re 198 Days Bit slow. My record 190 days, Metabolic Jump, Native Biome, Sympto-Statis, Base Oxidation and Extremophile.
Corrected achievement text guide and jpeg Updated guide with China/Russia Nuke requirements listed correctly (thanks to NYOS for pointing out my mistake) Russia = Cold 2 China = Bird 2 If trying to nuke China do not evolve bird 1 or 2 until after Spalin voted in If trying to nuke Russia do not evolve cold 1 or 2 until after Spalin voted in Strictly speaking you can have them before but safer not too. Absolutely do not evolve both Bird 2 and Cold 2 when nuking, it always nukes the same country.
i just wanted to ask about the space mission, cause i waited quite a while for it to launch, then it acutally poped up while i wrote ^^ now i got all achievements except those for the worm and i will have to wait for it to be released on android :/
Save games used to persist across winning, but this was disabled to prevent people getting the Modified Genitic Codes too easily. ( save before winning, win, get gene, reload, repeat for all 25 genes) I would like to see it return once you have all 25 genes, at that point there is no reason to keep it disabled. I have been trying to determine if heat + cold resistance is better or worse than bacterial resistance. To do this I need to have the same conditions which is most easily achieved by being able to reload a save game after being successful. Also been trying to work out the relationship of days to victory on the score. I know score is based on cure % complete, the lower the better. I want to know if a lower number of days to vitory helps score.
Trouble in space! I keep having trouble on this last achievement, i've been waiting since 2015 (when mission was planned - I devolved ALL symptoms just to be safe - no abilities, though I do have bioaerosol and water + air) and now its 2024 and still no go on the mission!
Huh.. Never mind. Tried again and had the same problem, but as soon as I evolved Paranoia, Insomnia, and (just to be safe) Insanity, the mission launched!
A Nuking Good Time, and Contaminated Package Strategy Did the following to nuke Russia, and it worked like a charm: (Casual, Immune Plague, Begin in Russia)Evolve Spoiler Drug 1, 2, Livestock 1, 2, Coughing , as points allow. Devolve any other symptoms. Wait for virus to transmit (Want about 80-90 DNA) 27/7/2013: Evolved Water 1 to combat ship sterilization proceedures (so I could make sure to get Greenland). Evolve Spoiler swine flu combo, insomnia, paranoia, inflamation, seizures. 4/8/2016: President taken ill. Evolve Spoiler insanity . 2/8/2017: SPalin elected. Immediately develop Spoiler cold 1 and 2 18/8/2017: USA Threatens Russia. President Spalin believes Russia deliberately released Nuke/em7 as a weapon and swears to take revenge. Evolve Spoiler paralysis. 4/9/2017: USA nukes Russia. President SPalin has nuked Russia in revenge for Nuke/em7. Generals Paralysed and unable to stop it from happening. Out of curiosity, wanted to see if I could get China too. So upon nuking Russia, I evolved Spoiler Bird 1 and 2 , devolved Spoiler Cold 1 and 2, devolved Spoiler paralysis . Waited 1 year for results. No results after 1 year, so I assume you can only nuke 1 country per game. Then I killed the world! Mwahahaha I plan to repeat with Spoiler Bird 1/2 to get China. My theory as to why these specific triggers are used for nukes: previous real-life diseases coming from these countries. Russia has had H1N1 epidemics (swine flu, explains needing livestock transmission), plus the adaptation for cold weather, plus insanity, points to Russia as a source. For China, both Bird Flu and SARS have spread from diseased chickens (which are both livestock and birds); add insanity and SPalin and instant finger pointing! For the blood transfusion achievement, I wasn't even trying for it, but I did note what I had done, in case it helps anyone. It was on my third uneducated nuke attempt. Brutal, God Mode, Begin in Russia Spoiler Transmission: Air 1, Air 2, Water 1, Water 2, Extreme Bioaerosol, Insect 1, Insect 2, Blood 1, Blood 2, Extreme Hematophagy Symptoms: None Abilities: Cold 1, Cold 2, Heat 1, Heat 2, Environmental Hardening, Drug 1, Drug 2, Reasearch 1 Reasearch 2 Notes: Developed all transmission and abilities above immediately upon beginning game. As i was popping biohazard bubbles, the following popped up: Contaminated Blood in S.E Asia - Nuke'em3 was in contaminated blood shipped to S.E. Asia. The infection is now there! Hope this helps someone. I've just wasted a day and a half learning how to nuke. Now I'm off to infect space! Mwahahaha! BTW, Ndemic Creations, here's an idea: if you infect the space station AND manage to keep the human race around until the asteroid in 4042, why not give a special achievement for infecting an alien race or something? That would be hilarious! A real Space Plague! What is it about this game that turns us all into murdering psychopaths? Not that I'm complaining, just curious.
