I already tried that. They're way too expensive at Wal Mart, maybe at the general store they have generic ones that are cheaper?
yah, but like how's he gonna afford pocketfrogs for 2.99 when it only costs 1.99 to get a life... now THATS a stumper.... hmmm
IDK, 12 hungarian dollars are alot... how about 1900000 pesos? O and I had a life but I kinda lost it... they have em cheap on street corners, just ask the guy with the fuzzy purple leopard print hat! <3
lol, no thanks. I found a really good one at Target for only $999.99... Good thing it wasn't $1000 or I'd have been broke!
Actually, it's waaaay more than that. $999.99 x000.075 (sales tax where I live) ----------- $74.99925 YOUR LIFE COSTS $1,074.98. D:
you're really all talking about the price of lives? SERIOUSLY? you should all go get a life! i heard wal-mart sells five packs real cheap. why not all chip in some?
I gave my current one to my neighbor's little kid and got a new one offline. Super discount! Only $29.99 USD! It came with one of those free plastic matchbox cars that you pull back and it goes vroom!
have another question for y'all. i'm currently using an ipod touch first gen.if i go out and decide to finally upgrade my ipod to the forth gen once it's released in stores(assuming this game comes out before)then will my game data be able to be moved over to the new ipod?(since i'm going to assume its stored on the plus+ servers)
I'm not making promises, but I'd assume it would. I had to restore once and logged in to Plus+ and my game data was fine, but I'm not sure if it would be the same device to device.