Universal Pirate Power (By Godzilab)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. twispby

    twispby Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Temporary boosts. Seem to last 2, or three battles and then get used up. You can eventually craft better pearls, but they're still temporary.
  2. Cirnol

    Cirnol Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
    To add to this, the number on the bottom left is how many uses a pearl has left.
  3. pixelspass

    pixelspass Member

    Jan 4, 2015
    My Arena seems to be broken

    I can't find any players in the arena. Is it supposed to look like this?

  4. twispby

    twispby Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012

    What level are you? I think the arena unlocks at a certain level...
  5. Cirnol

    Cirnol Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
    I found a bug. Two days ago I got my day 7 reward (medals to unlock a new character). And now I don't get any more rewards. The counter is still on day 7 but it won't give out anything. Yesterday was my first "day 8" and it was later in the day that it reset back to day 1 rewards but then the game immediately crashed and put me back to day 7 where it has been stuck so far. So I guess something is preventing the game from resetting the daily rewards.
  6. twispby

    twispby Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    My days have been progressing correctly, but I didn't receive the 5 flooz that was my reward yesterday. :p

    I'm finding the difficulty curve really frustrating. In the first couple of days you get through so much story and you feel like you're making progress. Now I'm stuck for days at a time and it's really frustrating.

    I could upgrade my strongest ship to progress the story missions, but then I'm punished on the crusade mode. The game seems to force players to build their fleet at equal strength to do well in crusade, but that just makes the super slow progress even more of a grind.

    I'm curious if there are any changes coming to the game to balance it better, or if I should invest my time somewhere else?
  7. twispby

    twispby Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Got the daily reward today. Didn't get the 5 bonus daily energy for being vip 1 cause my energy was full when the new day roller over :p

    Be aware that buying flooz gets you an extra card at the fortune teller, but the daily energy seems busted!
  8. Talisen

    Talisen Member

    Dec 14, 2015
    My wife and I have both hit the sound bug, on two separate devices. Both of us have received it on Arthus' level when his boss ship enters.
    Only thing that fixed it was resetting our devices, until my wife noticed she watched an in-game add which fixed it.

    Fantastic game though, we are really enjoying it!!!!
  9. Uniquities

    Uniquities New Member

    Jan 30, 2016

    I got to the point in the event (which ends within a day) to where I can craft the wood night nose and now it's not showing up that I can craft it anymore. I'm gonna be pretty disappointed if I spent all that time to grind and get it and I'm not even gonna be able to get it before the timer runs out. Fix this please.
  10. kaply

    kaply Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    It only fits the navarre type boats. You need to have the navarre type parts selected then click on the event box at the top.
  11. henrycupcake

    henrycupcake Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2015
    Yup. The vip buff . I think $10 couldn't get me far ahead enough as these kind of fee to play game need to invest at least $100 if you wanna get a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel
  12. moleki

    moleki Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    May 22, 2009
    Sorry that's a bug, as @henrycupcake said, preselect the navarre filter first on the hull or weapons tab and then tap the event button
  13. moleki

    moleki Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    May 22, 2009
    Thanks, we found the reason for the audio bug, this will be fixed in the next update.
  14. moleki

    moleki Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    May 22, 2009
    #274 moleki, Jan 30, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2016
    This is how it works if you are VIP. The max limit energy will stay at 5, every day you will receive an extra number of energy for free which will add to the 5 ignoring the max limit. Let's say you receive 8 free daily energy for VIP 3, then you'll have 13 energy if you already had 5 when launching the game. Once you have used this energy it will still replenish to 5.

    Edit: There's indeed a bug, thanks to Ocibe, so what happens is if you leave the game with 0 energy, when you open the game it will credit you the free daily energy first so let's say 5 for you @twispby, and then the counter which replenishes the energy will fill it until it reached the max limit, so in that case you only get the regular 5 instead of the 10. The only work around would be to open the game right before the time where you get the energy to make sure you have your energy full before getting the free one. This will be fixed in the next update, sorry about this issue.
  15. pixelspass

    pixelspass Member

    Jan 4, 2015
    I'm level 13. When does it unlock?
  16. bluspacecow

    bluspacecow Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2012
    Figured out a word around of sorts for the no sound bug. Not sure if it's been posted yet but :

    1) Go up the top left
    2) Click the Camera icon (2nd from top)
    3) In the dialog box that comes up requesting access to camera and microphone click "Don't Allow"

    Seems to fix it most of the time

    Might help the developers confirm they nailed down all use cases of the bug.
  17. moleki

    moleki Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    May 22, 2009
    It unlocks with Luna / Skull Islands. What's your gamecenter username?
  18. moleki

    moleki Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    May 22, 2009
    Glad you found a work around, especially when it cuts the sound even outside the app. That was a nasty one. Apparently the ios hardware doesn't like infinite value, which I understand :) We made sure we don't have weird values sent to the audio hardware anymore.
  19. Cirnol

    Cirnol Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
    I fixed my daily reward problem. I basically quit the moment the game rewarded me with the day 1 gift. It seems it managed to save just fine this time.

    So if you get to day 7 and find the game crashes when it resets the daily rewards, just exit the game the moment you get the day 1 prize again.
  20. Ariuxxd

    Ariuxxd New Member

    Jan 31, 2016
    No arena :/


    Just recently started playing this game and it's amazing!! One of the most unique games out there :) Everything is good and fun...
    But I noticed one thing that I can't play in arena...

    I was looking everywhere for solving the issue, as mentioned earlier by one guy he has the same thing, so I post it here...

    My gamecenter name is Ar1uxxd.


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