Also add sweating to make the Icure fail. Not sure if required but I repeated my step by step on page 63, with sweating and devolve insanity. Seems to work, not consistently but 1 in 3 attempts.
so the pop-up will appear before or after no healthy person left in the world ? in immunity cheat or regular game ? got tired and sick of waiting @_@
I got mine doing the worm, making sure severity was negative, in normal game or cheat make sure to have no symptoms at all, none, zero, nada, nought. Devolve any and all. I will try to repeat and produce a step by step Parasite is another good one, if you take symbiosis, your severity goes negative.
still not work, maybe i have no patience at all... = =. the process to make POTUS sick : random ? after sick : insanity = spalin elected <-- 100% sure after elected, make spalin threatened rus / chn <-- still not sure... will need more hints about this... and also that contaminated pack... = =. FYI, the best i got is spalin elected, the threat notice never popped-up at all... not even once... i have once, make POTUS ill, really fast, only by drug 1+2, no symptoms at all, no transmission... start in china, so it's random i think... i got happy, and start adding some symptoms... insanity, spalin elected, and until the end of the day no threat... @_@; hints please ndemic...
POTUS ill usually happens (for me) at around 40,000,000 dead in the USA. Immediately add insanity. Random time later Spalin. IMO immediately devolve insanity. Random if at all, threaten Immediately add paralysis, random time nuke. Infectivity high, >= half the bar Severity medium, 1/4th to 1/3rd the bar Lethality tiny. I usually have 50, 24, 6 respectively This achievement is IMO definitely broken, since it is clearly possible to do things that work for other people and still not get the pop ups, for no valid reason beyond randomness to prevent predictability. Only the time should be random not whether it happens at all. Slow lethal with drug 2 = POTUS sick, guaranteed to happen, but when can be random with upper limit POTUS sick + insanity = Spalin, guaranteed to happen, but when can be random with upper limit Spalin threatens, guaranteed to happen, but when can be random with upper limit Threatens + paralysis = nuke, guaranteed to happen, but when can be random with upper limit Which is threatened, based on whatever, start country, transmission, something else
Okay, contaminated package. Ready?? The first time I got this achievement was right after I had nuked China. Earlier in the game, I had gotten all Bird 1&2, Rat 1&2, and Livestock 1&2 and got zoonosis. I also had the extreme hemo one too. Of course Drug 1&2. And the Profuse Bleeding Combo. There were zero people left in China, and everyone else around them was infected. So, after USA nuked China, the message popped up and said "Contaminated blood in China". The had sent blood to them. Bingo. I finally understood what the object was: to get a country to have ZERO infected, while everyone else around them was infected. So I played another game. This time, not focusing on nuking a country to get zero infected, because we ALL know the one country that takes extra help to get infected. Say it with me: Greenland. The key: "Ships use new sterilizing techniques". Usually, when we get this message, we go in and add Water 1. Well...DON'T. When you don't add Water, what happens? ISLANDS DON'T GET INFECTED. (Except through the non-human infections and spontaneous infections.) Specifically: Greenland, New Guinea, Madagascar, the Philippines, and the Caribbean. Following me so far? Try this. If it doesn't work, let me know, and I'll help further. But this is the key. Ships, zoonosis, extreme hemo profuse bleeding. Oh, and start in Egypt. I've found it gives the Ship message the most frequently for me. Good luck!
What is the pop up we should expect, it been a while since I got the achievement, back in prior version.
Got the contaminated blood. Bacteria casual. Started in egypt. Blood 1+2, drugs 1+2. Insect 1+2. Extreme hema. Livestock 1+2, birds 1+2, rodent 1+2 No symptons and ships couldn't be infected!!!!! Was trying Ace's method buth didn't get enough points. But thank you.
I must be cursed 4 times, start in Egypt, zoonosis, ships, islands not infected. Profuse bleeding combo pop up to confirm correct symptoms Then 1 by 1. Non human infection by direct animal contact of each island Not a single contaminated blood in sight
Heh, sorry - lots going on It is not broken or particularly random - the reason it can appear random is if people do not understand the triggers - they may trigger it without realising what they did (or misremembering what they did)! Nice one! You are missing something here - based on the information you gave - it would be impossible to get contaminated blood.
Contaminated Package and Insane Bolt Works like a charm, nice one. You don't even need zoonosis as mentioned in the original post. Here's my 313 day picture.
To be clear, I did say extreme hema. And to be even more clear...the route I suggested to complete the achievement was based on 20+ recreations that all worked for me, and it was the easiest way that I could get someone else to understand how to recreate it too. Sorry if it could be done in less steps than I suggested. I was asked how I completed it. But I'm glad you all have figured it out on your own. Congrats!
Nuking triggers POTUS sick is well understood. I've had it whilst infecting the USA, but generally get it by 40,000,000 million dead in the USA. That level of repeatability is okay. Spalin voted in is well understood. Insanity and wait, sometimes 2 weeks other times 6 months, but only once has it failed, in 50+ games. Threat pop up - until something changes we will have to disagree. I done both China and Russia, but cannot reliably reproduce the threat pop up part. I've published in a prior post the exact sequence of what I spend DNA points on for a nuke attempt. 1 out of 10 attempts that sequence results in a threat pop up. The exact same sequence failed 9 other times. If nothing I do changes then it's something the game code does and that makes it random - or if it makes it clearer what I mean "out of my control" You are however the gatekeeper, you hold all the keys, too all the doors. All I can do is ask nicely. Please explain clearly what can be done to improve the probability of a threat pop up. I don't want the works, just something to improve my chances. This is great game, parasite and the worm give me hours of fun. Not being able to somewhat (1 in 3 would be nice) reliably get a threat pop up is tarnishing the enjoyment. Great - but could be greater.
Yes, my bad for not reading your post properly. I confused hema with haemo And imagine sounds of a drum roll. I don't know how to do one in text. Congrats on 29 out of 29 achievements.
well, surprise... this thread is become lively... thanks ace... finally got contaminated package... bacteria casual extreme hema, drug 1+2, devolve other symptoms... wait... and YAY !! so that's what it mean, clever one... yeah~ now 3 achievements to go... peer pressure, and the most stressful two : us feat. chn + rus... and ndemic, you really should make a hint about this...
will try that tonight... so i just max up transmissions and abilities ? no symptoms needed ? devolve all that mutates right ?