Speed Top Scores Anyone looking to speed race, here are the top scores. I hold top scores, unless indicated otherwise. Bacteria - 176 Virus - 171 Fungus - 78 Parasite - 199 Prion - 227 Nano Virus- 71 Bio Weapon - 74 Worm - 134 Necroa - 232 Cheat - 77 All score legit under v1.5.3. If you have better scores, post and I'll update.
Welcome back James! Is there a video or transcript of your talk @ the CDC anywhere? Would be fun to hear it. Thanks for the info on nuking, at least we can rule that out for nazg now.
Shame, would be fun to Nuke China/Russia before going zombie. Until I tried all symptoms I was hoping that either polyphagia or autophagia would do the trick, with a message Spalin nukes ... Generals too busy eating [themselves] to stop her. Polyphagia too busy eating, autophagia too busy eating themselves.
Speed scores Clarification on Worm strategy Agree don't evolve planes, but do use the few random planes you get to infect the tricky islands (Greenland, Caribbean, new guinea, new Zealand etc) Other than that exactly as listed. FYI: After Rat 2, I usually go straight up from cond loc to air 3 then pick up water 2, eggs 2, water 3. Since you are faster than me I might tweek that. Sometimes I swap mimic for base oxide, but it's pure luck if a random mutation is a helpful transmission. I doubt there will be significant strategy shifts for Fungus, Bio, Cheat and Nano. Also we must be close to a theoretical limit for the others, as you say it comes down to the random island infection factor. I get close but not close enough. Still trying.
planes: i infect west africa, argentina, then island of choices. the first 2 attack pesky continents off the bat. after rat 2. i mix it up between t/a. get bird 2 sooner rather than later because it spreads land transmission the best. i usually leave air 3 and mosquito 2 until after enslavement. also i don't wait till 100% infection to enslave.
No hints POTUS sequence must have been co-incidence No hints yet. FYI - I think the next update will add something different - not a new plague Yes - a job description will be going out shortly - I am looking for a new programmer to join the team Correct - Episode 7 - taking the Mickey Not at the moment - will be a write up soon
Honestly, all I want in the next update is the ability to use the cheats on all the disease types. It's what I thought we would be able to do when I first unlocked the cheats
Green with envy, to think of getting my hands on the code, but sadly I will not be applying. 22 years developing with RDBMS software, 0 days developing on mobile devices. Include non disclosure agreement etc so they don't reveal any hints on forums
Save feature for next update My biggest complaint about the game is the save feature. Currently its only 2 purposes are 1. crashes 2. walkway and come back later My complaint is that it does not function as a hard checkpoint save. The save should work so that I can always come back to that point (a real checkpoint). Seeing as how this is a strategy game, we should be able to create a checkpoint and come back to it to test different strategies and approaches. I hate spending all the time evolving to a certain point, and then executing a strategy which only lasts for seconds before the game ends. And if my strategy failed, I need to start all the way from the beginning. A hard save would eliminate that. To solve the high scoring issue, just have the hard save be eliminated once a victory is recorded (as it functions now). Really hope you address in the next update. Thanks James!
Straight question then. Will we under the current version know if we do the right things in the right place at the right time, that we are on the NAZG path Or Is NAZG ( and here it is me being evil ) an achievement designed to be attained by only cheats ( I.e. editing the files )
extra questions to add, albiet somewhat rhetorically: are there extra hidden transmissions/abilities/symptoms we may be missing? Or is NaZG purely strategy and timing? .. I realize that people have been hammering on this for weeks, and haven't found anything new, per say.. but it seems like the tools we have are insufficient. Edit: great game btw, very well done. Kudos.
This is on the to do list and has been for a while. My concern is that permanent access to all cheats will spoil the game. e.g. I remember when I got the cheats for Age of Empires when I was little - it actually spoiled the game for me significantly. One thing I am thinking about is using a 'token' system for cheats on non bacteria disease types. e.g. you win a game without cheat, you get a token which you can then use for cheats. However, this has its own significant set of problems. Interested to hear people's thoughts on this The 2 purposes you mentioned are exactly why I added the save feature in! I would like to expand it but it is technically complex and there are many things that must take priority at the moment You will not know you are on the path until you complete all required steps. This was probably too nasty of me - so will change this in future. Cheats not required. General announcement - if you are (or know) a talented c++ programmer - check this link out. I want you to join the Plague Inc. team p.s. I thought you might all be interested in seeing a site that a player sent me. He has done a great job of showing how to get some of the achievements. http://dimawest.livejournal.com/732.html
You could have a 6th gene group, which is various cheats, unlimited DNA, no cure etc. Using this group sets a flag so that the game victory summary screen shows "cheat" just as if one of the cheat disease types is used. The score would reflect that and speed runs will only be accepted with screenshots not showing the "cheat" word. The player can chose to use or not any gene in this group. Obviously use of the cheat genes would not result in a stripe for the appropriate difficulty level(s) of the disease. Then I will stop trying to get NAZG until breadcrumbs via update provided. Of to attack Mkesaber's speed scores. Cool - if you haven't already you might want to post that on facebook/twitter, I see many people post on the NDEMIC facebook page for answers on how to get achievements.
Is that a suggestion ( if so we have done that ) or are you speaking from experience aka you have done NAZG ( in which case what order did you evolve the symptoms )
Ok.. Here's what we "know". There are several steps as James said. You don't get the"Scientists concerned about <disease> pop up if you devolve all symptoms as soon as the disease is spotted so the cure rate is none to medium at the most. Now.. I'm thinking that it has to do with SG somehow. Maybe evolve it asap and when the cure is done devolve it. Maybe evolve it after the cure has been completed. Don't know.. Tried that and didn't work but maybe there's a combination somewhere.. We know for sure that we can't achieve some kind of nuclear war. We know we don't have enough lethality and we know it's not an origin achievement..