Drink up me hearties yoho a pirates life for me! MadLeonardo is the name, and sinking ships gives me fame. Add me to your crew, and the items you'll get shall be brand new. Lifes pretty good, and why wouldnt it be? We're pirates, after all. Ahoy! lets trouble the water! For all those new peg legs out there.. enter T6T8Y9 for some more plunder!
Promocode J5G9K0 = 20 gems for newbies ... or just add Versenker01 ranking unknown due to leader board problems (should be 4 or 5!) level 201 + 175 Mio!! crew 4000+ HIGH ENERGY GIFTS EVERY DAY! Use promocode J5G9K0 and get 20 gems if you're doing it the first time!
Add Guybrsh_Threepwood, Code Q6N3Y5 Aye Mateys! Join my fast-growing crew of some hundred combatants and let us fight more successful together! Add me: Guybrsh_Threepwood I gift high-grade items daily to my crew. Don't miss 20 Gems for free: Q6N3Y5 (enter this promo-code in settings)
add me please, use this promo code: p1y9n0 i send gift DAILY, energy, objects or gold please add me for free 20 gems
Add me: Chrysoloras Gem Code: r5a6o7 Level 197 player who gifts the best items and highest energy possible multiple times a day!
Add me and the Qaud Sqaud to ya crew Add me Badparent I gift daily!!! Add code no. W7D4GZ for gems.. ************************************************** Help BloodyWaves out that's right I said BloodyWaves with out the ( _ ) in the middle. He be startin from scratch again and needs all his crew back...So hurry up and join his crew, or else I'll send NyteSong after ya and she will redecorate yer ship wid all girlie things.. So remember lads join BloodyWaves... Well what be good fer da goose be good fer da gander BattleKing_X_Ray will be now known as BattleKingX_Ray...that's right me lads he gone and started anew just like BloodyWaves so now both of dees captains need ya help in gettin thar crew back up. We be the Quad Squad and all you scallywags best add us or beware. Badparent Seabugferret BloodyWaves BattleKingX_Ray And our first mates NyteSong The_Nezzle So come over to the dark side, we have cookies... And be sure ta join us in Gamefaqs and go ta tha Quad Squad War Room we have answers to ya questions and for a lot more laughs go to da beachfire. Oh yeh and lots of rum ta pass around so get off your dingy and come join us!! Dear crew members seeing that I have many of you and hope for many more. I will not promise that I will not attack you infact I am very much likely to attack. It is a game and you can attack me back I am not going to cry about it like some other people do. I will not make a promise I can not keep. I can not remember all my crew members names and I am not about to. However I will gift all of you daily and I try to give all of you the highest attack and defense items. Sincerely Badparent. We be the Quad Squad and all you scallywags best add us or beware. Badparent Seabugferret BloodyWaves BattleKingX_Ray And our first mates NyteSong The_Nezzle So come over to the dark side, we have cookies... Add me as your crew I gift daily Badparent Add code no. W7D4GZ for gems