Universal Plague Inc. - (by Ndemic Creations)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Ndemic Creations, May 26, 2012.

  1. PapaT

    PapaT Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2011
    I beat Fungus on my third attempt. I always start in Saudi which may help. Seems just fine as is!
  2. carlisimo

    carlisimo Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
    I don't find it difficult if you don't evolve any symptoms until it's infected every territory... but that's a somewhat boring way to play. If you find a way to make it more interesting, then a change would be welcome.
  3. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    Depends. Fungus is to me a test of patience. If you developed your transmission and devolve all symptoms, then wait till the whole world is infected, then increase all symptoms, ya, it's quite a fool proof way of winning. Only catch is you have to be super patient for this to happen. I find the animals transmission can be quite useful here.

    Perhaps make the fungus instead of having spore explosions (which are quite useless anyway if you adhere to the above strategy), they can have some other properties?
  4. JayC.

    JayC. New Member

    Jun 5, 2012
    I had to find a "walkthrough" strategy to finally beat fungus. I don't remember the specifics, but it was a long, waiting game, to be sure.

    I like the fungal burst evolution, but I have quite a few problems and questions about it:

    I don't quite get the difference or significance of the two separate fungal spore burst evolution wheels. One has roman numerals on it the other doesn't. Once the fungal burst happens, what is the point of keeping the evolution? It is a one and done shot, isn't it? Does the fungal burst get more powerful as it reaches the center evolution of the wheel?

    How about it being useless when you are left with precious few countries to infect? (Damn you, Greenland) I have used a late evolution of it in hopes that the final one or two countries get infected, but it becomes a pricey gamble usually with ZERO results. At this late stage, that cost is phenomenal since the cure is either already in the works, or you are then left with not enough DNA to evolve enough deadly-ness (Is that a word?)

    Thanks again for a GREAT game and taking the fans' words and suggestions to heart. Keep up the good work!
  5. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    #365 awp69, Jun 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2012
    Finally decided to get this yesterday. Great game.

    Thought I was doing well on my first try with Bacterial. Killed well beyond the Black Plague and Spanish Flu. Seemed to be headed towards a collapse in every country. But then my DNA points started to slow down and even though a cure was only 34% complete, I still lost.

    Tough game, but I've probably still got to learn the ropes. I usually don't like sim type games, but admit this one's a lot more fun than I thought it would be (got it because of all the fuss over it).

    BTW, I only got 60 at the end. Not understanding the leaderboards with scores in the millions and one in the trillions.
  6. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    Unfortunately, for as much I love th game ... There is one strategy that always works and let you destroy the world. S for people like me who do not care about scores but more the challenge to destroy the world, the game gets "tired fast".
  7. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    I don't care too much about scores either. But I guess I'll shy away from the help thread in the General forum. I want to figure out how to destroy the world on my own so it doesn't get "tired" too fast.

    It sounds like once you hit Fungus, it gets even more challenging.

    We'll see how long it keeps my interest, but for now I'm pleasantly surprised (sad that I'm having fun destroying the world :D).
  8. VGM

    VGM New Member

    Jun 22, 2012
    Bacteria is challenging, virus is easy but fungus is really frustating me. Can not pass this level
  9. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    Fungus is quite easy as it plays just like bacteria with more patience.
    The only one I found different was virus and slightly different was the second last (I forgot the name).
  10. ledder

    ledder Active Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    Damn i'm getting a rash of my own with these stupid achievements.
    Still nobody has a clue on the nuking, blood trasfusions, oink oink swineflu & infecting space?!
  11. Snowboard

    Snowboard Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    Ok I'm a big fan of plage inc (good job ndemic) so I decided to make a graph of the best way to use a disease to win soon I'll post a comment with a link to the spreadsheet
  12. TheBrigg

    TheBrigg New Member

    Jun 22, 2012
    I've done swineflu by looking up the symtoms on wikipedia :)
    If I remember correctly I upgraded
    Nausea, vomiting, diorrhoea, coughing, fever, and either anaemia or insomnia possibly both (not sure, was sometime ago). Also upgraded animal transmision to second level. When the cure got around 90% the message showed up.

    Thanks by the eay for a great game. On the question of possible changing fungus type, I would rather have it be more distinctive. As it is now, it's just a slower bacteria game (same for prion). The other disease types all bring something unique, with its own special traits.
    The special trades from fungus and prion are kinda useless, only maybe for infecting greenland as when it is the last country :)
  13. bw364

    bw364 New Member

    Jun 22, 2012
    I absolutely love this game despite its simplicity. I can't wait for the 2.5 release.
    So I've found myself picking this game up whenever I'm bored even though I've murdered the world in just about every setting except on virus/brutal, which I've given up on as no matter what, the mutations always costs me too many points and it gets discovered. I've found that I can take down the world in the time it takes to smoke a cig. So now I have been toying around with the game and testing different ways to infect and attack. I've been paying close attention to each infection's abilities (parasite's infiltration ability is just unfair if you know how to use it during the infection stage). I'd definitely like to see these play a bigger role in the next game.
    My burning question is what effect does the Prion's Neural Atrophy have?
  14. carlisimo

    carlisimo Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
    I don't understand the leaderboards either! But regarding your first game, it sounds like you made the disease too lethal before it had infected everybody. One symptom, Necrosis, causes deaths to infect healthy people, but you still need to keep lethality down until there no healthy people left (you'll get a message when that happens).

    The last two pathogen types (nano-virus and bioweapon, I think) don't play that way, so hold out until you get to them.
  15. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    I got the iCure thingy solved.... Clue: You just need one of the symptoms to make it not work! Hahaha... When I saw it i was like... ROFL>......
  16. McNippleson

    McNippleson Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2012
    This game is effing hard. On my about 10th try with bacteria yesterday, I was confident I was going to finally win but bam - the game tells me that almost everyone is dead but there are actually a few people left in this world who weren't infected and thus survived, so I lost. Argh! All stats screens showed 100% infection.
  17. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    They play almost like that actually .... I find virus the one that adds the most even if it is almost impossible t loose that stage.
    Still this game is fun and for people interested in high score the replay value is great since it requires using different strategies.
  18. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    Some Screens....

    London infected:

    Swine Flu:


    These does nothing (no achievements) but it's fun to know that...

    World Cup is cancelled:


    So anyone got the Blood Trans can share some tips?
  19. Garbagemaster

    Garbagemaster Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    This game is like crack for genocidal maniacs! I can't stop playing! Hmmm...what does that say about me ;)
  20. JayuZmaN

    JayuZmaN Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    A t l a n t i s
    watching the TV Series : The Walking Dead...

    and then played this game...
    it's hilarious !! :D

    how to get the nuclear achievement ?
    i've finished the game, unlocked special cheats...

    lol, it's fun though... you're the GOD of the realm... =)

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