Seems like there are a couple of interesting releases this week. 2013: Infected Wars looks like the main reason to own a Vita. Damascus Gear looks like it could be interesting, but I'm not too sure. There is also a port of Metal Slug 3, but I'm personally not willing to pay $15 for it. If anyone tries MS3 or DG, please post your impressions. Oh, and has anyone tried Oreshika?
They should have given us a Metal Slug collection for that price. I don't think we got 2013: Infected Wars here in the US, but it is a mobile game port, which isn't too promising.
I agree, it looks like a straight up port without any enhancements. I used to love those games, but I'm not paying that much. I would have paid $20 for at least 3 of the games though. I'm in the US and I saw Infected Wars in the store. I figured it was a mobile port since the price was $5.
I can download it here I the U.S. and yep, it's a port of a crappy mobile game. I'm pretty interested in Damascus Gear and Oreshika too. I don't have enough gaaaammes!
I ended up buying Damascus because I haven't played a mech game in a while and it looked awesome. The game so far is decent. It kind of plays like a Mission-based Diablo with mechs, if that makes any sense. There are a few different types of missions. There are ones where you destroy enemy mechs (RAGE), escort a friendly, find/deliver supplies, and compete against friendlies. Each mission you are ranked based on your performance. While I'm not sure, it seems that the anount of times you heal is the biggest factor in which rank you get. The missions themselves all take place in the same city. As you progress through the missions you unlock more parts of the city. I personally dislike having the same map reused for almost all of the missions. The map itself is pretty bland because it is a city, and the different sections you unlock aren't that different. There are no skills or levels in this game. However, you do find quite a bit of loot from defeated RAGE. You can sell your loot and buy some at a shop, but the loot you find on the field is almost always better than the loot in the shop. The types of loot includes; weapons for your arms (you can use one on each arm), back weapons, helmets, chest armor, arm armor, and leg armor. Loot tends to have different attributes which may have positive or negative impacts. There are a decent amount of weapon types. There are swords, chainsaws, rifles, machine guns, shotguns, lasers, missiles launchers, mines, and a couple other types. I do wish there was a bit more variety seeing as loot is the only thing you have to upgrade your mech (GEAR). There are a variety of enemy mechs (RAGE). They tend to wield different types of weapons and can require different approaches to defeat. I would like to see even more variety though because it can get boring defeating the same enemies over and over again. The AI seems to have some issues. The enemy will sometimes stop attacking and moving for a few moments, allowing you to murderize them. Once I fought a RAGE that was sort of like a boss and it stopped moving and attacking. I was able to sit there and attack it until it died without it firing a single shot. The friendly AI sometimes suffers from the same issues. They will occasionally stand there and take a beating without attacking back. This can be frustrating when you are supposed to defend a friendly who seems content with dying. The game also has some localization issues. For example, the X and O buttons are set so X is back and O is confirm. The translation seems okay, I haven't noticed any terrible spelling or grammar issues. The font they use however is difficult to read. It tends to look like there are lack of spaces, which can make reading the text a bit annoying. Hopefully you are a platinum trophy Hunter either, because the trophies are all in Japanease. Overall it is a decent game with some flaws. It's a decent time waster and some fun can be had with the came. I can't really highly recommend it, but it isn't terrible either. Maybe wait until a sale to pick this one up. I would personally give this one a 6/10. Hopefully this helps you a bit.
As a huge fan (like 100s of hours playing time fan ) of Demon's Souls I can tell you'll have serious trouble with the game if your connection doesn't allow a perfect streaming. One second lag will be more than enough to kill you in many occasions.
Ha, I know it would make it a lot more difficult. The app said my connection was okay, but their idea of okay may be different than mine. I heard it was more challenging than Dark Souls, so I'm sure streaming it would be lots of fun. I didn't really find Dark Souls difficult to be honest. On my Xbox I played through it without leveling up (After a few normal playthroughs). The one thing I loved about it was that when I died, it was always clearly my fault and not some difficulty spike. Oh, this is random but have you heard nemerleb talk about Salt and Sanctuary? It is supposedly inspired by the Souls games.
Haha, that sounds awesome. Sadly I wasn't blessed by Sony, so I cannot experience it. If it isn't too much trouble could you post a picture? I'm sorry, but it sounds pretty funny.
Lmfao. Taking away away but inserting this useless feature. Oh Sony... At least they added remappable controls? People can take advantage of that at least.
Let's be honest: No one gave a shit about maps or near (even though only parts of near were removed).
Woops I ate a word. Meant to say they took away Youtube. The app was good and a life saver for those who wanted it. Also didn't some games take advantage of Near? Uncharted has some trophies for it too I guess? Of course I never used any of those but some people did... Destiny Of Spirits is also shutting down after a year. Sorry but all of these things are bad moves from Sony's behalf don't you think?
Near wasn't removed, they just removed the feature where it'd display where each near update would display a location and if you tapped on it it'd show a map of where you were when that near update happened. In other words: They removed a feature that no one's really going to miss. It is a shame about the YouTube app though, although that isn't being removed through the update. While I haven't used it ever since I got my Shield Tablet (because let's be honest: Watching YouTube videos on an 8" screen with much better built in speakers is kind of better), but the design of the Vita's YouTube app was kind of nice. I just hope they don't remove the twitter app, since I still use that for sharing screenshots... (I wouldn't want to have to do that via a PC)
Ahhh OK. I misunderstood that Near thing, but now it's clear. So what do we make of this situation now in terms of console longevity? Do you interpret it as "refining" the Vita experience, or further distancing themselves from the console? I truly think they can still push the Vita as a PSNow streaming device and for remote play. But they aren't playing their cards the right way.
Ah, my apologies. I thought that it was a glitch with the update, not a feature. Do you have any idea what the use of this feature is?
Perhaps it's for getting through the cave part of Metal Gear Solid 3 while playing in a fairly brightly lit area? I mean, I guess it's easier to make out things in an almost completely white picture than it is in an almost completely black one... Honestly though, I have no idea.
Ha, I guess that is a fair enough answer. Thank you for being this "feature" to my attention and providing pictures. It is quite interesting...
That is awesome then! And interesting too. You know, that some people can actually see through inverted colors ^^