Gifts: v8u0s1 Add Funkyjones Ungatu Cthulhuoid Dukevonschmock for gift everyday. CODE v8u0s1 for new players that haven't used one yet for 20 free Gems!
add Plz add me: makeuflexAnd if you are new use promo code M4G0M6 for 20 gems. I gift daily (items)!!!!
Jvshort Please add me jvshort I REALLY need gems, so if you are new please use promo code Q2E4O6 for 20 gems. I gift daily (items)!!!!
Email Address and Info Hi Everyone, The email address I posted above is only good for new players. The codes won't work if you have already installed the game and used a promo code. You can only use one code worth 20 gems in the game. ***Everyone should update their game as a new update came out yesterday (01Feb12) that makes a lot of things better that the older version. One of the new features allows for you to gift all crew at once the same gift. Keep in mind that you can open and close this screen until a desirable gift worth gifting is present. The update also has new music and day/night play. Enjoy and know that everyone is welcome to invite me to their crew!!! JohnNutt
Always looking for more crewmates Add Black_Smoke_James if you want another crewmate, I always send gifts for all gifts received.