Thanks for the feedbacks and ideas. I really like the idea of the treasure map, that's actually something we tested out with a scratch game mechanics similar to the cards in Happy Street. We also have a fishing mini game that we haven't had a chance to finalize and integrate yet. That will probably come. 10. You can already add you friend through Game Center or facebook, you have to do it via the main app though, but I read below that you are already doing it. 11. Coins and XP rewards increased with the hard and hell levels. We are also going to add achievements which will reward in flooz when you complete those harder levels.
Hi dev, the adding friend function should be avaliable ingame. It's so hard to get friends from Facebook and for gamecenter I have no idea what's their name and who is playing. Ranking page. Beside arena ranking, would also like a level ranking,power ranking page and Guild ranking page. Guild. Having a Guild function is necessary. By having a guild, a Guild war map can be implemented. Guilds can conquer islands and each guild can only conquer an island. An invading guild have to defeat all members of that guild to grab back that island etc. Chatting channel. We need to chit and chat.
I played bear vs art back when it was soft launched and you only lost energy when you failed. Bear vs art doesn't look like it was successful enough on the UK store for you to base what you do with your game off that. Energy timers, I do come back but generally eventually get tried of it being chained to playing in small doses, in this case very small. You have 5 energy which is tiny and the refill time? Huge! I'm not saying you have to remove it, as much as I like to play as much as I want when I want if I run out of energy I'll close the game and either come back or not. But the level of energy you've given to me is too low, I can literally do all of my battles in 5-10 minutes and then it's 20 min per refill up to max of only 5. Crusade doesn't work at all for me so no idea how much time that actually takes? Pvp doesn't take long to run out of tickets either and they seem to take even longer to refill. But the building part seems thrown in rather than fleshed out, the income from it is tiny compared to doing a level and not enough to make me want to open the app just to collect while I wait for refills.
Uhhh... there are a lot of f2p games offline. I don't expect it to be but I would like it to be since it's a fad to make them online. There's no reason to make them online only unless the game is completely PvP or they are trying to stop hacking (which has been proven that online only doesn't stop hacking). Sure my loss, whatever. I think it's allowed and normal to ask if it's an online game. Everyone has their own preferences. I prefer my single player games to not have an online requirement. However since this seems like it's a multiplayer only game then obviously it wouldn't matter.
Also I have to add on the game you based the idea from eventually if you keep playing the energy system becomes pretty irrelevant.
I actually like the energy idea, almost every single game I have enjoyed in the AppStore has had the energy designed into the game. What I find to be troublesome is how long of a wait you have to endure before being able to continue playing. 20 minutes and 30 minutes is just too long. Half that time is more reasonable. Think about it, thats 1 hour to play 3 battles which can be won within 1 to 2 minutes, so basically we are waiting 1 hour to play for 6 minutes? It seems a bit long. 1 1/2 hours to battle once inside the arena? That's too long as well. I think 10 minutes for battle energy would suffice, and 15 minutes for arena tickets. Either you could do it that way OR I have seen a few games with an energy design that grows as you level. So you start with a poor energy amount but each time you level up you get your energy refilled + another energy is permanently added to your overall energy amount this makes it so that users want to come back and level up more often and kinda gives a benefit to us.
By adding friends, you mean adding friends from the leaderboards? What you are proposing about the guild is interesting. Do you have a good example of guilds in a game?
I love all of these ideas, and I personally would like to see them in the game as well. Here were my ideas for the guilds. 1. Guild could have a maximum amount of players based on the level of the guild. 2 Extra per level, but make levelling the guild very difficult. 2. Guild members have access to a new map with new islands and new battles. 3. On this guild map, their could be boss battles. Basically super strong enemies or beasts that require all of us to chip in and fight. Members who fight the boss will cause damage that will stick with the boss until it is destroyed. Members can damage the boss until they are are overcome by the bosses power. In which case the next member can try fighting it. In order to keep 2 battles from happening at the same time, maybe have it so only one member can battle the boss at once. If a member is battling the boss a message should pop up saying "Battle in Progress". 4. Each time a guild member fights a boss (these are individual battles, still 1 on 1), it's energy decreases until the last user destroys the boss. Exp can be rewarded to the guild for completing these boss battles and also to the participating members based on amount of damage done. Members who did not participate will receive no exp for themselves. 5. The guild should have its own chatroom so we can communicate. 6. The guild creator should be able to choose from a large selection of guild emblems that can be customized. This guild emblem can be put onto our ships flags. 7. Their should be guild funds which members can donate to. Those funds can be used to customize an island that is owned by the guild members. The island could be customized by the guild creator. Their could be a guild HQ, other plants, more buildings that offer other benefits, etc. 8. The guilds island could have it's own guild dock which can have ships docked based on the amount of members. Each member can choose 1 ship to add to the dock. Those are the ships that other guilds have to battle and overcome in order to win a guild battle. Here's the catch that makes it challenging, you have to choose wisely on which ship you use as your guild ship, because it can't be used for the arena or other battles while its docked on the guild island. Ships on the island are locked while a battle is in progress. Ships can also be changed while not in guild battles. 9.On the separate map for guilds, their should be a separate energy system and ticket system similar to the original map. Instead of a wheel with a number, maybe a cannon with a number? The energy can be used for boss battles and the tickets can be used to fight other guilds ships. Both of these can have a purchase option as well. Though I still dont agree with tickets being purchasable. So far this is what I have. More ideas are welcome.
The only reason the game is online is to reduce hacking. For our other games, which could be played offline, we were saving the saved game locally which were hacked easily. By keeping them on the servers, it's harder.
Yes it does seem thrown in very quickly, but it does serve useful purpose. I think we will see it get better soon. Remember this is a new game still. If you have any ideas you should post them so they know your thoughts.
Okay guys, so finally made it to The Doge and holy shit is it ever difficult. You aren't going to like that area. I have a hard time just doing the first of the fights in that level.
For guild war example, you may refer to a game called "Age of warriors - warlords of Elantra" by Funcell 123. Not saying they have the best guild war model but it's a reference Maybe the guild war map can wait, we seriously need a guild function first. And yes, we need adding friend function from the ranking list. Adding friends should be made more easier. We can visit them now but we can't add them? It's kinda weird
The crusade must be working now. You need to first launch and close the game once, and then you can restart the crusade! Let me know how this goes
Yes it's working for me now too thank you. Although does it end? Mine stopped after about 4 silver chests but my ship wasn't destroyed. Edit: also depending how many ships you can eventually have active at once have you considered giving each ship its own separate energy?
I don't know what I did, but my best and most powerful ship hasn't be useable in the arena for almost a day and a half now. I was also curious...What exactly makes a friends ship appear on your map to be repaired. Does it happen overtime they lose a battle? Cause I have repaired the same friends ship about 4x today.
@ste86uk crusade ends when you have lost all your ships or you have won all battles on the crusade map @vitalicboi: you get a cooldown penalty of 2hours if you are removing and adding modules to the main boat. It's to avoid having players having one set of the best equipment and moving it all from boat to boat. Friends to repair are just appearing based on who were the latest friends to play. it's not related to any specific gameplay feature.
Hi dev, the crusade go haywired after pressing the restart. It's only reset the timer and I am unable to play for another day LoL.
See I never remove My most powerful ships parts or change them, but I haven't been able to use it for a long time.
I'm still playing this game quite a bit, but I really wish it had a little more. I understand the main focus is on battling, but I still feel in needs more "Happy Street" stuff.