Plague in Space does not involve the space station. Some spoilers follow, use none, 1 or all as you see fit. Where to start: Spoiler USA Transmissions: Spoiler Air 1+2, Water 1+2, Extreme Bio Symptoms: Spoiler Low lethal (e.g. swine flu), get noticed, wait. Eventually you will get mission planned pop-up. Spoiler Devolve symptoms, except insomnia paranoia and insanity , wait for mission launched pop up, Spoiler add minor lethal , wait for mission failure pop up. For every achievement see attached guide.
Nuke/Peer Pressure/Space Achievements I feel depressed playing on Android. Followed the guides for the above achievements on Casual Immune mode and played for 22 years without even getting the pop-ups. By then, the while world was infected and starting to die and the POTUS wasnt sick yet...
Nuke/Space (will work on Peer, as I do that in Worm which isn't available on Android yet) Casual, Immunity cheat. Start in USA, evolve drug 1, air 1, water 1, drug 2, air 2, water 2, extreme bio, cold 1 and heat 1 (these last two missing from guide, not sure if required). See attachments space trans and space abilities. Once you have all that evolve symptoms as per attachment space symptoms. Now wait a long time (3 years ish). You may get the Icure pop-up, if you do sweating takes care of that. Not sure if Icure failure is a milestone for space. By starting in the USA with Drug 2, one of two things will happen. It is possible to do both in same game, once POTUS is sick the lethal symptoms are no longer required, if you happen to have space mission planned by then 1) POTUS sick (Drug 2 is mandatory for this, can start in other countries) 1.1) Evolve insanity, I devolve seizures but that is optional. 1.2) Spalin voted in, evolve cold 2 for nuke russia or bird 2 for nuke china 1.3) Spalin threatens, add paralysis, some devolve insanity 1.4) USA Nukes country as per 1.2 2) Space mission Planned (Must start in the USA) 2.1) Devolve all lethal symptoms, others can be kept. 2.2) wait (no more than 1 year) space mission launched 2.3) evolve minor lethal, I added diarrhoea and pulmanory fibrosis 2.3) wait (about 1 year) space mission failure
Are there any other Android players of plague who have done nuke/space/peer who can advise. I only have an IPad so can't test on Android
Im playing on android space mission: -casual, immune cheat -start usa -add: water1,2 ; air1,2 and extreme bioaerosol (or whatever its called) -i added: drug1 and 2 (not sure if necessary, didnt hurt though) -keep all symptoms that evolve -as soon as you get the "mission planned" popup, devolve all symptoms -wait -when you get the "mission started" popup add minor lethal (like inflamation) -this should be it -thoughts: if you get the icure device i would suggest to use "sweat" to break it, not sure if it has any influence on the mission, but better be safe then sorry for nuke: just follow Kayg's guide, did the trick for me -casual, immune cheat -start usa, russia, china (apperantly it doesnt matter) -add: drug1+2, livestock1+2, bird1, cold1 (DO NOT ADD bird2 or cold2!!!) -wait for whole world infected -add: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing, pneumonia, sneezing, fever, immune suppresion, insomnia, paranoia (devolve all other symptoms that might mutate) -somewhere between 35m and 45m usa dead, president will get sick, as soon as hes sick -> devolve: immune suppression -> add: insanity -spalin gets elected: -> add: bird2 for china nuke cold2 for russia nuke -when spalin threatens russia/china: -> add: paralysis -get the achievement
Peer Pressure Brutal, parasite, air 1, water 1, cold 1+2 and heat 1+2 and aneamia. Causes a severity of 2.0. Hold that state, devolve all symptoms that evolve. Eventually pop ups start.
High scores Any good strategies for legal high scores. Using worm and MGCs I am up to 270,000 approx Scratch that, now 310,000+
Found a lame bug! When checking high scores/achievements from within the app, when you press done on gamecenter, plague is displayed upside down. I have to go through all that trouble to turn my phone to re-orient the game! Firstworldproblems
Thanks for the help. Thank you for all the helpful steps and pictures, I will try them tomorrow, hopefully can finally get them. I didn't know it was ok to evolve more lethal symptoms for the Nukes one. The guide just said the Swine Flu combo.
Nuke symptoms It is okay to have more, just watch the lethality, kill too fast and you will never get POTUS sick message, hence swine flu combo which is low enough to get the pop up, but high enough so that it does not take too long on fast mode.
Unlock Cheats If I purchased the cheats am I now unable to get the Unlock Cheats achievement? thanks! kholmar