Damn you Der-Kleine, you jinxed me and now I've been too busy to play. I'm still rank 14, you all are going to catch up on me soon! Ahhh! I dislike the tanks also. I was playing a level 10 mission solo and had to activate 3 SAM sites, but there were 3 tanks lingering in the area! Not to mention there were several hammers in the area also. By the way, have you tried using the SOS beacon? I can never get anyone to join with it. Only once did some people join, and they joined 30 seconds before the shuttle arrived.
Yeah, I haven't seen the SOS beacon do anything either. Ever. Then again, the matchmaking system is pretty broken right now...
Hey. So I got a spare code for a Graphic Novel/Sci Fi/Puzzle/adventure game that will be released later on on iOS. Here's the thread for screenshots: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=255079&page=4 Anyway only use the code if you're ready to leave some feedback on the link above to support the devs: RYM3EJMKM6TN
Supposedly the Helldivers 1.0.3 patch they put out yesterday improves matchmaking on Vita. A friend of mine played on Vita and had lots more luck getting into games post patch.
Off Topic! Ban this nemerleb! I mean really, who goes around this forum and posts codes for iOS games? Pshhh, the nerve. This guy needs to learn how to stay on topic, much like I always am.
Off topic, I played a 3DS today for the first time (yay me), the 3D is much more than the gimmick I thought it would be and is really pretty awesome.Videos of games don't really do the handheld justice.
Videos never do it justice since games will always look better on the smaller screens. However the 3D is a hit or miss. Some games are gorgeous (Layton/LZelda) and some others are so bad (Phoenix WrightvsLayton). As far as gimmicks go, the Vita's backpad irritates the hell out of me because it isn't as responsive as I would like it to be (Danganronpa used it and it wasn't good).
But...but...but... Noooooooooooooooooooooo! My whole life... Has been nothing more than a lie... *sniff* *sniff* Wait, that means you're off topic for pointing out that I'm off topic for pointing out nemerleb is off topic. Off-topicception! Dee-Kleine! You must ban us all!
Glad you liked it. I agree that te 3D is awesome. The only thing I hate about it is that it makes the resolution seem even lower than the native resolution... Which is low.
On topic: has anyone played assassin's creed liberation on the vita? Is it any good? I never did play AC3.
It's not absolutely dreadful, but I personally wouldn't call it good. Other than that it is really close to the full console/PC Assassin's Creed gameplay experience it's decent at best in pretty much all areas. The town kind of sucks, the framerate and resolution are not so great, the sound quality is awful, the story is... forgettable and pretty much all of the mechanics they tried to introduce with the female protagonist, while good on paper just turn out to be annoying (when you're forced to use them) and pointless. If you find the game for really cheap then sure, get it I guess, but I wouldn't really recommend it.
Yeah, kinda made me want a 3D Vita. Have either of you (yourself and nemerleb) tried the recent Monster Hunter, would look pretty sweet in 3D? Yeah it's a bit dull half the time, makes me wish I had Jimi Hendrix hands sometimes.
Monster Hunter really isn't my thing. The best you can do is track some topics on gamefaqs. It's got a metacritic of 86 so I feel it's good? http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/762804-monster-hunter-4-ultimate I wonder how much Nintendo's deal with Capcom was to snatch the franchise away from Sony tbh. I wish they would hire them again to do another Zelda. Minish Cap was pure gold. Then again Capcom nowadays...smmfh...
I have Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, and it's a blast. It is still the old Monster Hunter gameplay with some additions, but that's it a bad thing. The 3D effect is pretty good, but it does make everything seem more jagged. I personally switch it from on to off and vice versa quite often.
Back pad of the Vita - PITA. I cant hold the vita without my fingers beng on the back pad, so games that use it make my fingers sore. I have the old 3DS XL and love the 3D but hate the very tiny visual "sweet spot" necessary to play the games. I almost always have to turn off the effect after just a few minutes. Agreed with comments on old Zelda games - oracle of seasons, oracle of ages would be sweet as well.