Version 1.4.2 Genes: Metabolic Jump, Native Biome (doesn't really matter), Sympto-Statis, Genetic Mimic, Extremophile Started in China for no temp specialization No transmissions at all Symptoms: Neural Breach, Adrenergic Constriction, Anxiolytic Infusion, Psychosis, Frontal Mesh Abilities: Drug 1, Genetic Hardening 1 Then I waited very patiently. If I recall correctly I did not get the air/water sterilization messages or the "cold countries getting colder" so I wasn't pressured to get air/water trans or cold/hot ability. Extremophile helps you muddle through, though it takes a really long time. I sat there dutifully and popped all the red bubbles (I still don't totally get the Metabolic Jump bubble-popping bonus, sometimes I seem to get more and sometimes I don't.) Long story short I was very stingy in using DNA so that by the time there was no one healthy left I had nearly 300 DNA saved up (this doesn't always seem easy to get? But this strategy takes so long that I haven't done it that many times). So when the whole world was infected, I bought every single symptom except for a couple minor ones that didn't add lethality (mania was one of them I think). Then I think is where some luck comes into play. People were simultaneously dying and becoming devoted at the same time, and I got the "world enslaved" message pretty fast, but obviously you benefit from different people dying than the ones becoming devoted, which you don't really have control over. But here's one other wrinkle: when that message popped up I still could go into the ability menu and purchase Gene Reshuffle 2 (I don't think I could afford 3, but honestly I don't totally remember). After I came out of the menu and closed the "world enslaved" message then it took me to the victory screen. So those last couple purchases probably bumped my completion down to the low 1%, and thus a higher score.
Also noticed that even after a country has been infected, sending a Trojan plane there still adds some more infected people and DNA bonus, so after every country was infected I would keep sending planes to the most stubborn countries (new Zealand, Iceland, Greenland, Canada, etc) to keep things moving as quickly as possible.
Just got 1.2 million, didn't realize what a massive DNA source that Trojan Planes are. I did the strategy above only with Trojan Planes 3. Racked up over 400 DNA and just went to town.
Nice, my first go 666,740 which is approx 80,000 better than my previous. Lots of luck good and bad. I had to use cold 1 to counter the cold countries message. I infected the world, patiently waited for 300 DNA, then got every symptom but mania and aggression. Got the world enslaved message, popped back bought gene shuffle 1 and 2.
Score is primarily based on cure %, some genes e.g. Sympto statis make it easier to cure so they do penalise score, but can be offset by gene mimic
Nice strategy, I am now at 1.2 million. . ( still get either ships or cold/hot messages, need a game without any adverse messages) Full credit to you for the strategy. Any idea on the variance between your 1.2 and 1.9 million, any slight tweaks to the strategy, how many days. Do you get starting cure/ first death messages or the world enslaved first?
No way Kayg, you deserve the lions share of credit, you gave big shoulders to stand on. So, the latest is that you use Trojan 3, no transmissions, and then just save up a crapload of DNA using Trojan planes. Dont worry about cold/hot messages, just keep sending planes, you'll have so much DNA you can afford the abilities. Last time I had over 100 left even after buying everything that could help. Then when I got the "world enslaved" message I had enough to buy genetic reshuffle 1, 2, and 3. I'm sure a higher score is possible but at that point its a matter of luck. Fun stuff, thanks for your collaboration.
hi i am trying to beat nanovirus on brutal for 1 month now playing about 12 games a day and i just still cant beat it... i am playing on ios and i think android users got a great opportunity because the nano virus skills work completely different for example my colleage on android waits until cure is up to 95% and then he starts resetting and slowing the cure with the first upgrade... after that he has a cure level of about 25%... me on ios i got 44% he repeats the 95% strategy for a second time and then he has a cure level of 25% again while i on ios have a cure level of 74$ afterwards!!! and that is very unfair! he also gets way more points than me: when he does the reset for the second time he has already skilled blood 1 and 2, air 1 and 2 medical resistance 1 and both levels of heat and cold resistance... at the same time when i do the second reset i only could skill blood 1 air 1 and medical resistance and cold resistance 1 in the end he never reaches cure level 100% while 1 reach cure level 100% while i only have 70 million people infected :/ my starting county is saudi arabia because it has airport and harbour and goes simply everywhere while he starts in the usa where i end up with 120 !!!!!!! infected people... i just cant beat that shit it would be really awesome if you could give me a guide wich is as detailed as possible because i am really annoyed that i payed 8 euros for this game (i bought all gene modifications) and he payed nothing and has a really gigantic opportunity please send me help cause i really wanna beat that shit and forget it and i want to go on to the neurax worm greets Patrick
How I do nano virus, nothing pretty I'm an engineer, this isn't pretty, but it works Genes Metabolic Jump, Terracyte, Sympto-Statis, Base Oxidisation, Extremophile Start China (Why balanced climate, means works well in balanced and not bad in cold/hot. If starting in hot country, disease works well in hot, not bad in balance and darn awful in cold. Also china is huge so lots of DNA without having to infect other countries) Evolve Insomnia, Paranoia, these two give you 3 DNA (combined with paralysis, coma and insanity have a large reduction effect on cure %) Code Fragment Intercept Radical Elements Stabilised Code Segment Intercept Encryption Breach (Cure around 23-25% by now) Symptoms can be more infective than transmissions (so now turn up the infectivity - via sympto statis) Evolve Cysts, Hyper Sense, Nausea, Vomit, Diarrhoea, Coughing and Pneumonia. (Cure around 33-35%) Having evolved my favourite base symptoms, throw in some tranmissions. Evolve Blood 1, Insect 1, Air 1 and Water 1. (cure around 43-45%) Evolve Rash, Sweating, Skin Lesions. Evolve Cold 1, Heat 1 and Drug 1, if you want Gene Hard 1 or even 2. Evolve from here as you see fit. Cold 2/heat 2, More symptoms (dysentery, sneezing etc), avoid high lethal until all islands infected otherwise might not get Greenland or Madagascar. Once all islands infected, then max abilities and through sympto statis you should be able to have every symptom. I usually kill the world with cure around 55%, not pretty, not a good score, but functional.
