Universal PixelTerra (by Anton Skvortsov)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by tibone, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    amazing update! Thanks a ton :D I love this game! Having to find the crafting recipes in bottles is kinda tricky I can't progress through the tutorial cause I can't find the any more recipes and can't figure out how to make an oven without it but otherwise I'm really loving it especially the female character option!
  2. tibone

    tibone Active Member

    Jun 2, 2014
    #82 tibone, Jul 27, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
    New bosses from the future update:


    Behavior: aggressive
    Damage type: physical (ranged), poisonous (melee)
    Drop: magic web (50%), spider flaps (50%), sting (100%)
    Location: dungeon, spider caves
    Unique ability: slows down the speed and attack
    Summons: Spider


    Behavior: neutral, escapes with a low level of health
    Damage type: poisonous
    Drop: magic wood (100%), wood goblin ring (30%), branches (100%)
    Location: outside, close to blocks of grass
    Unique ability: quick regeneration near trees and grass
    Summon: Mushroom Bomb

    the map appears in the update


    I also add bows and a new location (spider caves)
  3. tibone

    tibone Active Member

    Jun 2, 2014
    I made a trailer for the game. This is my first attempt at video editing, so do not strongly criticize =)

  4. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    #84 stubbieoz, Jul 30, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
    I saw this on AppZapp and it was discounted.
    So I checked this thread first, and came across the patch information that seems to addressed a lot of early concerns.
    Then I see you have another game, "Hell, the dungeon again!" at the same price. (and I love roguelikes).

    So I bought both!

    Edit; it's probably obvious, but in the starting options what value do you put in the "seed" box?
  5. tibone

    tibone Active Member

    Jun 2, 2014
    SEED allows you to generate exactly the same world, the seed of which you remembered earlier. This thing is in almost all games with crafting.


    A new update will be available in a couple of days. On the AppStore review...

    > Added bows
    > Added new bosses and monsters
    > Added a new zone (spider cave)
    > Added map
    > Added new items and recipes
    > Reduced fishing speed
    > Added replenishment of important resources on the map
    > Improving the game balance

    Fixed bugs:
    -Lich occupied 2 cells
    -Bag with the creation of watering can
    -The rain could go to the dungeon
    -Don't work the cancellation of crafting
  6. jamiejap

    jamiejap Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2013
    #86 jamiejap, Aug 4, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2017
    cool. played it half an hour . like that wood ent thing. like the map function so far.

    didn't craft a lot of things , so i didn't tried to engaged the big creatures.

    it's still very hard to find the way back home. how does the compass works ?

    keep on the good work!

    played a little more:

    - catching a fish is still to difficult, it is not slower on my device than before.
    - crafting for essentials ( walls etc) stil tools to long.
    - there is no tooltip infos if you put something in a chest or box
  7. jamiejap

    jamiejap Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2013
    how can i kill one of this tree goblin ent thing?

    when i kill one some explosive mushrooms appears and the boss respawns near me.

    that happens a lot so i'm not able to kill one for real, but i need the magic wood!
  8. tibone

    tibone Active Member

    Jun 2, 2014
    He regenerates while on the grass. Take him away from there.
  9. jamiejap

    jamiejap Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2013
    #89 jamiejap, Aug 9, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2017
    thanks for the clou. but how many times do i have to kill him until he's real dead?

    and are there more than one different boss creatures on one map?

    update: i managed to kill one but it was a very hard & difficult thing.
  10. tibone

    tibone Active Member

    Jun 2, 2014
    He does not die, but teleports. Usually this happens two times and then he dies.

    underground, 3 boss creatures: Spider Queen, Yeti, Lich
  11. jamiejap

    jamiejap Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2013
    underground, 3 boss creatures: Spider Queen, Yeti, Lich[/QUOTE]

    how can i get underground?

    and how can i tame a chicken? i ve got the stable for it and i've got some wheat but the ckicken want follow me.

    thanks a lot for all the answer it's a very cool looking and i have had good fun time with it!
  12. tibone

    tibone Active Member

    Jun 2, 2014
  13. jamiejap

    jamiejap Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2013
    #93 jamiejap, Aug 15, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2017
    ok i managed a lot.

    the underground levels are very cool, but how can i find out which sword or bow or helmet are the best? i die a lot in underground. there are a lot o strong enemy's , even the bats are very aggressive.

    update: tooltip shows which armor value you have, but it's not clear what the different things mean.

    mushrooms gives a good health potion, but even then i'm still to weak to win against this hordes of strong monsters in the underground.

    i have a red diamond sword

    so i'm still looking for the best equipment .
  14. jamiejap

    jamiejap Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2013
    #94 jamiejap, Aug 21, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2017
    attention: if you save after taking the invisible potion and you load your save; your visible now!

    that happens to me, and now i am stocked because i can't escape alive.

    so if you don't want to loose everything better save only when your save and when your not invisible !

    perhaps there is a respan ability in a further update that helps me?
  15. vinmared

    vinmared New Member

    Dec 5, 2017
    were is this snow zone located ?
  16. jamiejap

    jamiejap Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2013
    it’s in the underground, you need a rope to use a hole to go down.

    on my map i found it in the north
  17. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    How do you make an anvil?
  18. RedThumb

    RedThumb Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
    i just discovered PixelTerra and played maybe an hour or two so far.

