Does this game support any sort of cloud save between devices? Sorry if it has been answered previously, I've tried to search the thread but couldn't find it answered.
Potential award Planar Conquest has been shortlisted for the iPad strategy game of the year on Should you wish to support the beloved game as I did, just follow the link (the site is in Russian), find the game's name, select it and press vote ("Проголосовать").
Nice find, @snovnikov, thanks. Voted, of course. @scarypharaoh: I don't know for sure if it doesn't do some automatic syncing thingie since I don't use iCloud. But there are no manual up/download buttons like in e.g. Infinity Blade 3, so I think no iCloud support (yet). @doomtrader: If you don't support iCloud yet, is that somewhere on your roadmap? A simple manual up/download of savegames should be quite easy, I guess.
Thanks for the reply @nullzone. I'm also very grateful for your guides, really helpful for people starting out. I like to game mainly on iPhone but occasionally use my iPad so would be nice to continue a game on either device if the dev thinks it's possible would be a nice addition.
As this game is only against computer opponents (so far), a game bug that a human player can deliberately use but the computer does not use is cheat. If the computer is using this bug I have not seen it. I believe the game designers did not intend players to be able mixed living and undead units. Never get a living unit as a reward if playing undead, I only receive undead units is playing undead. Vice versa I only receive living units as reward when playing living races never undead. The abilities for an undead player to buy a living unit at an inn is a one time event only possible if you buy an equipment first. After purchase a piece of equipment the living units appear. If you exit the inn without purchasing a unit, the living units are not there when you re-enter the inn. Even if you immediately re-enter the inn. This suggests this a unintended bug.
Thanks Nullzone I tried playing undead on shadow plane again. I used your advice. It is going much better. As well I am manipulating my economy different than I would with a living race. Most cities I build the sanctum, a palisade, an archer and nothing else. After those are built I set the city to grow housing and forget it. This is generating huge negative energy to fuel my growth. This game at wizard difficulty is almost done will try a harder game next Thank you
Thank you, Nina Interesting strategy with the "minimal stuff, then housing". I read other folks use it with (some of) the living races. But you're the first I know who does that with Undead. Do you check in between if you can afford the other religious-line buildings that give N.E. and don't cost upkeep? Or do you leave those towns completely alone? And how does defending with only one Archer work? In my experience, enemy stacks on Death Plane are harder than on the living ones, and come around with nasty dangerous units earlier than on other Planes. And Death doesn't have much in terms of combat Summons, so you cannot really rely on those either. Time to start another Undead game, methinks
Unhallowed, housing, and buying stuff I just have to thank Nina again for dragging the "put Undead on housing" strategy out into the open. This might very well completely change the way I play the Unhallowed. Started a new game with that strategy. And while I have only 2 towns so far (just marching on the 3rd), I'm only 10-15 turns in. And my first dabbling with it looks promising: In the town I just conquered, I bought all the basic buildings (Shrine, Library, Palisade) right away. Something I never do until I have a well-oiled economy machine running at full steam (and even then, I usually just burn my Gold for Mana). You see, the one thing I always forget is that Undead pay for buying stuff with population. And with 100+ popgrowth/turn, 300-400 cost suddenly are no big deal anymore. If I have time, I'll do a writeup for this game, and another guide afterwards. Oh, and: Before I forget, keep in mind that you can overload the Deadboys on Traits so much it's hilarious. Extra Unrest? We don't have that. Less Food and Gold per turn? Again, we don't have that. Religious buildings don't cost upkeep, so that "Shrine line gives 50% less Mana" has much less of an impact than for those races who pay Gold upkeep for the buildings. In all honesty, Undead should 1) not be able to take the +Unrest Tyrant trait at all. I just can't come up with a good alternative right away. Maybe "Decay": Each unit has a chance to crumble and thus vanish per turn; they are just bones duct-taped with magic, after all. The higher the creature's level, the less chance to crumble (because of the more potent magic needed to animate and fuel it). And summoned Undesd would be exempt, of course, since they aren't made from corpses, but raw magic only. 2) not get the current Ascetic Trait. That's free extra points right there. Suggestion: Change it to a 1000 or 2000 limit on N.E. I think 1000 is a good start to playtest, since it should become relevant around the same time the 1000 Gold limit does - usually around turn 50-75 for me. 3) have a race-specific effect for "Opulent". I suggest replacing the "less Gold" and "less Food" with "less N.E." and another. For the second replacement I am not sure; any ideas, folks? Another related idea: It would be great if Death had a way to replace the Mana upkeep for Death Summons with N.E. Giving that for free as default option for each Summon seems too much of an advantage. So it could be a trait: 1 point for "always on". 2 points + first trait as requirement for either "switch on/off at will for all Summons" or "decide permanently for each Summon on casting complete".