Hi Patrick. I just replayed Nanovirus on Brutal to remember how I did it. Here's my strategy and the result. Genes: Metabolic Jump, Native Biome, Patho-Statis (for cheap Ability costs), Genetic Mimic, and Extremophile. Start in India Immediately get "Radical elements stabilised," "Encryption breached," "Code fragment interception," and "Code segment interception" abilities to slow down the cure from the start. Note, I do not get the third option in either tree because it causes long term damage. Then, the key is expanding as rapidly as possible. The fastest way to do this typically is with symptoms. The world is already working on a cure so there's no reason to be shy. Pick as many of the non-lethal symptoms that increase infectivity as possible. I like to start with Coughing-Sneezing, then Rash-Sweating-Skin Lesions. As it starts to spread and you get more DNA points, get the Drug Resistance 1 ability, and then Genetic Hardening 1 and 2, and then Genetic Reshuffle 1, 2, and 3. These should be cheap thanks to your genes. I would also get Cold Resistance 1 at least as we started in a hot country (and eventually Cold 2, Drug 2, and the "Drug Immunity" one that pops up on the right once the DNA really starts flowing in, but I would concentrate more on symptoms and transmissions) Keep an eye out for messages about weather or ship/plane restrictions. If they pop up, make sure to get Water 1 or Air 1 to keep ships and planes infecting countries. Take a look at the global map, which parts look least infected? If it's the hot, poor nations in Africa, get Insect 1, or if it's USA get Rodent 1. I ended the game with Bird 1, Rodent 1, Insect 1, Air 1, Water 1, and Water 2 (I got water 2 to try to make sure to get Greenland/Iceland/Madagascar infected with ships). Keep an eye on the Infection Spread Summary, you can't start to go lethal until you get every country infected. Once every country is somewhat infected, you can start to go lethal - don't pick the worst ones first, or you'll kill people too quickly before everyone is infected. I would start with Paralysis and Coma, as these are slightly lethal, but they also make your plague harder to cure. Also get Seizures->Insanity to slow it further. Once you get the "No Healthy People Left" message, get the nasty symptoms like Total Organ Failure and Internal Haemorrhaging and you should be able to kill everyone off before they can cure you. So like I said I just re-ran this real quick, and in this case I didn't wind up with that great of a score. I'm sure you can refine the approach if you want to shoot for higher, but it sounds like you just want to be able to beat it and move on, so I would give this a shot, they never got close to curing me. Edit: Just saw Kayg's response above, that works too, goes to show there's more than one way to skin this cat! Good luck.
I new help with the bio-weapon it kills to fast an I had all the upgrades to slow and all that is left is greenland
Bio Bio IMHO is one of the more fluid disease types, you have to respond to the randomness of when it becomes lethal, rather than follow a set plan. What follows works for me, although the exact evolve order changes for each game. Genes: Metabolic Jump (bonus points) Native Biome (early infectivity) - alternate (aquacyte - chance infect islands) Patho-Statis (you will getting lots of abilities) Base Oxidisation (Random transmissions to help infective, I avoid Base Hydro as I don't want UAG randomly mutating) Extremophile (general all round bonus) Start China Initially Evolve Gene Comp 1,2,3 (reduces chance of becoming lethal, although disease will become lethal eventually) (alternate Gene ATP boost helps here, but slows down mid/end game points) From here on it is a race, your ability to infect and slow cure against it becoming too lethal. Keep an eye on lethality via the dead count, if this is always going up evolve, DMG and NAN to next level, if already level 3, kick down hard on infectivity. Keep an eye on cure, if this is too high, gene hard 1 + 2, gene shuffle Evolve, monitor, work out what to evolve next (cure slow vs new infect vs boost existing), repeat. My last game I then did this after the initial Gene Comp 1,2 and 3 Cysts, Abscesses, Nausea. DMG1, NAN1, Vomiting, DMG2, NAN2, Diarrhoea, DMG3, NAN3, Coughing, Pneumonia, Air 1, Water 1, Cold 1 Heat 1. At this point it went lethal and I couldn't stop it. Drug 1, Gene hard 1, Sneezing, (noticed, cure starts) Blood 1, insect 1, Fever, Skin Lesions, cold 2, heat 2, gene shuffle 1 Gene hard 2, haemophilia, sweating. Lethal was high, but my infectivity was 3 times as high, eventually got world infected at cure 65%, UAG, won the game cure 70% Another game, evolved abilities and transmissions further before needing DMG/NAN, finished on cure 51%