What there is is references to complete strategy posts for each disease type and specific strategies for worm and zombie Bacteria, Virus, Parasite, Prion - see post 1040 fungus, bio, nano, cheat - see post 822
Yeah, it is possible to temporarily uncure a disease as long as you act fast and actually have the ability to use the short window of opportunity it gives. I managed to pull it off on a Prion once, leading to this little graph in the attachments.
Use China for all speed runs. All speed strategies posted need tweaking under v1.5.3 to get faster runs. Note I have 7 of my records in this version. you need extreme luck and skill to crack bacteria. 100+ attempts, best result is 178 days in v1.5.3. usually fail or win @185-200. early infection of UK, US, and Saudi is key because they're countries that spread the virus the most. bird, necrosis, drug 2 needed very early as well. New record for cheat = 77 days see updated post 2156 for strategy. see post 2203 for high scores.
Good for you, but there are those of us that like to make our disease unnoticeable. So if you remove the feature that allows you to devolve mutated symptoms, a lot of our little tricks are no longer achievable. Don't remove that feature. It is one of the best features of devolution in this game. I don't think I'm alone here when I say that feature NEEDS TO STAY.
I wouldn't worry, whoever they are all the do is troll around websites and forums posting inflammatory comments and responses ( determined by searching this forum for all posts by same user ) I credit James with the common sense to ignore the these types of post, and instead carry on doing what he does best, providing a damn good game.
Originally Posted by Kayg0000 View Post Welcome back James. Just a thought. You could give us a hint to NAZG via this forum and work on 1.6 The sequence of getting POTUS ill so fast in Necroa - was that co-incidence or an "easter egg"? No hints Really James? No hints? Didn't you say when you came back from the conferences you'd give us a few hints? Yet you're going back on it...That's so mean!! All we want is just a little hint. A start point or something. You can't leave us hanging forever...
Not sure if I am on to something or not fellas... Necroa on brutal... started in greenland, and I am on year 200 without a single mutation... No transmissions, no symptoms, just drug 1, gene hard, and shuffle 1 & 2... I evolved all one-at-a-time, as soon as the points were available, also of note, before the disease left greenland, ship sterilization prompt popped up, which helped build dna... Again, 200 years in, and not a single mutation... and only 100 million NOT infected. (mostly in african countries). About 150 years in, the calender reset back to 2013, and I also have just over 450 dna points to spend... Even though ship sterilization popped up, the disease still spreads by boat ZERO transmission, and still no forced mutations, with about 6.6 billion infected...
What genes I use Base oxide, drug 1, gene hard and shuffle 1 and 2 on brutal and always get 100% infection before mutation Way to go for 200 years - are you using meta hijack to auto pop?
The genes I used were meta hijack, aquacyte, spliced activation, base ox, and extremophile... After a two day game I finally got bored and unleashed the hounds... my first 5 star game lol! some of the final stats... 66597 days played... 7% cure completion Score 154360 I wonder why I didnt get a single mutation, though
Lol weird... I just figured 66597 days is less than 200 years, but the calender read 2068 AFTER the calendar reset... hmmmm
Is there any way to see (and win!) the achievements when offline? I play on a ipod touch that very rarely gets to see the net, so don't get to sign into Game Center very often. And when I press the Achievements button on the high scores page, nothing happens.
You need to start in Russia,China,or India and then you use prion on brutal and try to get Insomnia,and paranoia first then infect Russia or China and then you need to get insanity. Here comes the hard part, you need to infect USA and get the president sick and P.S you should keep the amount of deaths to a minimal, then when he gets ill make the virus very lethal. When he dies evolve Paralysis then it will say Spalin threatens Russia/or China then shortly after it will say NEWS: U.S.A nukes Russia/Or China
How? Bio has a lot that is random, when it goes lethal mainly. Do you have a specific, repeatable method or was this the perfect run?
Yes it is repeatable. But this round was Lucky. Normaly i made about 400k points on 2%. Start in russia with red dna, Trans. Mut., Terraphil, the other Land Bonus -/), and abbility stasis. You have to evolve gene compressing ASAP. Than you have nothing else to do than spread.----> infect all----> armageddon Gene----> the insomnia line to insanaty and coma to raise severity to Slower cure ( all at once!!! Need about 110 DNA) Ps. Dont forget all the gene hards and reshuffles. Good luck.
Despite playing on brutal, and keeping the cure from reaching 100%, I still can't get above about 18000 (not 180000) on Necroa. Anyone have any suggestions?
Severity slows the cure. I always try to make the zombies extremely strong. Also the symptom that makes them agressive helps to make it sever.