Is anyone else on an iPhone 6 plus not getting full screen ? I've checked full screen but it's still got borders left and right...
That's the way it supposed to look. I just tried it on my phone and switch between the two and you could tell that it is supposed to be smaller in the pixel perfect option, where as the fullscreen option just expands the center screen. I don't think it's meant to be a truly "full-screen" displayed game.
Yup makes sense, and seen the store says iphone 5 optimised. Hopefully they release an update making it 6 plus native.
The issue with pricing isn't absolute, it's comparative. In absolute terms, yeah, this game costs less than lunch at a fast casual joint. But in comparative terms, this is a triple-A price for iOS. I have free and $1 games on my phone that I've played for dozens of hours and am still not finished with. Any new game needs to be, if not better than them, at least comparable in value. Auro, for example, is a game I was happy to spend $3 on and would have considered spending $5 on. But $7 is what I paid for King of Dragon Pass (it was on sale). Is this a comparable value to King of Dragon Pass? I will wait to read long form reviews but my impression from the gameplay video and comments here is no way. I love the concept and I love the HoMM nod in the title, and I want to like the game, but, frankly, it looks tedious.
I like to hear anything close to dredmor as it's one of my favorite RPGs and the best moder rogue like I have ever played. Still; perma death. Is it an option per save file?
It will be interesting to see if it comes down on sale, or if the devs need this price point to make the game a success. You might recall Shadow Sun, the RPG by Ossian Studios, started at $8 or $9 and a couple of optional IAPs. I believe it had a few $6-7 sales, and now following the Android release it's a permanent lowering to $5. Obviously, the Price:Content ratio is only one factor. Sometimes you just have to support the dev and let them ease up later on.
I'm also hoping for that, but looking at the aspect ratio of the screenshots, I doubt it will ever come - I'll probably pass on this.
Anyone know if you can name or otherwise customize each character? Like the idea of this game but just curious about this detail before I buy.
Once I saw the trailer I clicked the buy button. Lol. Now to play the game. I've got my floppy disks ready. Billy
Nice one thanks. Had a look about and I don't think it's quite my cup of tea. Still looks nice tho and I'm happy to have my mind changed in future
Wow, I've never seen so much complaining about price on a forum since.. X-Com? This isn't a lot of money for an indie game, iOS gamers become jaded by playing all this free garbage and $1 crape, when something worth more $3 comes along people lose their minds. I still need to check reviews before before I decide if this is for me for me, but won't hesititate to spend the dough on it if it is
Nor will I. But it needs to be "for me" in a bigger way than a 1 or 2 dollar game. And I've seen nothing to suggest that it is.
I'm really enjoying it so far. I decided to take the plunge, since I love rogue likes and the graphics. In a strange way, it reminds me a bit of Knights of Pen and Paper, in that the majority of the game is turn-based battles, and there's quite a bit of humour in it. There's a lot of loot to be had, which is fun. I could see it getting repetitive, but since I'm not far in yet, it's hard to say.
Seriously. Is perma death an option. Please? Someone kindly answer? I mean I have money saved for war hammer quest and maybe some other things but I could spare the fifteen bucks for another card to get this game if perma death is OPTIONAL. But if I don't get an answer I will live my life in eternal wonder..., XP
I haven't died yet, so I'm not sure - I'll let you know when I do. I don't think it's an option though, based on the trailer.