I build the undead religious building before turning cities to solely housing growth. As only a few cities are being used to product all my undead units they are the only important cities that I build up. No biggie if lose a couple. I only accelerate a building in an emergency as it use the city's population not N.E. pool. Research is slower because I never put mana in it. By turn 10, 20 at the latest, all mana goes to spellcraft. First 4 to 6 turns produce 4 magic spirits to search the plane then switch all mana to spell craft. Meanwhile my start city is producing archers. Summon a skeleton to hold each captured city until city has a palisade and a ghoul militia. Build an archer switch to growth. I captured cities to fuel growth and used no settlers. This is with max neutrals city setting. Will try on reduced neutrals however not sure it would make much difference as roving monsters not from neutral cities tend to show up late in the game I find.
PQ for Forum's Game of the Year Hi all, PQ is on the voting list for TA's Forum Game of the Year, here:
This does look like the best option. I'd throw in the Sage Guild too, so you get some Research points. I did some numbercrunching already, will post that later. Can't comment on emergencies yet, I just started Very much the same approach here. Only small difference is that try to switch all Mana to Spellcraft even before turn 10. But that doesn't have much impact on a long game. The Research points from chests should carry you far enough till you have a few Research buildings. I never put Mana into Research either, seems like such a waste when it can go into Spellcraft. Skip the Archers, go straight for Lancers More on that when I have time to write up my numbercrunching. Same here, I almost never use Settlers, and even more so with Undead. Only special circumstances warrant a Settler: e.g. I found a spot with good production bonus, high max pop, and Mithril; that just begs to have a unit production town there. I always play with Neutrals on lowest or second lowest. Mostly because I'm too lazy to wipe out all those towns And roaming monsters from ruins spawn as early as ~turn 25. I saw a few Zealot Spiders pop out of a ruin when my Magic Spirit went past.
[BUG] Basilisk Gaze figure reducing lasts after combat @doomtrader: I just found another small bug: When a Basilisk reduces the number of figures in your unit with its gaze, the condition is not automatically cleared after combat ends. You need to save and reload your game to fix it. Screenshot of example attached. Unrelated: I got the second Lancer and the Deathguard on the screenshot from an Imprisoning Circle, yee-haw! My blinged-out Lancer made mincemeat out of 2 Slimes, 5 Owlbears, a Hillgiant, 3 Shambling Mounds, and a Basilisk - without breaking a sweat. @doomtrader: That's another one for AI improvement. Those 3 Shambling Mounds alone should have murdered me: Drop a Cloud of Flies on the Lancer, and maybe the Huecuva. Then Acid Arrows on whatever with remaining Mana and close for melee. Since the Mounds are slow, the other units should have closed with my Archers to keep them from shooting, instead of trying in vain to damage the Lancer.
I generally keep at least 100 mana to cast spells for when my stacks or cities need extra power. If I have over a 100 mana it all goes to spellcraft. Death mastery and one living to get disrupt undead, cartography, enlighted and warlord is now my preferred undead. Tyrant and ascetic.
Me too, we're in 2nd. Can't believe they haven't done a proper review for PQ. It's definitely my most played game of the year.
I have found such entry on the appstore: "I loved Master of Magic and would have equal love for this game, if it weren't for it crashing so frequently on my iPad Mini 2. It literally crashes every few minutes (no exaggeration). And sometimes it crashes while I'm trying to save the game to avoid losing data before the next crash. Very frustrating... This could have been a 5-star game, but the extreme lack of stability means I wasted money purchasing it. " Does anyone experiencing this also?
Yes, on iPad Air1, reported that quite a few times already; most recent is here: Too bad that reviewer doesn't give more details on when the crashes start happening. RAM is the same for the Mini2 and Air1, 1GB of DDR3, so it can't be that the Mini is lacking in memory in general. As I wrote in the above-mentioned post, I strongly suspect the crash frequency correlates with the total number of units in the game. I started a new Unhallowed game - currently 42 turns in - and no problems at all so far. I do expect that it'll start crashing a lot around turn 75-100 - which is usually when I begin cranking out units in massive numbers. Will keep on reporting how things go.