Not really anything specific right now. We would like to gather general feedback ATM to get better view how you feel.
Where is the "send saves to dev" option? First question: Where is the "Send Savegames to Developers" option? I cannot find it anywhere. Kept a bunch of saves with bugs around that I wanted you to have fun with
In the name of your save game you need to include following part: sendSaves for example sendSaves_Nullzone We didn't want to include this as a regular option in the game.
Personally, I like it with the chests being identical specifically because it does make it a trade-off when deciding to auto-explore. The idea of a chest is that you *don't* know what is inside.
@doomtrader please consider - adding a start game option to limit heroes summoned to those of the players race? I find it strange that I have an undead hero fighting alongside my Paladins - if one has purchased all iaps, the shop button on main screen should not glow as there is nothing to buy - if you write code to change the chest colours and auto scout Ai to not pick up xp, please consider allowing the player to choose the original (current) behaviour via a start game option if they prefer it. Bug: can't load my 1.1 save with 1.2. loading bar goes to 90%, left hand buttons appear but the loading screen won't go away. Really happy to see the massive change log and very much appreciate your continued support!
I agree with ChaosHero here. For one, if the content were completely hidden unless you open it, that would be different and your take on it would apply. However, I can see what's in a chest by longtapping it. For manual scouting it's just cumbersome having to do that for every chest you encounter. A visual indicator - like different colors - would make the game flow quite a bit smoother. And seconding again the request for having Auto-scouts skip XP chests, because it makes sense Thanks, let's see if that works. I just tried with one where half my towns disappeared, named it "sendSavesNullTownsGone". Let me know if you got it. What's really weird with that save is that it retroactively infested all my saves of that game; including ones that definitely still worked earlier this morning. Just for clarification: I have to add "sendSaves" to every savegame I want to send you? Or does it send all when I create one save like this? Underscore doesn't work in your filenames, by the way Same goes for normal dash or spaces. And it's mentioned in the changelog, so I wouldn't be surprised if you get more questions about it. Also, I sent you all my crashlogs so far, just in case they contain anything that's not fixed yet.
[Feature Request] Save/Load Custom Sorcerer Lord Would like to see this for the next update: The possibility to save/load a Customer Sorcerer Lord setup. I usually start a new game several times, to see what I can get for my Capital. This would be much easier if I could save the Custom setup before I hit "Start"; and then be able to reload it for another new game.
See my edited post above, do you think preserving current behaviour behind an option is desirable, assuming hey change colours of chests and scout Ai?
@doomtrader do you a preferred place for feedback like this? I mean like trello or something? That way we could minimise duplicates and vote for / comment on what has been suggested? Just a thought. @nullzone totally agree on the saving of custom sorcerers.
Oops, missed that part. Adding a toggle is a good idea in general. Just have to be a bit careful to not introduce too many. Technically, this would be 2 already: "Chest colors - classic/new" and "Autoscout - classic/new". Maybe include any future changes like this in one general toggle for "Classic/New" gameplay? This could, for example, include the current "random Heroes for Summon/Mentor" and a "pick your Hero" mechanic if Wasteleands implements it. Heh, publicly accessible Ticket System/Bugtracker would be icing on the cake Trello (or something similar) would be a great start, though. And not as much overkill as a public bugtracker interface.
Trello Board available Just to see how it works, I created a Trello Board for Planar Conquest. I set it to Private/Team for now, and not Public. So I'll have to add you via your email address. doomtrader's I have already, I'll add you in a few. Everyone else, please send me a PM with your email address if you want me to add you.
We did our best to made the old save games compatible. Could you please name your save game? you need to create new one and name it: sendSaves
@doomtrader no worries, I'm starting a new one. Can't load my old saves (there are 4 for the same game) so I can't rename them. Don't go thinking I'm annoyed though! Just bought the expansion Really hope you are getting a positive result from this game.
Gatemaster Ooo just read the description of "gate master" discipline - allows you to use elemental nodes to transition to that element's plane. Damn this game is intense.
Trello Board - Update / Info for doomtrader @doomtrader: I browsed around a bit to see how Trello works. Found that a private board does not show up in e.g. Google's search results. If you want it to be publicly accessible and findable, I'd create a new one with a Wastelands email address (best create a new one, like [email protected]) and set it to public. @faceleg, @jusvah: Added you two!
@doomtrader trivial issue: "Mystic" discipline description in character creation screen has two '.' at the end
@nullzone I've added a few things to the trello. Pretty sure you can transfer ownership of boards/teams.