Search on the landscape with huge canyons, that located down to the earth. I will attach the screenshot and the coordinates of the location later.
Hi everybody! I had a question. Are there any clans in the game or something like that? How can I get into the clan?
Yes, there are about 10+ active survival clans in the game, that can be found on our Forum here: Each clan has their own rules and goals, created by clan's leaders and members. To join the clan you like, you should ask for permitions in the clan's leader. Below you can check the video overview to some of the most popular clans and their bases. If you like to join some of this clan, tell me, i will give you more details about the clan and how to contact the clan's leaders. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Thank you very much for the information. I liked the idea of an underground base by The Knol Power Team. Very cool and top secret And I also liked Golden Horde Empire base. It's like a castle. Are these clans peaceful? Can I join both of them? Are the clans fighting with each other?
Sorry for long no reply! Yes, some clans are fighting with each other! Both clans are good and strong, but Golden Horde Empire Clan is bigger, but more hostile then The Knol Power Team. Golden Horde Empire base located on the ground. But The Knol Power Team base located underground, so the base is hidden and its harder to find by hostile players. Please read more about both clans here: The Knol Power Team Clan: Golden Horde Empire:
yeah, you should definitely join or create your own clan, and play with team. This is so much fun and cool, than to play alone!
Are you talking about blocks in your inventory? For now after death you lose only 50% of your blocks and items from the inventory. Use chests to keep your blocks and items saved. So you will not lose them after death.
Now i recommend you to use chests now. Just craft it and put in the safe place, where no no can find it. Soon we will add private chests to each Spawn Zone, so no one will be able to open it except you!
Yeah, that's right! That would be great if you will add such feature to the game. We would be able to see who is in what clan. It can be shown with some icon or tag in usernames.
Thank you very much for the reply! We are so glad that you like our game. If you need any help, or need any tip to the game - feel free to write us here!
Good question! New v3.4. is already available on Google Play with new cool features and improvements. You should try this new cool version of the game, if you have android device. To other platforms - iOS, Mac, Amazon - the game will be released soon!
Now you have an option in the game to remove ads for coins in the game shop. Please use daily free bonuses to remove ads!