Playstation Vita Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Haruhi, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. italodance

    italodance Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    And finished my purchasing with R&C Collections today.

    My wallet is dead, guys I guess I'm spending too much on Vita games, what about you?!? Are you like me?!?
  2. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    I picked up R&C collection too. I had never played a R&C game before. I started R&C 1 the other day. So far it's … decidedly OK. Not great, not bad. Dated a bit, though that's not surprising. Also it's super stingy with trophies. I've played for several hours and have yet to get a single one.
  3. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I wasn't too blown away playing the R&C Collection either (It was my first time playing an R&C game). The fact that 2 & 3 are pretty much the same thing with slight improvements didn't help either. (Although I will say that 3 controlls A LOT better on the Vita than 1 & 2).

    The biggest problem was the difficulty towards the end of the games. I had to kind of cheat with 1 & 2 to buy the totally overpowered weapon in the game to finish it, and with 3 I just gave up before the end because I wasn't having fun anymore.

    Moments like this were of course great though:

  4. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    Hey, has anyone seen ScotDamn recently, or are they MIA?

    Also, I haven't derailed an on topic discussion in a while. Might as well fix that.

    So, I was wondering... If you guys could have any game created for the Vita, what would it be. It could be a sequel to a game that is already released on Vita, a game from a series that isn't on Vita, an upcoming game, or whatever.

    My pick probably would be a Souls game for Vita. I wouldn't care if it was a port of Dark Souls, or an entire new game.

    So, what would you all want?
  5. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    #7505 Der-Kleine, Jan 16, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
    A new Ace Combat or Metal Gear Solid game for the Vita!

    Or at least another Killzone, just to be somewhat realistic. :(
    It's kind of sad how Killzone Mercenary still looks "next-gen" for a handheld/mobile game after well over a year.
  6. nburcombe

    nburcombe Well-Known Member

    Just thought I'd let this group know that our game Table Top Racing for PSVita is down to $3.99 on the North American store. Not sure when the offer ends.
  7. LucianOrb

    LucianOrb Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    A Souls game would be great. A Demon's Souls (way way way way way better than Dark Souls) port would be supreme.

    But my pick would be a proper remake of the original X-Com, best game ever released on Earth and any parallel universes :D
  8. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    I could do for a new MGs game also!

    I agree that it is sad that we haven't really seen any games that can match the quality of Killzones graphics.

    Never got to play Demon Souls. :(
    I have a hard time imaging that it could be a lot better than Dark Souls. I heard that Demon Souls was kind of broken up in sections, whereas Dark Souls was so seamless. The way they connected everything was... Beautiful. I did also hear that Demon Souls had some fun and challenging bosses.

    I never played the original xcom, so I can't speak much about that. I do know that the entire series is loved by a lot of fans.
  9. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to check it out.
  10. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    #7510 september, Jan 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2015
    Mine would be another decent FPS at least using the Killzone Mercenary engine, it doesn't have to be Killzone related itself but happy for that as well. Just want some decent FPS's basically, at least up to Killzones Standards.

    Another thing on my wish list would be a western (not Cowboys) RPG along the lines of Skyrim or even Iquisition, but I'd hazard a guess and say that'd be too expensive to produce.

    Smaller games would be more tactical stuff like FS Prime. Even something like Valkyria Chronicles would be sweet.
  11. Joltrabbit

    Joltrabbit Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2012
    I'll just take the U.S. Release of phantasy star online 2 already!
  12. LucianOrb

    LucianOrb Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    #7512 LucianOrb, Jan 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2015
    Demon's Souls does have some flaws but even them somehow add to the game awesomeness. The gloomy and sad atmosphere, soundtrack, gameplay, everything is great. On the other hand it's old school unforgiving (much more than Dark Souls) and has some very confusing mechanics like the world / character tendencies. That turned off many people for sure. Many bosses are memorable, but in that department Dark Souls also excels, it's even better IMO. I also love Dark Souls, one of my favorite games.

    The original X-Com is a very old game that doesn't even run natively in modern PCs. You can get it on Steam very very cheap. It's an incredible game and the only one that 2 decades later I still come back to from time to time. I can't imagine any strategy / sci-fi games fan not loving it even nowadays. The 2012 reboot is a very good game but failed miserably to update some of the things that made the original so great such as the completely random scenarios and the enemy AI.
  13. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    Those are some good choices. It is a shame Killzones engine hasn't been licensed for anything else.

    I would love a western RPG since we have plenty of jRPGs. Those would be probAbly way to expensive to make though, and wouldn't turn much of a profit.

    Ha, good one. Do we even know if they're going to localize it?

    Yeah,I have to admit I dislike how you chose Demon Souls. You're basically dangling a carrot in front of my face, but that carrot in encrusted with diamonds. However, I have to resist buying a PS3 for one game. Maybe one day they will add it to PSNow?

    I have seen Steam sell a bundle of the old xcom games for cheap. I never really got into the series though, not even the new one. I definitely would try it if it came to Vita though!
  14. Freeway82

    Freeway82 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2008
    #7514 Freeway82, Jan 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2015
    Hey I know this is not a PSP forum but I have decided to post this video here.

    With the lack of proper fighting games on iOS, I have fallen back recently to the PSP emulator on iOS for my fighters.

    Here is a video I made of one of the rare gem fighters I discovered recently and it plays very smoothly and I suggest you guys give it a try.

    Sorry for no audio. I have no way to record audio off iPad.

  15. darkhorse

    darkhorse Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    On the Demon/Dark souls topic, do I have to play Demon Souls or Dark Souls before playing DS2? I bought DS2 during the holidays and haven't played it yet.

    On topic. That 10% discount would've been great during this anniversary sale... I only bought 2 PSP games so far but now I'm holding off on extra purchases to see if maybe we get the code on Monday.
  16. Joltrabbit

    Joltrabbit Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2012
    Pso2 got a "it's still coming but we don't know when" press release from sega. /shrug
  17. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    Nah, the games you can all play separately. I think most people will agree that DkS2 is the weakest one so far.
  18. How cool i'am ? I completed OlliOlli at 100% with all trophies. Rad mode is awesome !
  19. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    How cool are you? Not nearly as cool as I am, for I 100% the first season of the walking dead! Ohhhhh! Burnnnnnned!

    I guess I will still congratulate you, since I'm such a kind person. ;)

  20. The Walking Dead ? Nice joke buddy [emoji38]

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