Universal Plague Inc. - (by Ndemic Creations)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Ndemic Creations, May 26, 2012.

  1. siglevalpha

    siglevalpha New Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    Thanks!!! You rock!
  2. Kayg0000

    Kayg0000 Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2012
    Re nuking

    Interesting, I had not noticed that before but you are right on the fallen/not fallen. My 1st attempt at trying your theory was going well, President ill while still infecting the USA, quickly evolve seizures and insanity, then devolve seizures. Short while later Palin is voted in, so close I thought. Whilst I decided what to do next, the USA bombed itself, BAU to Fallen in the blink of an eye.
  3. TedVB

    TedVB Member

    Jul 11, 2012

    You got further than I did. I'm still trying to get China to hit anarchy far enough ahead of the US to be able to do something. I'm thinking I must be off track. Oh well...the trying is fun though. Good app!
  4. Kayg0000

    Kayg0000 Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2012
    No method is consistent or guaranteed, but here is what I was doing.

    Start in China, avoid water/air/bird transmission and avoid drug resist, to minimize chance of infecting USA and reduce speed of disease spread if you do infect. Have all the non lethal parts of swine flu, Nausea, Vomit, Cough, Sneeze, Insomnia and Paranoia.

    China and Russia and surrounds infected 100%, Get bird/water/air transmission to infect USA if not already infected, then get both drug resist 1+2 at same time. This is is highly random (get president ill with approx 650,000 infected in USA), immediately get seizures and insanity, then devolve seizures. Short while later Palin voted in. At this point in my game USA was 100% (I'm going to experiment with devolving drug 1+2 after president ill so that USA infect/spread rate goes way down.) Then Palin will be in with USA only partially infected, both China and Russia infected. Make the disease lethal so China/Russia head for anarchy, whilst it kills the infected in the USA but not all of USA infected. If insanity still on maybe Palin would nuke, I don't know.
  5. Cpt_Colabear

    Cpt_Colabear New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    swine flu?

    Hey, really basic question but I can't find the answer anywhere...

    How the fruit-loops do I get the Swine Flu Combo!!? I know there isn't a guaranteed 'formula' but I've got all the others (by complete accident) and I've even tried on the unlocked Cheat plagues but still can't seem to trigger it?
  6. Kayg0000

    Kayg0000 Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2012
    As posted by Willm, page 39 of this thread, swine flu is the following:-

    Nausea, Vomit, Diorrhoea, cough, fever, insomnia and inflammation. I had to add sneezing and paranoia. Try that with different transmissions.
  7. Noob-inc

    Noob-inc New Member

    Jul 13, 2012

    Hi guys, I'm struggling with these achievements as well and have been following the discussion for the last little while. We don't seem to be getting any closer to an answer. Personally I think it all revolves around the Paranoia symptom. I've progressed through to getting Palin elected and then every once in a while I get a Paranoia alert that says one of two things. The first just says "Paranoia in name of country" and states that people there are very paranoid and won't cooperate fully with the search for a cure. The other message which seems to come up less frequently has the same header text but then says " People in random country are extremely paranoid and more likely to resort to extreme measures to stop the spread of the disease". Surely nukes must be these extreme measures? The trouble is you only get a paranoid message for 1 country per game and it seems to be completely random which country you get it for. I've tried devolving every other symptom except for paranoia but nothing happens. I've left paranoia and insanity - nada. Left paranoia and insomnia (irritable and paranoid, what a great combination) - again zip. Tried to simulate a bio attack on the West by going with paranoia and only the symptoms that state something like "developed countries are particularly at risk" -nothing. Had a few games where I thought I'd cracked it but then USA bombed itself from BAU to Anarchy. So. Very. Frustrating. Anyone else got any suggestions?
  8. Alyce

    Alyce Member

    Jul 13, 2012
    I've been having some issues with Swine Flu and both Nuke achievements. I know we're still working on the nuke achievements, but with swine flu, I always select those particular symptoms (Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Coughing, Sneezing, Fever, Insomnia, Paranoia, and Inflammation). I even devolve any other symptoms that come up, and I never get the achievement. The other combinations seem to come up fine, but not that one.
  9. Kayg0000

    Kayg0000 Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2012
    It is a lot easier on the immunity (no cure) cheat type, because you can wait longer. Try the above symptoms with bird, rodent and livestock 1+2 and the special one when all 3 are at level 2. This was mentioned by another person earlier in the thread as to how they got the achievement.
  10. TedVB

    TedVB Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    Did you crack the space one? If so, how??? That one's got me baffled as well as the nukes....
  11. TedVB

    TedVB Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    Swine flu

    I just noticed you didn't include pneumonia...I included that with all of these when I got it...
  12. Farmer Harv

    Farmer Harv Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2009
    These Nuke/space achievements have just turned into a bad joke. And it's on us.

    Either they're random, which means they're not actually an achievement, or they have such a narrow path to reach them as to be effectively impossible, or they're bugged, or they simply don't exist.

    Actually, they probably aren't random, otherwise someone would've stumbled across one of them by now.
  13. Ndemic Creations

    Ndemic Creations Well-Known Member

    The nuke and space achievements are not bugged - I've got them multiple times ;)

    Yes - they are obviously very challenging to achieve and this is as intended, I wanted it to be more of a community mystery which people work together on to get over time. That said, in update 1.3, I will be adding more 'breadcrumbs' to the trail to help people discover them.
  14. GSJ1977

    GSJ1977 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    Can anyone tell me what hot/cold resistance do? They don't seem to affect infectivity or lethality, nor do they affect the cure, so what are they for? Same question for drug resistance. Thanks!
  15. Farmer Harv

    Farmer Harv Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2009
    So there's no randomness then? Just a specific path that must be followed? If so, then at least there is hope that the correct sequence will be stumbled across eventually.
  16. Ndemic Creations

    Ndemic Creations Well-Known Member

    There is some randomness but not much more than other events. Enough to stop it being completely predictable
  17. Kayg0000

    Kayg0000 Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2012
    Cold makes if quicker to infect Russia, Iceland, Greenland and Canada. Level 2 obviously faster than level 1.

    I guess hot does the same for hot countries but I never use it as I use insect transmission.

    Drug is for rich countries ( USA, Canada etc ). Drug 2 is how you get the president of the USA ill and insanity at the right time is how you get Palin voted in. This is believed to be part of the nuke achievement. Developer confirms this is warmest suggestion yet, made back on page 39 by another contributor.
  18. Kayg0000

    Kayg0000 Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2012
    I can get Palin voted in whilst the USA is still being infected, but Russia and China are 100% infected. Is this getting any warmer? Given that by now every combo of symptoms after Palin gets voted in has been tried.

    I can even have the USA with no infect people at all, Palin in, Russia and China in or near anarchy.
  19. dib

    dib Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
    Palin elected? I'll take my chances with the plague that causes brain hemorrhaging and violent spasms. It sounds a lot more pleasant.
  20. TedVB

    TedVB Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    News banner-randomness

    I keep thinking that all the news banner headlines provide all the necessary hints - by directing you to specific countries and their attributes. I'm wondering if these are the guide to the randomness. I'm just not sure how to decipher some of the hints. For example: the news item (which actually creates an alert) regarding the social website Blankbook I can't figure out, but it almost screams hint to me since it's an alert...

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