@doomtrader Did something happen with the patch ? You said it was submitted to the app managing people more than 2 weeks ago im just wondering #
Found out that on Arch-Mage difficulty the AI will cast Domination spell. Was playing unhallowed with 6 planes and seven opponents when the game ended on turn 219. I had not found two of the AI, and one of them cast the spell. The game still displayed my score with -500 points because somebody else cast the spell. I was having fun with almost all spell circles complete, was curious to see what would happen if I had every spell circle. Wish could disable domination spell to force a pure military victory.
The patch that was supposedly handed out to the publisher mid-february actually contains exactly that : A feature to remove the spell of domination from your game. thats why im actually eager to have it, i seriously think this spells takes out of the fun of the game, this isnt like civilization where theres like 5 victory cons, since the game focuses so much on its rpg and fighting aspect i think millitary victory really is all we need. Edit : when i say its taking the fun out of the game i dont mean i dont like the game because of it or anything, still enjoying it a lot, but at this moment with most of the bugs fixed its the only thing that actually bothers me
ios Patch @doomtrader, even for the Apple review process this patch is taking a long time. Did the initial patch get rejected and have to be resubmitted? Otherwise I do not understand the current tome lag. A status update would be appreciated.
Waiting for the patch, I've been playing a lot of Dawn of War with my son. It was fine at first, but I can feel the warp overtaking me!
I just found out the 1.3.2a has been released on Friday. We are working on 1.3.2b now and planning to send it to publisher somewhere next week.
Horizontal or vertical? Does this game play either way or which way? Horizontal or vertical? Thanks much, it looks interesting.
Try it, if you like 4X games or Heroes of Might and Magic / Civilization this is the best thing of this spectrum on iOS, by far (IMO)