Playstation Vita Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Haruhi, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. Fireball926

    Fireball926 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2010
    well the Borderlands bundle is $170 at gamestop right now, maybe christmas needs to come early! :D
  2. LucianOrb

    LucianOrb Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    It depends on how you intend to use it but it isn't in my opinion. Remote Play is very cool and works fine but even then there's lag so it's not really an option for games that require precise / fast input. The lack of L2-3 / R2-3 buttons are frequently an annoyance too because even when well implemented the use of the touchscreen / rear pad is sub-optimal.

    You should definitely buy a Vita, it's a great device, but not as a PS4 companion IMO.
  3. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Ok, thanks. I have a very strong internet connection and was hoping to use the vita as way of playing PS4 games without the TV, especially racing games and FPSs. There are a bunch of vita games I want so I'll probably get one anyway, but is remote play totally out of the question as a useful feature?
  4. LucianOrb

    LucianOrb Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    Read this, it's spot on with my experience but I also think the latency is a bigger problem specially if you intend to play high level content (e.g., COD on Veteran, Nightfall strikes on Destiny, etc).
  5. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Ok. I watched a YouTube video and the guy said his PS4 was on a 20Mg wifi connection in Indiana and his Vita was on a 20mg wifi connection in the Czech republic and there was only a 1/5 of a second delay. I figured being 30-40 feet away from the PS4 would make the delay unnoticeable. But no?
  6. LucianOrb

    LucianOrb Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    I only use Remote Play connecting directly to PS4 or to my home network.

    It may not seem so but a fraction of a second can still be a noticeable lag, it's the difference between getting that headshot in a FPS or not.

    I also have a Wii U and its gamepad is far better than the Vita but you have to use it pretty much in the same room as the console for it to work.

    It's also possible that lag perception is not the same for everyone, I bet many people don't even notice it in Remote Play.
  7. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    I also have a Wii U and the gamepad works perfectly, if you're within 20 feet. Did you mean that the gamepad was far better overall or just as a remote way of playing console games? I want a Vita as a way of remote playing PS4 games but also as a moblie way of playing AAA and indie games without all the micro transactions and free-to-play issues on iOS. Would it provide decently for those two things?
  8. LucianOrb

    LucianOrb Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    I meant it's a better short range remote play device. It also has a bigger screen, better grip, better sticks and better buttons, but it's just an improved controller, not a standalone portable console like the Vita and the 3DS.

    It provides very good overall remote playing for PS4 games but not that great in some cases two of them being FPSs and racing games both you mentioned to be interested in. It's possible that it will be good enough for you and I'm just nitpicking, though.

    There are a few very good AAA games but the majority of them are bad or disappointing. That won't matter that much if you're also interested in indie games because in this area Vita excels, it's the indie gaming dream machine IMO.
  9. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    The lack of L2/R2/L3/R3 is the achilles heal of Vita remote play. It's only useful for games that don't use those buttons on PS4, IMHO. Also the screen is small. For me a lot of games end up too small, but maybe other eyes would do better with them. The remote play on the the Wii U is vastly superior both because it has all the controls, and because the screen is significantly larger than the Vita screen.
  10. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    ok, thanks for the responses. I'm going to put together a list of games I want and I'll bring it over here so you guys can tell me if its worth the $160 price tag to play them.
  11. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Here we go:

    Uncharted golden abyss
    Minecraft: vita edition
    Thomas was alone
    Child of light
    Rayman legends
    Rouge legacy
    Super stardust ultra
    Shovel knight
  12. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    If you are willing to get PS Plus and wait, many of these games are free or have been free, or may be free or greatly discounted.

    Spelunky and Thomas was Alone are still free I believe. Tearaway I believe has been free in the past, or possibly discounted. Same with Uncharted. Metrico I believe is still free. Shovel Knight is still free as well..

    So, for $50 for the year would would have at least 3 or 4 of the games, and probably a pretty good chance that some of these others will be either free or discounted in the future. I have not bought a lot of Vita games since I got it, since PS Plus has been so good to us for freebies or some good discounts. Don't Starve is a really fun game and it was free - I believe that TxK arcade type game was either free or greatly discounted. Fez - a nice puzzler was I believe free... anyways, you get the drift... I would get some of those games that you REALLY want immediately, and otherwise get PS Plus and see what the year brings you. The down side of PS Plus - if you give up the subscription the free games go away from your ability to play them - any discounted games though will always be available to you. Truthfully though, I have a vast collection of many systems games, and with few exceptions, they all just gather dust, because there are always new games coming out, and the likelihood you will go back and play them are probably slim - although you have to look at your gaming habits. I have many games on my iPad that will never leave the device - but I truthfully almost never play them. They serve more as a reminder of how much fun, or how many hours I put into something...
  13. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Thanks for the response. I already have ps+ on my PS4, it'll carry over, right? I forgot about fez and don't starve, I'll put those on the list, thanks for the reminder. Also, what's the best racing game for the vita?
  14. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    Don't know about racing, but just have the vita linked with your PS4 account and it will carry over. Yes, many good games on Plus.
  15. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Cool. Thanks for the help. Amazon has the vita slim borderlands bundle for $169, should I go for it?
  16. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    Only if you "purchased" them while they were free I believe (do it on web store), crossbuy titles won't be a problem though. Did you ever own a PS3? Some of the digital titles were crossbuy and may be added to you list as well.

    I've only played Wipeout 2048, and NFSMW (which was free the weekend just gone), Wipeout is brilliant if you are into that sort of racer, NFSMW is ambitious but haven't really gotten into it yet.
  17. LucianOrb

    LucianOrb Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    My opinions ^^^^
    Other picks: (all of them at least very good IMO)

    Dead Nation
    Dragon's Crown
    Freedom Wars
    God of War Collection
    Hotline Miami
    Killzone Mercenary
    Metal Gear Solid Collection
    Muramasa Rebirth
    Need for Speed Most Wanted
    Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
    Oddworld Stranger's Wrath HD
    Persona 4 Golden
    Rainbow Moon
    Soul Sacrifice Delta
    Sound Shapes
    Unit 13
    Wipeout 2048
    Ys: Memories of Celcetta
    Zen Pinball 2
    Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward

  18. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    #7258 one.sixty.four, Dec 12, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2014
    I never owned a PS3 (all nintendo and Xboxs before) so I'm new to how the Sony ecosystem works (I'm VERY glad I made the jump as so far my PS4 incredible and I couldn't ask for more). Believe it or not, I've never gotten to play a wipeout game, so ill definatly grab that. I watched a gameplay video of NFSMW comparing it to the PS3 version and the graphics looked pretty bad, even the iOS version looks better. Does it look better on the 5" display instead of the blown-up version I watched? I hope so because usually I love need for speed games, but I don't want it to look llike a wii game. Thanks for all the advice!
  19. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Thanks for that! I can see I forgot about a lot of games (persona, ninja gaiden, dead nation, guacamelee and more. For what I was interested in using the vita for is $169 a good price?
  20. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    That seems like a good price. You get BL and all the DLC (i dont know how it plays but seems like most opinion was ok - good) , an 8 GB memory, and the new slim system. What i dont know is how much a new system only costs. The 8 GB card is small, and the consensus feeling that i got was getting a 16 or larger memory was necessary. The 8 might only hold a couple games prior to getting filled up. So, system alone, purchase larger memory card, games you really want (was BL one of them?) vs the bundle price. If you are a seller type, you could sell the 8 memory and BL and use that for purchase other things as well. BTW - same system at bestbuy is $199.

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