Universal Pirate Power (By Godzilab)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. pixelspass

    pixelspass Member

    Jan 4, 2015
    My username is Pixelspass same as here. I'm at the last stage of King Navarre.
  2. murc

    murc New Member

    Feb 1, 2016
    Hi Comrades,

    I’m just new in this game (almost five days). Since I got the rare hero “Stellar” (deals a LOT of Damage to the enemy boat) in the Heroes Chest, I'm so hooked-up.

    Can I be guided regarding the “Crusade Spin” part, after all your boat sunk?

    I’m in the last opponent before I can get the Gold Chest when I got defeated, then the free spin pops-up.

    I got 1 HEART & 2 PISTOLS, and then I noticed (a glimpse) in the background, my Boat revived. Same condition before I start to fight the last opponent (No sail & nose).

    So I guessed, I could get another chance to defeat him.

    But NO, I didn’t get that chance.

    I just want to report this (if it’s a bug). Or find out (after a couple of hour) what the 1 HEART is really for.

    Thank you.

    Very nice game.

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  3. siumai2

    siumai2 Member

    Jul 16, 2013
    I've been enjoying the game for the last while but I agree with most people, the difficulty curve is insane, I suddenly got stuck on King Navarre for the longest time. I'm finally past it, but it took a lot of sudden grinding to get past it.

    I enjoyed playing the arena, but yesterday the arena stopped working for me? I noticed that there was a tournament for that bruce lee looking character and that it was ending soon, so is that why there are no arena matches at the moment? I would have assumed another tournament would start right after. i was playing the arena matches a lot to get the tier prizes and really wanted the blue arena stones.

    I also really need some Fusion Gem Pirates at this point to evolve any of my boat parts to the parts that I want. It says that I can only get them from the blackbeard event, which is frustrating because I have no idea when the blackbeard event will come back. If it's not for a few days, that means I can't really evolve any of my parts at the moment (everything is maxed, and I'm just waiting to evolve parts) and I'm essentially stuck in the game.

    Fun game, but I think definitely a lot of kinks to work out with timing of things. Happy Street was a lot better with timing and mining of resources.
  4. kaply

    kaply Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    #284 kaply, Feb 2, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
    Pretty sure this wasn't a bug. After you fail to complete a FLEET PWR mission you'll get a SHIP PWR mission of 2000. It does climb higher as my current SHIP PWR mission is 2600.

    One bug I've found is that the alternating regular quest sometimes spawn a mission spot that is already completed with a check mark. This makes it so the mission doesn't give out gold. You still have to complete the mission to get the quest completed.

    Also the heroes that have the triple circling shields, those shields tend to have a 1 second despawn in which they will eat up any extra attacks. I'm not sure if this is intentional but it can be very strong that one shield can eat up an entire special. This skill also is biased against the player using it. The ability always travels in a clockwise direction. For the player on the left side, this has a high chance of not blocking anything because the attacks from the enemies flow with the shields since the arcs are usually towards the bottom half of the circle.

    Are there plans to fill in the complete stats, especially reload time, for things like hero attacks/heals/whatever? Also what are the speeds for mines?

    Are there plans to balance the heroes? That stella's meteor is insanely strong.
  5. Ariuxxd

    Ariuxxd New Member

    Jan 31, 2016
    #285 Ariuxxd, Feb 2, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
    Game not working anymore

    EDIT: It's working again!!


    So I posted recently that there were no arena...
    Today I tried to play the game, but the error poped up that I'm not connected to the internet, I am tho right now...After few retries game loaded, but not fully:

    It's impossible to play like that, plus if you close the app, everything you made doesn't save, so in my opinion by game's logic, I'm still not connected to the internet, any fix?

    I remind that my gamecenter name is Ar1uxxd.

