What's New in Version 1.3 Just in time for Christmas! Pirates with Santa hats? Well, not exactly. Instead we thought we'd give you something better! * 3 New Bowsprits, Fin, Ouija and Skimmer (really fun!) * New splash screens * New icon * Improved menu performance * Enhanced Twitter integration for iOS 5 and above * New screen that helps you choose game modes easier * Shipyard has been renamed to Upgrades! * Replaced the feedback button with a twitter button * Shows what level you're playing on the pause menu * Updated pause tutorial graphic from touch to hold + Other tweaks and fixes... We hope you like the update, remember, let us know on Twitter @jtsgames, we like to hear from you! Happy Christmas from the Johnny Two Shoes brothers!
It's back but now under new company name - Glitchers LTD,check JohnyTwoShoes' Twitter for more info,we can still hope for prevail!
I care! This one slipped through, but I care! The Prevail thread was reactivated by the dev, and it seems the game is on its final development stage