So this is my first post in this thread..... I had a Nintendo XL, and I liked it, but it no longer works... Was thinking of a Vita, but I am wondering how long this iteration will be viable. I don't want to buy one if a new one is soon on the horizon. Or maybe buying the current version is the smart play? You tell me..... thanks!
The slim came out last May so I'd say 3 years at the least until the next one. I have the slim and it's amazing. It's shocking that the Vita isn't doing as good or better than the 3DS as its defiantly the best on-the-go option for hardcore gamers. So in short: get the Vita!
A guy at GameStop suggested that I should buy the original because it has an OLED screen.... Then he showed me the $115 memory card, and I lost all interest. Sony won't get my business for anything that uses a proprietary storage card. I should have known better.
Sounds like you spoke to a salesman. So yeah they tend to steer you towards spending money. He probably told you that the vita didn't work unless you buy said $115 card. The slim is the way to go, it has better battery, a better lighter design and takes micro usb charge. Buy a smaller memory card and be on your way. Mine came with one and borderlands.
Mine did as well. The OLED is prone to dead spots (something to do with the manufacturing process) and the LCD is fantastic. Mine came with the 8GB card and I just hit max capacity (I'm intending on getting the 32GB now), but 75% of my games are digital indies. so if you want mostly retail releases, 8GB should be more than enough. The memory card prices are probably a huge factor in the fact that the Vita hasn't sold great over the last few years (I believe it is doing better now) and originally scared me away from the system but I talked to the people on this thread and they convinced me that the vita was a must have, and they were right. It's my go-to handheld now. On topic: do you vita owners think it'd be worth getting Bastion again on the vita if I only played the first few chapters on the iPhone?
Either would be fine but OLED is richer, and that's just how it is. Having said that, most people wouldn't care or notice unless the two models were side by side.
Two questions: 1.Original or slim? 2.where should I buy it from, I've seen multiple complaints online about faulty Vitas or ones that are used packaged as new.
I'd go slim, as it has a better battery and menu buttons, plus it comes with an 8GB card. Plus anywhere you get the slim it'll be new for sure as long as it's in the borderlands bundle.
Nice! Aren't all games? But yeah, as you get further in the game you'll see different types of enemies and have access to better/cooler weapons. Theres also another character you can unlock after you beat the game once. She's simply awesome. - As an Vita OLED owner, I would suggest the slim. The improvements over the original puts it over the top IMO. Whenever my Vita breaks, I'm getting the slim. - I got my OLED model from Amazon and had no issues.
Oh no, I think my vita is doomed. I've been looking forward to La Mulana and salt and Sanctuary, but I just saw the upcoming releases for the Vita. Helldivers is coming soon, Titan Souls I'm interested in, Bastion, and there was another I can't remember. That's not even mentioning ToudikenICanNeverSpellThisNameCorrectly, which I believe is releasing next month. I pray my Vita survives.
So, I'm getting a Vita quite soon, any sugesstions of unique PSVita games that aren't on PS4 or mobile?
Games you may/may not like but are to a very high standard (imo and off the top of my head anyway) Killzone Mercenery Wipeout 2048 Tearaway LittleBigPlanet Vita Frozen Synapse Prime TxK Freedom Wars (mileage may vary) Gravity Rush (mileage may vary) Rainbow Moon (mileage may vary) There's quite a few smaller PS4 games that can work better on handheld too (meaning native versions, not remote play)
Killzone, Teraway, Uncharted, Gravity Rush, MGS and Frozen Synapse are pretty much the reasons that gave the edge to the PSVita while I was deciding which hand-held I was going to buy, never heard before of Rainbow Moon, TxK or of Freedom Wars but they all look cool, I'll may give them a shot. Also, how's the Resistance PSVita game, is it good? BTW: My gf is a Nintendo fan so she's going to kill me for buying the Vita instead of a 3DS, but seem's to be worth it
I didn't think much of Resistance but I only played the demo, maybe give that a shot first. I enjoy the franchise but was disappointed with what I played. Rainbow Moon and Freedom Wars are both very repetitive and grindy by design, I'd read up and watch a few things to makes sure they're not going to be something you don't like. Freedom Wars is only subbed in English too.
Large Japanese retailers software and hardware charts for the week here Looks like the Vita is doomed. Here's the article I meant to link to:, but the first is also worth looking at, just doesn't include hardware