
Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by c0re, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. NomaD

    NomaD Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2009
  2. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Statistics posted by developers do not agree with you. :(
  3. NomaD

    NomaD Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2009
    well we cant stop pirating, it will always last. shame, people who are pirating iphone games are giving a bad name to other people who jailbreak
  4. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    #84 ImNoSuperMan, Oct 13, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2009
    As I said, most would like to disagree. Other than maybe unlocking the iPhone, piracy is sadly the biggest reason behind jailbreaking..
  5. onewithchaos

    onewithchaos Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    I believe those statistics were of the pirates who converted to a full lversion. I dont believe anyone really has any statistics for the amount of people who have a Jailbroken iDevice who use pirated apps. I could be wrong of course. But there are some of us who jailbreak and not pirate.

    And I jailbroke not for a wallpaper, heck my iPhone looks the same. I did it for SBsetting, lets me toggle my wifi, bluetooth on and off from a menu on the top bar. I can kill processes like mail and safari, adjust brightness. I can enable Backgrounder which lets me run stuff in the background so i can exit apps without closing them and then go back to them. I have Reminder, that puts alert icons on top of my phone to alert me when i have a text, voicemail, missed call, instant message, etc.

    Jailbreaking to me is worth it and I dont have to pirate to have these options.
  6. onewithchaos

    onewithchaos Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    yea i have to agree, i think most people do jailbreak to pirate. So much that jailbreaking=pirating to some people. Thats sad b/c it puts ppl off jailbreaking, and many dont realize that it could add a lot of functionality to the iDevice.
  7. wootbean

    wootbean Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2009
    the next whiskey bar
    The most annoying iPhone/Pod question isn't "OOOOO what apps you got?" but "Oh, so you get apps for free now?" when you show ppl a jailbroken device. Gets on my freaking nerves
  8. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    This is from a developer with several popular games on the App Store-

    Game names removed because I'm not sure whether or not they want these figures public, but you'll find most developers who track analytics in their games are seeing similar (or higher) numbers.
  9. onewithchaos

    onewithchaos Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    was not aware of those numbers, didnt see them in this thread. That's a huge percentage though. *sigh* I guess it's no wonder then why people think jailbroken=pirate.

    I think it would be interesting to know if these numbers change if there's a lite available and also on the price of the app.
  10. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    I`d also like to know that. Are there lite versions available for these three games?
  11. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    #91 Eli, Oct 13, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2009
    No but they are all 99¢ games with extremely positive reviews across the board.
  12. lynardo

    lynardo Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
    Software developer
    I had a friend who jailbroke his iPhone for the sole purpose of pirating apps.

    His excuse:
    "They make enough money."

    I had to remind him that some of the apps maybe made 1-10 sales/day.
    The excuses were then:
    "It's too expensive to buy." ($2/app)

    He's 32 years old, has 2 iPhones (2!!!), and runs a business. He uses those apps daily. He's also of the mindset that paying for software is for dumb people. Why pay when you can get it for free?

    Some people will never pay for software. That's just a fact we have to live with.
  13. NomaD

    NomaD Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2009
    Same. You don't have to reset your iPhone whenever you need more memory, you can just kill the process, and the easy WiFi toggle is a MUST. Also, backgrounder has helped me more than once.
  14. Michelangelo

    Michelangelo Well-Known Member

    [sings]Do what you want cuz a pirate us free, you are a pirate![/sings]
  15. c0re

    c0re Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    Well, I may have sound a bit much dev oriented until now, but I do think delivering a free Lite version is a necessity for any game.

    Having no lite version just increases piracy temptations by a logical way.

    Of course, we all are aware of that kind of people, and of the fact that they will always exist.

    But that doesn't change the problem. It is not a tolerance problem, it is just a support-me-so-I-can-frackin-buy-my-food-alone. Survivalism, FFS.

    Those people just put Indies in danger. Plain simple.
    And when you put someone in danger, you should expect agressive reactions. It's human.

    By agressive, I'm thinking about more and more intrusive techniques to trace who's hacking, and severe counter measures like exposing the pirate's unique ID in public.

    Here is an example.

    I don't want that behaviour to spread, because it could lead to a total war between devs and random users, which would be completely stupid.

    We don't need that.
  16. trustbyte

    trustbyte Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2009
    #96 trustbyte, Oct 13, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2009
    i belive apple blocking jailbreaking is a no-no. i for one wouldn't buy it if i can't modify the shit out of the idevice.

    but i agree with the piracy thing, it must be stopped.

    i for one blame the developers of the apps. they don't use more schemes to protect their goods.

    all games that have online playing should be bulletproof for pirates.
    - available only to online registered users ( who submit their 10 digit receipt number for example along with their ECID)
    - the game should check at the starting (middle and end perhaps) point on the online race the ECID/UDID against the database of the registered users on the developers servers.
    - the developers should put A TON of CRC or whatever checkups in their app and distortion the game, messing with the feeling of the game for the pirated ones; quiting it, poping messages, dropping the fps to 5, etc!

    i guess apple is to blame too if the developers are restricted from applying more than standard protection to their apps.

    also, apple could register the UDID/ECID for the idevice when they sell it along side with the address, phone, email of the buyer and so devs could send notifications (emails, sms, etc) to the ones who pirate their games
  17. c0re

    c0re Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    It is actually possible, and some devs are already doing it :


    Some are even following the Batman Arkham Asylum way, by altering the hacker's game experience.

    But still, these measures cannot last very long, as no hacker, and no dev, even the most skilled ones, can find a permanent way to rule over the other.
  18. trustbyte

    trustbyte Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2009
    i belive most of the apps are easy to crack, thats the problem.

    if all the developers put TONS of checking into their games, making them harder to crack then the hackers would release fewer cracked games and so the larger base would be unharmed.

    developers also, with each update should modify the checks, at different points, etc to make the hacker go insane and leave it be..

    i wounder if Cocoto Kart Online who seems very popular has any kind of online check for the people who play on their servers?!

    they should, but i have a feeling it doesn't

    bomber? do you read this, i for one am curious..
  19. Hmar9333

    Hmar9333 Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Book Salesperson/Student
    Melbourne, Australia
    That would possibly reduce piracy if applied to all apps, but, an experienced hacker could go into the .ipa itself, and remove the code from the app that tells it do do that. Said hacker could then create a GUI for using a program that removes this code and upload it to the interwebz.
  20. Jordanrracer

    Jordanrracer Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2009
    Currently -Nothing-
    New York
    Hey Ty, now I can hack faster now

    jk :D

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