I've been setting up my game's level data inside plists and finding that the built in OSX Property List Editor was a bit lacking. I needed to bulk load data into NSArray fields and it was a pain. Looking around, I found this editor, which seems to be pretty nice. It shows a panel with the PList's XML on the bottom and a regular PList edit view on top. So in my case, I easily pasted XML for the NSArray fields in the bottom and could then see the new fields in the regular plist edit view in the top panel. http://www.fatcatsoftware.com/plisteditpro/ I'm not at all affiliated with the company, just throwing out a heads up if anyone is really heavy duty into plist editing. Yeah, a plist is just XML and you can use a normal XML editor, but I liked the dual pane view and it was easy to use without potentially having any XML typos or whatever.