Playstation Vita Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Haruhi, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Thanks for saving me some money! I'll probably hold off then.
  2. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    Hey, I need some advice from you all. I'm thinking about playing Persona 4G, but I was wondering what difficulty would suit me the best. I'm not sure how difficult the game normally is, and whether the harder difficulties are frustrating or not. I like a challenge, but I don't like it when you're really underpowered and everyone else can kill you in one hit. I would appreciate any advice!
  3. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    I have about 14 hours logged so not much compared to others here, but I'd start with normal. That way there is quite a challenge and a good feeling of risk if you lose, but if you do it isn't devastating. Also, how many JRPGs have you played?
  4. nemerleb

    nemerleb Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2013
    Depends. Are you going for the platinum? Then I recommend at least normal difficulty but higher is better (for the Risette trophy).
    If you only wanna enjoy the story and characters then easy difficulty.
    Frankly Persona/SMT/DeSu games are piss easy once you fuse a lot of personas and know how to take advantage of ennemies weaknesses (especially when you stick Hama/Mudo skills to every late game persona).
  5. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    I went with normal like you suggested. I read online that the higher difficulties are more so of a grind.

    I haven't played many jRPGs besides the Final Fantasy series. I used to not care for them much, but lately I've learned to enjoy them quite a bit.

    Thanks for your advice!

    I'm not planning on pursuing the platinum trophy. I went with normal because 164 suggested it and I read online that the later difficulties involve a lot more grinding. So far, the game has been piss easy. Thanks for you advice!
  6. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    I have the Nyko Power Grips which make it so your fingers don't rest on the backpad. They're pretty comfortable. I don't know why, but I tend to lose feeling in my hands randomly. When I play with the Vita it tends to happen more often. The grips help with that issue, but it still randomly comes and goes. One thing I should mention is that the grips pretty much double the weight of the Vita (and doubles the battery life).
  7. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
  8. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Flame Over is a pretty cool firefighting themed, brutally difficult rogue-like. Did anyone else pick it up? At first you will not get very far at all, but stick with it and it's pretty rewarding and addicting.
  9. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    No I didn't, but it sounds pretty neat. It seems you and I are the only survivors of this forum. I have no clue where everyone else is.

    Oh, did you see how the $20 game Helldivers got $9 worth of DLC today? Grrrrrr. Those bitches best be working on enhancing the game we bought and not pumping out DLC or I shall eat their babies.
  10. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    I heard the Jak and Daxter ports were bad.
  11. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    DLC in the console world seems to be about on par as Freemium in the iOS world. DLC used to be something that wasn't ready, generally by months when the original game came out, except for maybe some special looks, or some other "enhancement". Then came the release date, or near release date DLC which is pretty much an in-your-face statement that the studio doesn't think the game can sell for what it really should be selling for, and so the DLC hopefully makes up the shortfall, and allows the game studio to produce the whole game, for the same price, but sell it for more...
  12. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    Not to mention the "near release" DLC would have been in submission prior to the full games release. I'm not against DLC but can't be bothered supporting nickel and dimers. It was $30 here for the full game, if they release the same amount of DLC for Helldimers as they did Magika (24 items I thnk), going off the pack of 3 items you'd be looking at roughly another $100 (around $12.50 for a pack) making for a total of $130 locally, Bloodbourne is day one $95 from PSN.

    No one is forcing anyone to buy anything and I don't really blame them for trying it on, but it is a case of "what do you take me for?"
  13. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    ^ bit harsh considering it's an assumption, but going off track record I don't think it'd be too far off the mark.
  14. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    #7934 crunc, Mar 18, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2015
    In the US the Helldivers DLC is $5.99 (or each pack is available separate for $2.99 - there are 3 of them). It seems reasonably priced, though I don't think it's essential from what a friend of mine says. It's more like giving a tip to the devs if you like the game a lot, and you get some stuff too. Also I didn't pay $20 for it. I paid $17.99 since I have PS+. :) I may get the DLC, but lately I've been diverted to other games.

    P.S. you guys would probably be pissed at Jamestown+ on the PS4. Day 1 DLC. LOL. But it's only $1.99. I bought it because the game is really cool and having some more ships to play sounded fun (plus more trophies), and the game is cheap. $10.79 with PS+ discount.
  15. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    So AC3: liberation is $10 with ps plus, is it worth that?
  16. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    Pack is $10 here, $34 for game. Comparatively it wasn't cheap for a PSN game to begin with. Its good you got it for a reasonable price but the regional pricing on this was whack to begin with. When it's content you will see in game, you will be reminded you don't have the content frequently. A thirty-odd percent tip x who knows how many packs is doing pretty well.
  17. ScotDamn

    ScotDamn Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 8, 2013
    Wireless Sales
    Happy Daddy
    At the time of release I was stoked to buy it at $18. Now I'm happy to throw $5 at the game to get more content. No problem here in my mind. :)
  18. LucianOrb

    LucianOrb Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    It's crap but if you love AC games and don't have a huge backlog like most of us then go for it.

    Agreed. Love the game, more than many recent "full" games, so I want to support the devs despite not digging the sales model, but it's not EA / Activision bad so I can live with that.
  19. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    I guess if it had've been (or even is in the case of the DLC) a fair conversion rate I wouldn't care either, but when we're paying almost double it stinks a bit. Sony have no consistency in that regards, Helldivers being at the worst side of the spectrum.
  20. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008

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