I usually start at Egypt cause it has 2 harbors and 1 airfield. Then start leveling the Transmission types, Blood and Insect first to infect Egypt and it's region, then Air and Water, I'll try to infect as much as possible without the cure starting, so I usually devolve everything aside from coughing. I'll work on cold resistance cause otherwise I seem to have trouble infecting greenland, russia and canada fully. Around the time the cure starts or I expect it to start I'll level genetic hardening 1 and 2 and eventually genetic reshuffle. After/before that I'll level towards Insanity to further increase the time to find a cure. At this point I usually start building towards making the disease fatal. However it usually ends with me either killing everything before the rest of the world is infected or with me infecting everyone and then having no more dna left to make my disease fatal enough.
Others will chip in I am sure. Don't overspend on transmissions as you do need enough points for lethal symptoms, pick one type transmission group, bird/livestock/rodent or blood/insect or air/water you don't need more than one for a basic strategy. Caveat you will need water 1 if and only if ships get new filters. Patience is required to infect the world. Cure will start if severity goes too high, so you are right to devolve. Caveat, a new achievement is peer presssure which forces your cure to be noticed, avoid by not having symptoms. Change settings to enable auto pause, that way you can devolve without the mutation registering on the severity graph. Try this, starting in Egypt, normal bacteria. Air 1&2, water1&2, drug 1, cold 1&2. Wait until world infected. (do not have coughing to avoid peer pressure). When world infected add insomnia, paranoia, inflammation, paralysis, coma, total organ failure and if you have enough point seizures, system infection and finally insanity. As DNA comes in from deaths, dysentery, tumours, internal haemorrhaging. You should now kill every one with around 45% cure. You can slow the cure down with coma and insanity etc, or you can slow the cure down by killing people faster. This example is a mix of both. Edited from original to give a worked example.
Update fixed Neurax Worm crash! Yaay Thank you Ndemic for the rapid release of the new update today, I can confirm that the Neurax worm crash is no more...as least for me (iPad 3, iOS 5.11, jail broken) Big love to you guys A smashing job with the most amazing game. Now...back to mass slaughter!
Wrong I'm afraid It is now fixed in update 1.3.1 Congrats - thats the best I've seen so far! Thanks - I'm glad its working for you now!
Thanks. Just finished a game with a disappointing 291....probably because I missed getting blood 1. Tell me, did you have a particular approach? Mine was decidedly 'no frills', no transmission/ability vectors above 1 but evolving symptoms according to infectivity (for example, this ignores insomnia completely) on the path to necrosis/dysentery. EDIT: 283 again, cure only 17% complete this time....
Start in china, rodent 1 for rapid infect of china, coughing, blood and insect 1, sneezing, fever, air/water 1 ( usually getting plane/ship filter message about now ), skin, necrosis, immune suppress, cold, drug and heat 1, total organ, head over to dysentry. Keep infectivity at least twice lethal until all countries infected and then evolve remaining lethal symptoms. My variance is how fast I infect all countries, kill too fast and I never get one of the islands, usually greenland, kill too slow takes too long. Would be interested in how your approach varies?
Start in China. Then cysts/abscesses/coughing, then rodent 1. Sneezing then livestock 1 and pneumonia. Usually by now other countries start becoming infected. Bird 1 and cold 1 before air 1/water 1. Pulmonary oedema and fever next, by which time rich countries become affected, so drug 1 and hyper-sensitivity. Skin lesions followed by insect 1. Diarrhoea and blood 1. No more transmissions or abilities now. Tend to go necrosis then dysentery. Now try to complete what I call "the ring" which starts at dysentery and goes through coughing and cysts before coming back but to (but not evolving) insanity. Some symptoms will mutate but crucially I don't acquire total organ failure before 'no more healthy people'. When that message comes, devolve all transmission/ability vectors and get whatever else is affordable and lethal. Usually there are two vectors incomplete. Et voila....
I can confirm that following the instructions to add insect does not appear to be working for me. I've failed 4 times now. Spalin gets elected every time, but she will never threaten Russia.
Add transmission after Spalin voted in works for me everytime, insect 1+2 = russia, bird 1+2 = china. Do not in any way shape or form use insect/bird as transmission BEFORE to getting spalin voted in. Try devolving insanity AFTER spalin voted in. Also you can devolve all lethals at this point so the USA doesn't go into general distruption or worse.
Please clarify. Insect is a correct trigger for the Russia threat but not for the mosquito reason. Is that what the wrong ment?