Plants vs Zombies 3 (By EA)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by ste86uk, Feb 27, 2020.

  1. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I’m sad that it’s soft launched in countries I don’t have accounts for with philippines, Ireland and Romania.

    Interesting that it’s portrait now although I’m not expecting much....loved the original but the second one I didn’t stick with for very long at all and this is EA after all.
    atsshopping and Rocksaint like this.
  2. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @ste86uk It’s nothing easier to create an account for specific country if you want to get your hands on a game during soft launch. If you’re using gmail address as an Apple ID, just create the same with an addition like “+ph” for Philippines or “+nz” for New Zealand. It will automatically redirect all this mails to your main address. For details like correct zip code or the street address use sites like fakenamegenerator.

    Original Plants vs Zombies is like the only tower defense game I like, played and finished multiple times on multiple platforms. Second one was a free to play crap and ruined the franchise. I have no hopes for the third one, especially if it’s in EA’s hands.
    Ringerill and atsshopping like this.
  3. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    That basically summed up all there is to say about the franchise.

    I didn't know it was in EA's hand specifically but that indeed explains things. If it would have been a paid app, I might have been tempted into looking it up. But judging from the pictures, the description and especially the reviews, it's not worth the time and energy. I stumbled across a review stating that the 2nd one was cool but this one is crap, so this is saying much...
  4. McDeathUK

    McDeathUK Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 18, 2015
  5. McDeathUK

    McDeathUK Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 18, 2015
    I see energy needed to play, this will never be installed on a device of mine
    Legion180, Ringerill and macplash like this.
  6. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    Started to watch the gameplay video out of curiosity. Way to take advantage of a widescreen device, right? ROFL!

    Attached Files:

  7. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    So this got pulled ages ago now and they said they were going to redo it all from the ground. I just seen it’s softlaunched in the U.K. and a few other countries, downloaded it to check it out and see what they have done. But it is still f2p and EA so my hopes aren’t high that it’ll capture that old magic but it’s worth looking at least.
  8. Wall Jump Games

    Wall Jump Games Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2020
    PvZ 2 is up there with my least favourite games of all time, easily worst in the franchise, below even BfN, but I think this maybe even worse. It’s so ugly and basic and has a Gardenscapes mode tacked on to the side. Not sure quite how gross the F2P stuff is, but I have negative hope for that.
  9. McDeathUK

    McDeathUK Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 18, 2015
    OK... so here goes. Firstly let me be clear, i am an insane lover of PvZ - i have on IOS, on PC and i love it. I like all the different game modes and have 100% the game more than once.

    PvZ2 was a travesty. It started out OK but then they did an update which tuned the game to require bonus' a few waves of slow walking zombies and then barely four plants out and they start running at you.

    So it was with trepidation i fire up PvZ3 (I commented years ago that this would not happen, but i held out hope)

    So first, imagine you took PvZ1, and it had a child with Royal Match.. thats what you are getting.

    Its traditional PvZ, except you dont choose your plants, and the gardens are all slightly different and after every level you get a token to 'fix' a part of the town, gardens, houses with a 'story' that was likely written by AI.. when chatgpt was on version ALpha 0.0.1

    Chilli plants, cherrys are now bonuses not bought with sunlight, the rake - extra sunlight are bonuses you also get and can choose at the beginning of a level. You get random 'scoring' game against others popping up.. all just like Royal Match. You can watch a vdeo to double your gold (you would need to hold a gun to my head)

    No choice of play style just one level after another, open a bit of town, skip the dialogiue, move on. I have watched some videos of people who are father in than me.. doesn't change.

    After a few level the popup begging begins with things given a value you cant possibly understand.. though after only an hour you realise you will never need them unless you want to win the scoring competitions.

    The tuning is OK, medium level with some toughies, bonuses are there but I never used any.. failed a couple but just tried again. The graphics are a lovely step up from previous games, nice animation and some interesting bonus powers.

    Energy is in the form of 'brains' - you get 5 and if you DIE you lose a brain.. lose all brains they regenerate like energy. The game is quite generous with short term 'infinite brains' bonuses which do stack. Gold is used for carrying on a level when you die.. like.. Royal Match

    I dont see a happy future for this game, you keep playing a level until you progress.. no other options if you dont want to keep trying.
  10. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I’ve only spent about 15 min on it so far, but honestly I don’t see it being as bad as you two are saying yet but maybe that will come.

    But the levels are boring and easy so far so they would need to get a lot more interesting, everything will depend on those levels.

    As for the city building mechanic like gardenscapes, I actually enjoy those. I’ve seen it paired with match 3, hidden object and time management games etc but I don’t really like hidden object and match 3 games but play them because I enjoy the other part of the game. But that paired with Pvz would be great for me if they can get those levels and gameplay right.
  11. McDeathUK

    McDeathUK Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 18, 2015
    There is one level open at a time.. like Royal Match.. and you are on that level till you complete it. No game modes, no variation just one level after another. And after level 30 the tuning is such is the game ‘demands’ you use bonus’ .. level 30 is the first best example. When you get to your 3rd or 4th sunflower you already have 4 zombies on screen.. you are fighting a losing battle. You can only win with at least one bonus.. whether it is a rake or the ‘level beating cheat’ gumball machine.

    now to be clear on that level I got to one zombie remaining before I died, so I am sure it was possible, but I was hoping the game would ‘evolve’ and start letting me do other things.. but no.

    as chilli peppers, cherry bomb are now ‘purchases’ (you get a good amount for free early on’ they just make levels stupidly easy - and are ‘cheats’ not bought with sun but money.

    PvZ and even pvz2 you had choices of game mode for variety or you could replay a level for fun or a better score.. this is just level, story, fix, level.. no variation. I played for about 4 hours until I realised just how bad the tuning was.

    stick to PvZ is my opinion, but to those who are happy to throw money at the game to just skip a level, who don’t want to choose plants, but be fed a fixed level and plants - have fun.

    already deleted and back to PvZ and loving it.

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