Universal Pirates Bay - Need HELP!!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by antony.thai, Apr 11, 2016.

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  1. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    #21 vectorarchitekt, Apr 15, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
    I am up to level 13 so far. Everything runs great except for that occasional pair issue (so far only with 2's 3's and 4's).
    Yes the power ups are good. I try and save them as long as possible but they have come in handy.
    The only thing is, in my opinion, if you need to capture a certain amount of compass cards, the guy who comes and changes the cards should not take away the card with that symbol, making it impossible to gain the hand you need to win.
  2. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    Found my new favorite poker game. Can't even call it a poker game . This is much much more. It has so many features and addictive qualities that are making me come back to play it everyday .
    The powerups are genius. I can't believe how planned out and perfect this game is with a very fun theme to match.
    Too bad some people are going to see it as a poker game and not a legit game that could draw a huge huge fan base in which I hope it does because it is deserving of nothing less. This developer makes hits on every genre and puts a twist that blows my mind .
    Ou don't need to know poker hands if you don't because they are explained to you and besides that it is shown to you in such a fun and entertaining way.
    I've been playing for 30 minutes and can't find anything wrong .
    I would like for you to add a Twitter login besides just the Facebook though if possible because I don't have a Facebook . I'm connected to all my friends through Twitter so it would be more helpful for me through that. I totally understand if you just chose Facebook though because it seems that is what most use.
    Really like how the wheels are added as points after each match and the objectives during the gameplay add so much more to making me wanting to play.
    Also the stars have me playing each match more than once as in trying to get all three each time.
    I will be playing this game for awhile.

    Is there anything specific you want to beta test
  3. stephenk

    stephenk Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2015
    Hi guys I'm Game Designer of Pirates Bay, from now on I'll take care this and answer you as much as possible.
    @vextorachitekt I will send your suggestion to the team.Btw you didnt feel frustrated by the swap-card guy?
    @jayg2015 glad to know that you love Pirates Bay :).currently we want to know the feeling you got after playin it for a while, so we can balance the thing.I will let the team know about the Twitter connect. But have you find out the Secret Way on the map yet ? ;)
  4. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    The card swap guy is a good idea to change up the levels. But a lot of times he changes the one card you need and you waste turns because you can't complete the level without it.
    I started the secret way, trying to beat the octopus.
    I love this game! I'd say just fix the pair issue and you're set. It seems pretty balanced so far.
  5. stephenk

    stephenk Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2015
    #25 stephenk, Apr 16, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2016
    Yeas, that swap guy somehow is really a challenge.We have worked on bugs like these. That's good play @vectorachitekt. If you completed golden secret level, there's something for you there.Hope you can get it and dont hurt little Octoper much ;). How many cardbacks have you collect until now?
  6. fabianb

    fabianb Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    Same experience here. I once got a pair of 4's but the game didn't 'see' it. So the game just ignored that pair like it wasn't even a pair.

    Also in level 10, the guy who changes cards suddenly changed the compass cards at all the 4 last turns. So it became impossible to get a compass card.

    I love the game otherwise.
  7. stephenk

    stephenk Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2015
    I informed the pair issue to the team already.it seems like the swap guy really annoying, I will tale a look at his magic power.What do you think if the swap guy wouldnt change the compass card anymore?
  8. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    I wouldn't mind if he did it occasionally, as part of this game is luck of the draw. It was just turn after turn and it left me without a chance to win.
    He isn't so bad.
    Really I don't want to sound picky. If you left the game just as it was without the pair thing (which I noticed again while trying to beat the Octoper) I would say this is one of the greatest games I've played in years.
  9. stephenk

    stephenk Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2015
    @vectorarchitekt I appreciate your understanding.All your feedbacks and feeling here are important information for us.We will listen to it carefully.
    Have you beaten the Octoper ?
    Fun fact of him : first concept we made, he actually wore a male pantiz on his head !!:D
  10. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Ha, that would have been funny, as if he got stuck in them while they were floating out at sea.

    I have noticed lately that the one pairs not being counted goes all the way up to 8's. I can't beat the Octoper yet, though I've come close. I'm making to the secret island for now. Once the pair bug is fixed I'll be able to score enough points because that seems to be the most common hand. I've had a few lucky flushes and straights though.
  11. stephenk

    stephenk Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2015
    Yeas the Octoper is a tough guy. I did lost many times before I can handle him ( that's time I got lucky with my Four of a Kind :D :D ). Hope you can get the Secret Reward cuz I think you will like it.
    Anyway is there any cardback that you want to have ?
  12. fabianb

    fabianb Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    One thing I do really hope is that the card draw really is random, and not manipulated to let people buy hearts or something.
  13. stephenk

    stephenk Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2015
    @fabianb We assure you that there's not manipulation with card draw.We tried our best to keep the most natural feeling in gameplay
  14. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    I'm working on that secret path!
    For card backs, are you looking for new ideas or are you referring to ones already available?
  15. fabianb

    fabianb Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    To be honest, I'm on level 13 and I'm starting to be very annoyed by the guy that now changes 1 card and locks 1 card EVERY turn. Mostly due to the fact that it's annoyingly slowing down the gameplay. You have to wait till he's gone every time. It just annoys me a lot now.

    So I would suggest that the guy just shows up once every 4 or 5 turns, max. Otherwise it's just an annoying gimmick like it is now.

    Sorry for the harsh feedback, but it just annoys me a lot. Other people with the same thought?
  16. stephenk

    stephenk Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2015
    #36 stephenk, Apr 16, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2016
  17. stephenk

    stephenk Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2015
    @vectorarchitekt Yeah, I mean the available cardbacks but I'd like to listen to your new idea.
    @fabianb it's fine, we would like to see more feedbacks like this so we can adjust the design on these mini bosses. Feel free to express your thought :).To me this guy still easy,I only felt annoying when I entered the second world map. :cool:. Have you ever try your luck with the draw wheel ? ;)
  18. fabianb

    fabianb Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    With 'annoying' I meant the slowdown of the gameplay. Because I need to wait every turn a few seconds before I can start playing (I'm talking about the animation of the miniboss).
    It's fun the first few times, but after that it just slows the gameplay.
    I didn't mean it's too diffucult. Nothing wrong with the difficulty so far.
  19. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    I do kind of agree...once you get in the flow of the game you just want to pick your cards and hit draw and make it quick. Waiting for the guy to slide onscreen, flip and lift the card every time does get old. Maybe just have the action happen quicker, like a reduced animation so the card instantly changes?

    Also, are the revive purchases active? What would happen if I tried to buy one?
  20. tracysmith

    tracysmith New Member

    Apr 16, 2016
    Software Programmer
    Los Angeles, CA
    First of all, the game looks great and it's running smoothly on my device. I would agree with your point because once you are very familiar with the game, it's turns out to be kind of slow paced. However, it wouldn't be fair for the beginners if you reduce the default animation. Put some options to skip animation perhaps?

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