Surprise announcement: Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD is coming to the Vita today/tomorrow (depending on your region)!
Welcome back. You did not miss too much - although some guy named Ra came around and made us do some ritual sacrifices involving goats - did not really understand much of it myself... It was either the goats or nemerleb... He is too valuable to be sacrificed. You need to influence one.sixty.four to buy as many things as he can for the Vita and go heavily into debt so you and I don't feel so bad about how much money we spend on games. I am doing my best to influence him as you can see, but can always use some help...
Aww I'd be happy to offer myself as a non-virgin sacrifice if it meant more cool games for your vitas! Maybe you can redirect 164 to the holiday sale that's jingling right now: X Anubis you missed out the announcement Steins;Gate's localization (Visual Novel): X
I saw that sale! I'm planning on getting a vita very soon so no need for any convincing. but if you have anything to add to the recommendations already given to me I'd be happy to hear them!
Thank you, it sounds like nothing out of the ordinary has occurred. I was expecting complete disarray due to the absence of your master, but you all have seem to held yourselves together. I'll be sure to remember this when I weigh all of your hearts. Oh and don't worry, 164 shall bow before the Vita. They always do. No! We would never sacrifice you, why would you ever think that? You're far to tainted and corrupt to be used as a sacrifice. Plus, you always keep me updated on new ports and updates. I have to admit, I never heard of Stein's Gate. I'm not much of a visual novel type of person though, so that may be why. Aw you missed the it, not to long ago Amazon had a sale on the borderlands 2 bundle. It was only $170. Well if you behave and buy a vita soon, I may consider to allow you to be my servant, the greatest honor one may achieve here. If you decide to become a heretic, well I'll make you my plaything.
You should do it at once,specially because of holidays sale on PSN! you can get many games while on salessssssss
Ok. I'm going to call a local store that usually has good prices on them ($161 last time I checked) so if the the sale is still on I think I might be coming home with a nice new vita. If there's no sale, I'll probabaly buy it anyway. Also, is there a way I can buy a vita game for a later date on PSN without owning a vita?
It's out today in the EU, next tuesday in the US. The PS3, 4 and Vita versions are all cross-buy, if you got it while it was part of the Instant Game Collection you'll get the Vita version for free as well.
I didn't realize Resogun Vita was coming out so soon, so I can't be too hurt by EU getting it first. Well, OK, yes I can! I'm looking forward to checking it out next Tuesday.
We Europeans don't get games first very often, but when we do, it's the ones other regions want! And as someone who makes gameplay videos it's great when that happens, because it means that I can be (one of) the first to make a video of it! (Yep, that's the secret to being successful on YouTube as a small gameplay channel: be the first!)
Ooohhh... I thought you were going to get that bundle... that $170 price is looking mighty fine now... looks like it up at $225 or so... Amazon has the 16 Gb memory cards on sale for only $24... not quite as good as $20, but certainly much better than an 8 Gb card for $30 (normal retail price)... If you are sure you are going to get one, you could get the games on the PSN store and wait, but I think this close to Xmas, realistically, the price on Vita's probably won't drop until either right after Xmas, or if sales were good, they probably won't drop until Feb or Mar timeframe. So, not a bad idea to get it for $161...