    Since the developer seems (or seemed?) to be active here, I'd like to share a few thoughts.
    I have played many games of this kind and while PT sure has potential, to me personally it does not play very well right now.

    A couple of things:

    - I have items in my inventory. Some I don't know what they are and there seems no way to identify them? I tried tapping, doubletapping, holding, but the name of the item never shows up. Some of them I can "use" by doubpletapping, but still have no idea what they are. When selected in the inventory, it would be great if it would also show the name of the item. Or maybe I am just missing it?

    - Why can't I drag freshly produced items directly to the hotbar? It's tiresome to first drag it into the inventory and from there into the hotbar. Sometimes my inventory is full anyway and there is no way I have found to use a freshly produced item, like an axe, right away.

    - It took me a while to figure out, that after I built a fireplace, workbench, stove that only THERE the crafting of specific items will work. I'd find it much more userfriendly, if I could craft everything I already "unlocked" right from the general craft menu in the bottom left corner. At least when I am in the proximity of a workbench, stove or such.

    - This is optional, but I am a very casual player and I would love a "peaceful" mode without starving and without nighttime.

    For the moment, I will keep playing and exploring and see where it takes me. But if you consider a few of my points, or explain what I am doing wrong, it would make it much more enjoyable to me.
  19. tibone

    tibone Active Member

    Jun 2, 2014
    Use the button with the magnifying glass. Select the item, and then press the button.

    Hotbar is not a storage slot. To use the item, there must be a place to store it in the inventory.

    The logic is clear, perhaps it will be added in future updates.

    Starvation and monsters can be turned off (on the world generation page).
  20. RedThumb

    RedThumb Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
    #100 RedThumb, Jan 19, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2018
    Hi again,

    That works. thank you


    Yes please, it would make it more enjoyable

    I can turn off starvation and chose between three levels of difficulty.
    Anyway I am getting attacked by certain (not all) monsters, especially in the underworld.
    Either removing monsters altogether or at least having them be neutral to me would be much appreciated.

    The more I play your game, the more I like it, despite it's quirks.
    After playing many hours, here are some thoughts how to make it even more enjoyable for me.

    - When mining rocks or cutting trees, the ressources are scattered around the object randomly. I was mining a lot of rocks yesterday and spent at least half of the time running around collecting the ressources I just mined. This is very tiresome and nothing but a nuisance. Please make it, that the ressources fly *towards* the character and are collected automatically. This is also my biggest issue with the gameplay.

    - I don't understand watering cans. I have 20 gold and 10 each of the other two, so 40 cans in total. Still I can *just* water what little fields I have before I have to refill them. The relation between number of cans and waterdrops is just off. Producing more watercans seems to have no or little effect. Maybe do a little balancing here, or is it just a bug?

    - I have found neither lettuce nor corn so far. Are they already implemented?

    - Please lose the fish game altogether. It's annoying and brings nothing to the game. As of now, I simply don't catch fish at all because of it.

    - Melting large amounts of ore for instance is still a chore. Tapping the craft-button for 50 times while waiting inbetween is not my idea of fun. Since this is not a FTP-game, I see no reason for the timer at all. In another thread, you talked about automated production or multiproduction or something. Please add it to the game.

    - When I find weapons in the underground, they are always on their last bar. One hit with the dark sword I just found and it's gone again. Is this intentional and is there a way to repair them?

    - Amongst other things I found some "Recipes". "Using" them seems to have no effect. What am I supposed to do with them?

    - The compass is useless in the underworld. It points "up" or wherever, but not to my base like in the upworld.

    - The position of the player is not marked on the map when in the underworld. This is a major problem, I never know where I am and it can be hard to find back to the rope.


    - Ability to build bridges or floors or dirt or grass over water and lava.

    - On the other hand, ability to dig out a block, so it becomes water.

    - Ability to split goods between backpack and boxes. I have two bases, in one there are lots of obsidian, in the other one none and none to be found. I'd like to split my stash between them. Just as an example.

    - Ability to put floors under things. Like workbench, boxes and so on. Just to make it look nice and even.

    Please don't take this as critisism, but as a list of possible improvements from an otherwise happy player.


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