Hey guys and gals Pls add us SSTB25 + MIZZTAYLORRR Also use promo code for 20 gems R7D3N4 Daily gifts to everyone! Thanks and happy pirating
Muppet159750 Muppet159750 Muppet159750 new players use gem code t5j0d4 for 20 gems (each player can only use a code once and receive 20 gems on that code)
Add me : JIMORKINS I gift daily at a minimum. Attacking and defensive gifts given only, and I expects the same of me crew. Yarrrrr.
J5G9K0 = 20 gems Hi Mates, please add me, using the Promocode J5G9K0 (char/num/char/num/char/num). It works only once! If you already added someone by Promocode just add Versenker01 Level 125 Ranking 26 Fight ranking 5 Crew 2300 Please add Zotenkoenig too.
Please add me Please add Jacksparcrow.. somehow I cannot add friends in game..it says u already added that friend even if I haven't.
Add Me Lvl 110 Add Me: theredemption I gift daily only high end weapons, defense and 150+ energy. Edit/Delete Message
PIRATEPJAY Add me, and I'm going on an adding rampage myself. YAAAARRRGGGHH AND PIECIES OF EIGHT AND RUM AND STUFF.