Will there be some sort of frog-opedia or way of keeping track of which frogs we've had, even if they've been sold/gifted? If all we can see from our efforts is the frogs we own currently it might lack a real sense of progression. With games like Pokemon you had the Pokedex, so if you didn't have that specific creature anymore you still had the evidence that it's "been done" so to speak.
Three questions: 1. Will one trait be a glow like the golden frog in Dizzypad? 2. Will there be a trait like the Nimble Legs frog? 3. Would it be too much to have a single lilypad in Dizzypad where we could send our frog over to play?
Y'know, I've never even played Dizzypad (although it's on my account, my girlfriend downloaded it when it went free) but something told me a glowing golden frog would be a cool idea. Or one with a white glow... 'cause it's holy.
I can't believe I didn't think of that; that's a great idea! Dizzypad is strangely addicting. @ Ian: How are you planning on implementing the gifting? Is it going to utilize Plus+?
Stamps will be used in the game to have items you've bought from the store instantly delivered. For instance if there is a breeding challenge ending tomorrow and there is a frog in the store you need to breed towards it, you can use a stamp to have the frog delivered instantly instead of waiting 30 mins or whatever the shipping time is for that item. Stamps will be awarded when players level up, through IAP, and perhaps even collected in the Pocket Frog pond.
1. There are tons of new & crazy looking frogs. 2. Not sure. 3. That would require adding A LOT of assets to Dizzypad to support every single Pocket Frogs frog. So probably not And if I don't answer every single question sorry, I'm pretty busing programming the game Edit: Nameable frogs aren't planned, as there will probably be a high frog turn over rate.
Oooh, that's a great idea. What are you planning on doing with the pond? Is it just a new environment for the frogs to be moved to, where they become happy and stuff? Maybe you could play various Tamagochi-styled minigames with them to increase happiness by a certain amount instantly. Speaking of, what exactly does happiness and hunger contribute to? Do the frogs need a certain amount of hunger and happiness to breed?
are there certain circumstances where they can't breed and will anything bad happen if breeding fails?
The pond (which isn't completely designed yet) is intended to be a kind of like a sandbox version of dizzypad (not necessarily with the spinning mechanic) that the player can explore. As you jump from pad to pad exploring the pond, your frog's happiness will increase, and if you are able to snare any bugs, your hunger will decrease. Along with pleasing and feeding your frog you might come across some other unexpected surprises. Happiness and hunger determine how active or sleepy your frog is in the habitat, and both must be maximized for the frog to be eligible for breeding.
I'm way too hyped for this game. I should be too old for virtual pets, but... frogs are just so damn awesome. I'm playing Dizzypad right now, I've unlocked 7 frogs already Edit: make that 10 frogs.
This looks amazing! I've always loved virtual pets and breeding them, and this is an amazing looking game. Especially with trading!
We didn't think tadpoles were very cute so Pocket Frogs grow from birth to around 25% maturity in tiny egg-like water droplets.