Wow what a surprise! I already loved the game, but survival mode is really great indeed. Thanks very much for the update.
Love the survival mode and the addition of two more wingmen + the shield to surround them has made a big difference in game play. I foresee a lot higher scores from everyone on the horizon...great job!
I'll see if I can reproduce that, thanks for the screenshot. Weird, the versions should be the same. It just closed without an error message right?
Weird dude. Not on a 5th gen device here but it should be under the pause button. ... Unrelated to that, with the tweaks I played through Conquest once and managed to make well into the 60's before facing death. Maybe that's a good sign that I'll be able to eventually get through Hardcore mode as well as one continuous credit finish Conquest for a bigger overall highscore. As it is, my new Conquest score just blew my friends out of the water (well until they play conquest and just push my score back down). Still 190'th on the leaderboard in Conquest now... so I feel good about that. I do have a few bugs to report. 1. When I was in GC through the game, my 10% battery alarm hit and after I cleared it I could not press the Done button on GC to go back to the game. I tried looking at other leaderboards and stuff but the app closed/crashed. 2. During a bout of conquest there was a little slow down and then a crash. I had no other games running in the background so not sure what happened. 3. Another game center bug, but when I am in GC if I set my phone down sometimes it tries to rotate sideways. I've mentioned that bug before how it rotates the entire gc leaderboard upside down in portrait mode... and then when you rotate back it goes 1/2 screen. Well... add to that bug because now if you rotate to the landscape mode and close GC back to the app, it crashes the whole game. For a second though the local leaderboard in the game shows in landscape mode. Weirdness. Maybe a solution to this is instead of the auto rotate option, put it in the Options to choose the rotation so some/all of these bugs don't happen. ... Let' me recap the last one because it may be confusing the way I wrote that. Open the game, hit scores, touch the GC icon, rotate to landscape which flips the screen upside down in portrait, while in landscape orientation hit the done button and the scores will show in landscape for a brief moment and then the app crashes. ... The bugs are mostly able to be worked around and I still consider this a 5 star game because the game is just that good... but seriously consider pulling the auto rotation option out and throwing it as a separate orientation option in the settings. That will hopefully keep those happy that play with their device upside down yet kill the bugs that marmalade or whatever has.
I'm on 5th gen iPod touch and don't see a timer either. Haven't checked out on the iPad yet. I didn't know there was a time limit at first and kept wondering why my ship kept exploding after a while.
Those game center and rotation bugs are probably beyond my control. Sorry, it's super lame to say that, but it's a problem with code I don't have access to, where Marmalade is talking to iOS. I've disabled rotation in every way I can. I'll bug the Marmalade guys about it, and if they issue a fix I'll get it to you right away! The other crash is probably my fault, I'll try to track that down. I think the end of survival mode crash may be related to dying at the exact instant time runs out. I put in protection for that. Me too! I've reproduced the problem on an iPhone 5, but it doesn't show up when I simulate that resolution. Really weird! Working on it now.
Fixed! I'll submit the fix to Apple soon, but it will take them about a week to approve it. Sorry to iPhone 5 users who can't see the countdown! I guess it doesn't really affect how you play or what score you end up with, but it sucks that you can't see it. I'll see if I can find any other fixes to roll into this patch.
Even though I'm not fan of vector graphic this game just made me one.I don't know how could I overlook such a beautiful and relaxing little shooter gem.Well got it now and enjoying it and just want to add that it joined ranks of my never-to-be-deleted games.Casual shooter at it's best
Thanks! I was actually inspired when I went to a big arcade show and played an original Asteroids cabinet. The glowing lines on a real vector monitor were really beautiful. They glowed so bright and clean, I've never seen anything like it. It was pure white on black. I kind of wish I'd bought that machine, it had a $500 for sale sign, but I already have a Warlords cabinet that need constant repair. Anyway, long aside there, glad you like the game!
Volbard, The Survival mode crash is definitely at the exact moment you die, specifically when the game times out, not when you die otherwise. It has only happened to me once so far.
Volbard, any chance of making the health orb drops count for points when you have max health? It would be cool to see them have value, instead of having them drop and letting them pass by if you are at full health. It would also match the incentive to not be hit. You stay at full health, more points.