It's why I spend less and less time with my iPad and more and more with my Surface Pro. I'm not particularly a Windows fan, but I'm definitely a premium game fan.
Freemium lovers have the wrong platform here. Paadise is on the other side, in Android country. Go, go and never look back... .
So re: permadeath, if all of your party members die in a dungeon, it is permanent, and you start from the beginning again. I think there's an option to revive party members in town if you manage to beat a dungeon and return to town with the party members that are left.
I'm happy to spend a premium on a game that I'm going to love and spend a lot of time with and I'm equally happy to spend a less than premium price on something just to take a punt on it because it sounds good and people on here like it. This isn't a premium price point but it falls just out of my 'lets just give it a go' range so it's a wait until I'm convinced I'll like it or it goes on sale, whichever comes first
Not for me. Way over priced and rogue is not my thing. Would buy if it was much cheaper but don't like rogue enough to pay this price.
Picked this one up earlier. Looks super awesome. Not sure what all the clambering is about the price. Christ if it's too too much for u don't buy it, coz we rlly don't wanna hear it or care. Haven't even opened the game yet but man I'm freakin stoked. Cheers!ยก
Price doesn't bother me at all.. I'm just trying to budget. I have a feeling we're about to be hit with an avalanche of great games.. Starting next week with starships ##########
Anyone else got a black screen. I saved& quit. Thought I'd see what it looked like in full screen continued the game and have a black screen everytime now!
I get that these retro 16-bit style games are charming. But graphics are important to me. I like retro graphics to package a cheap game with excellent bones. I have no issue spending money on mobile games. But, honestly, I can't see spending more than a few bucks on any retro style game.
Graphics are important to me also.. Just because it's "retro" doesn't make the graphics bad.. I appreciate great pixel art as much next generation graphics..#######
can the people who don't care for the price or the graphics stop wasting our time? I'm looking for more impressions. there's something I am curious about - the game has different campaigns tied to difficulty. are the quests for each campaign randomly generated or are they the same for everyone?
Aww, I'm sorry to hear about Barb Seriously though, this would be a huge barrier to entry for me. I don't mind a challenge, but I don't want to be miserable during it, Yano?
Is not permanent death. But the barb needs to be revived in the church.. Basically the quest ain't playable anymore as the tanker is dead