No I did not. the only games I played when it comes to retro adventure pac games are Ecoquest and monkey island 1. But that doesn't mean they'll bundle both for this remake. Otherwise they would have stated that?
I think someone was looking to buy a vita earlier. Amazon has the BL2 vita bundle for $170. You could probably sell the BL2 code for $15 to $20.
Yup got my Oled vita today. Got a 16 gb memory card, a physical copy of LBP and a $20 credit for my "wallet" just to get started. I bought Spelunky with that. So it looks like a good start. Ps the screen looks great. In settings I lowered the brightness right down to minimum and that's working out great. Just this alone should be enough to keep me busy for quite some time. I just want to take it slow with game accumulation and just savour what I have. Don't want to have overloaded choices like my IOS library that at times can be quite overwhelming....but in a good way!��
Congratulations and Welcome to our community bro,i guess you won't touch your phone since you got your Vita same as me. Just remember to don't miss the Holidays Sales each week,the first week is left for today only and tomorrow we will see another holiday sales
Thank you for the welcome! I'm very glad I purchased the OLED Vita. Last night with the $5 left on my wallet I purchased for fun the Zen Pinball table Plants vs Zombies and it looks and plays amazing!! I'm going to use this device strictly for gaming but I did check out the browser briefly last night. I watched a video "Listen" by Jon Anderson for its amazing song but also its accompanying artwork. The colors were so incredibly varied and amazing I couldn't believe what I was seeing! As for sales I'll keep an eye open but I'd really would have to want it and more importantly spend more MONEY!!!.... Noooooooooo Cheers
No announcement yet but as it is one of the coolest easter eggs in the history of video games they would seriously disappoint old fans by not including that.
The 1st thing to buy when you have a Vita : Persona 3 or 4 (choose because of your own tastes) ; Velocity 2X, OlliOlli. With that you're really good.
Is that so?? Gonna google that and look more into it. Always interested in these kind of things! thanks for the tip.
So with Suikoden 2 going digital, I read an article today that mentioned Suikoden 2 disc for the PS generally are selling for at least $100. Pretty funny as I have a copy, and being OCD about discs it is in pristine condition. Sell it? Or keep it? I still have an original PS, PS2 and PS3 that will all play the disc. Digital is sure easier though.
Guys sometimes i get mad because of companies,look a company named Bitbox S.L. that always created games for mobile platforms,released a cool game called "Scourge Outbreak" on PS3 only and for the first time not a mobile why not on Vita? I sent them an email,hope to see it on Vita later.
Do you need that money badly? I'd keep it...especially if you still have the console for it. The thing about digital games is you never TRULY own them for life (accounts randomly disabled from companies / pulled from online store / when something will happen to your vita coz of battery dying and you wanna play the game again in like 10 years etc etc. So all in all you should consider your need for an easy 100$ or the safety and reassurance you get when you know you have something concrete for life.
I am such a packrat i will undoubtedly keep it. But it has been at 4-5 years since i looked at it and at some point the machines wont work, so then it becomes a collectors item. However, i will probably fire it up again and decide i its worth the $9.99 to be able to play the game on a handheld.
Too bad you missed the PSN pricing error; it showed up for 6$ for like an hour or so. like you said IF your machines stop working, it'll be at a time where you can net even more than a 100$ for it. You made the right choice to hold on to it atm.
Depends what you like in an RPG. It has dating sim elements with lots of talking, dialogue choices to make, and repetitive chores to do. Also has pokemon-like persona collecting (yes I know smt technically came way before pokemon but still) where you need to collecct cards and fuse them to make better personas which grant you a set of skills to use in battles. It's also super lengthy (my first playthrough took me 100 hours and a second one to figt the ultimate boss). Also you can freely choose which characters can fight alongside you and can customize them with neat costumes. It's undoubtly the best vita has to offer.
thanks for the full response! I'm just barely resisting buying a Vita until Christmas. I hope it's like the ultimate accessory for the PS4. is it?