw, if anyone wants to gift me any frogs feel free to do so
Sell all the frogs, tell her she didn't take care of them properly and they died. There's your solution.
haha I know. I've only just got my ipod back off her and now she's already asking to use it again so she can check on the frogs. lol I'll be glad when Wednesday comes cos then she can put it on her ipad and I'll be able to use my ipod again.