  6. Underwater

    Underwater Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Did the servers just crash? The game keeps telling me that I need an internet connection, while I actually do have an internet connection. The game started to lose connection when I pressed the start crusade button.
  7. moleki

    moleki Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    May 22, 2009
    Yeah, it looks like the servers were wonky for 1h, is it fine now?
  8. Underwater

    Underwater Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    It's working now, but I've lost the progress I made in the hour before that servers crashed, so that kinda sucks. But I'm glad the servers are up again.
  9. Sebibou22

    Sebibou22 New Member

    Feb 2, 2016

    I've heard the game service here was good, so I'm giving it a try.
    I just installed an update on my iPhone 5S (9.2.3 I think) and since I did the game doesn't load correctly, and I can't play anymore.
    Since I enjoy that game a lot but did some mistakes in the making of my boats, I wouldn't mind if I had to start everything over, especially if the game works again ahah .
    My GC ID is Nintendohh, lots of love to you all !
  10. moleki

    moleki Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    May 22, 2009
    @murc: That's a bug we fixed, it's due to the 2 boats sinking at the same time. The fix will be in the next update.

    @Sebibou22, you can contact our technical support from within the game (menu>more>options>help>contact us) and we can help you with that.

    @ siumai2 I believe Black Beard will be here this friday.

    @ kaply yep we will add the heroes stats in the menu when touching the stat, similar to the weapons!
  11. BlueTrin

    BlueTrin Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    The grind in this game is awful, free to play ruins games.
  12. moleki

    moleki Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    May 22, 2009
    Could you please be more precise, which part of the grind do you think is awful?
  13. wilyone

    wilyone Active Member

    Nov 7, 2012
    Can't speak for BlueTrin, but for me, the grind to try a new weapon/hull/anything is pretty bad. For instance, a new pirate combat hull requires me to level a new pirate frigate hull. I am already using 1, I'd like a 2nd. I cannot craft it unless I either:
    a) Level my existing pirate combat hull to max to unlock the next evolution (which may or may not require me to actually evolve my hull), or
    b) Build and level the earlier version so I can spend even more resources on evolving it to a pirate combat hull. Heck, if I want the other pirate hull that allows 2x mine deployment speed, I still need to go back and evolve from the earlier hull.

    Granted, hulls are an extreme example of this. I'm facing the issue with just cannons. I evolved my wood cannon+ from the wrong screen. It took the one on my pirate hull and evolved it to an iron cannon. Once I quit the game for that session, the cannon was unequipped from my pirate combat hull. I needed to spend the resources on a new wood cannon+ so I can evolve it to the explosive cannon which is what I was originally saving for. Unfortunately, the way the UI works, I'm able to evolve guns in only family on boats of another family. My fault for not looking more carefully. (To add, I cannot directly craft a new iron cannon either. I still need to wood cannon+ maxed out first.)
  14. twispby

    twispby Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    I unlocked the "shield" from last weeks event for a Navarre ship nose, but I can't find it anywhere...
  15. wilyone

    wilyone Active Member

    Nov 7, 2012
    From the Giant Knight event right? When you earn it, there is a show me button to show you the stats and mats needed. It should have brought you to the nose part of the Navarre section of the shipyard. I'm guessing it is an evolution from the blocking nose. You earn that by beating Arthus Hard lvl 2 (or was it 3). Purely guesswork on my part as I was not able to unlock the "shield" myself. I do not know if there is a requirement that you have already crafted some other nose needed to evolve to the "shield" nose in order to view it.
  16. Reno2000

    Reno2000 New Member

    Feb 3, 2016
    #296 Reno2000, Feb 4, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
  17. moleki

    moleki Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    May 22, 2009
    @Reno2000 How did you achieve this?
  18. moleki

    moleki Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    May 22, 2009
    Did you craft it already? If not, it was only accessible during the event. We might have the event come back at some point.
  19. hotc_it

    hotc_it Active Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    It's not that impressive. There's only 4 large XP potions :rolleyes:
  20. Reno2000

    Reno2000 New Member

    Feb 3, 2016
    #300 Reno2000, Feb 4, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
    my account disabled =))

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