saintsalive add add add! I'll show you my glass frog :3 My favorite is my plain brown Cocos Bruna Anura because he's my favorite to play on Dizzypad.
you already have the bonus frog >.< still waiting for mines to arrive, nice you can see other people's frogs
The Pro store's not working for me, also, is there a way to donate coins? Cuz I spent a lot on a habitat and I refuse to part with any of my babies, so donations to the Saints fund would be appreciated. XD
black floris tribus, the pinkish black one, how do i get more money? nice just breededmany times and found a potion in the pond , we are know Frog Tamers!
I know that, I just stupidly bred a bunch of totally unique frogs and filled up my 2 habitats, so I bought another and started breeding them, accidentally got more unique species and... This is why I'm not a very good pokemon trainer... I have this dumb sentimental feeling for pixels where I refuse to part with them... if I trade with someone I have to have another pokemon, exactly like it. Same with the cards, except I just begged my mom to get a card just like it off of ebay so I could still have it. XD Sooo I'll try to breed some more and sell them, but I want duplicates! X3
It would be cool to be able to see its organs, like how the tadpoles of my REAL pet frogs (african clawed, aka Grow-A-Frog) are see-through. I could check their leetle hearts, see how they were digesting, watch their body functions work. Though that probably wouldn't make for a cutesy frog game. XD
i lost a frog found in a present since my mailbox was full, is there an option to expand your mailbox? i need moar frogs plus+ in my sig