Pine Tar Poker (w/ TestFlight!)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by BJ Malicoat, Aug 10, 2022.

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  1. BJ Malicoat

    BJ Malicoat Active Member

    Aug 10, 2022
    ♣️ Like Poker? Like Yahtzee? What about magic runes? Maybe an elder god?

    Pine Tar Poker is a poker game that lets you replace luck with skill if you're willing to use a little magick.

    I've been working on PTP for a few months with an artist friend of mine and I wanted to share it with the fine folks here on the TA forums.

    Here's a rough trailer:

    A few gifs of the game in action:

    TestFlight link to try it now:

    I'm targeting end of the year for a release. I'm starting to post more updates on my twitter here if you want to follow along.

    Thanks for any feedback!

    P.S. If cards aren't your speed, I previously made a word game, Downwordly, and was lucky enough to have it be Game of the Day last year.
  2. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    #2 Stronsay, Aug 10, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2022
    Thanks for sharing. Looking mighty fine already with the Wild West surroundings - frayed cards, dust motes & saloon piano. Seems like video poker in an analogue setting, though much more to it. A lot going on under the table and behind the bar which is not obvious initially. I’m figuring it out as I go along, like with how the lucky items work. Didn’t know what Pine Tar was in this context, or some of the other scoring hands, but I see they are explained as played. Look forward to following development.


    Got dealt this full house which I wanted to keep, but wasn’t allowed to put a hold on all five cards Had to lose one. Wondering if that’s intentional.

    Edit 2:- Forget previous edit - I can take the full house score without having to complete the deal.
    BJ Malicoat likes this.
  3. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Liking this a lot. One thing I'd like to see, unless I'm missing it, is some sort of high score table?
    BJ Malicoat likes this.
  4. BJ Malicoat

    BJ Malicoat Active Member

    Aug 10, 2022
    Thanks for checking it out! No high score table yet. I'll probably add GameCenter with some leaderboards in the not too distant future.
  5. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    This looks cool! Will it be a paid game (I hope) or free to play?
    BJ Malicoat likes this.
  6. BJ Malicoat

    BJ Malicoat Active Member

    Aug 10, 2022
    Thanks! To be honest, I'm not quite sure. There's a coin in the game that gives you 2x payouts that I was thinking I could sell for real money if the game itself is free. Still thinking about it though. I really appreciate hearing from you that paid is okay/good :)
    slewis7 likes this.
  7. BarkMewer

    BarkMewer New Member

    Aug 11, 2022
    Hey, played a few rounds and really like it! Is there a way to find out what items do before you buy them? I have a pencil. Is it…something more than a pencil?
  8. BJ Malicoat

    BJ Malicoat Active Member

    Aug 10, 2022
    Hey BarkMewer, the pencil gives you little hash marks on your score sheet when you're playing. This will show you exactly where you're at in your deck so you can make strategic choices about hands to go for. It's basically a card-counting aid :)
    BarkMewer likes this.
  9. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    This is the most interesting poker inspired game I think I’ve ever played. I love the music and ambient sounds, the bartender has a really interesting story to tell if you pay him 1 coin. With my earnings, I’ve saved enough to buy the pencil, large coin, all 4 suit counters, and the glowing rock that lets you change a card. This can only get better from here. My high score so far is 481.
    BJ Malicoat likes this.
  10. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    Thanks to one of those magical stones I was able to get a Royal Flush! Right off the draw I had the J,Q,K, and A of diamonds. Instead of risking it with my final draw, I decided to use the magic stone and, to my shock, it turned it into the 10 of diamonds. And what that unlocked was shocking. There’s a whole new mode available if you can earn enough money. To avoid spoiling anything it I’ll just say, it’s a VERY substantial game mode! There’s far more to this than I would have ever expected.
    94966048-BF15-4DE2-82DA-A4EE2D308A05.jpeg B74EE134-6957-479F-B49F-C5050F029B73.jpeg
    Just look at that loot! :eek:
    18AB2D2E-B880-474B-B991-5CAD5BAED93B.jpeg 14A67357-D545-4B8F-86BA-31109C38C994.jpeg
    BarkMewer and BJ Malicoat like this.
  11. BJ Malicoat

    BJ Malicoat Active Member

    Aug 10, 2022
    Nice Work! I recently changed how the first stone works and got my first royal flush with it a few days ago. It's pretty satisfying!

    One note since you are moving pretty quickly through the shop, when you get to a key item, it will start something that isn't finished yet! I'll need to update the game soon to either turn that part off or make it completable. But, just a heads up in case you get to a spot where the game doesn't proceed any further :)
    Anotherkellydown likes this.
  12. Tanis Nikana

    Tanis Nikana Member

    Apr 15, 2021
    I bought The Key for 200 coins, and then the hands list and many UI elements disappeared, leaving me unable to complete even a single hand.
  13. Tanis Nikana

    Tanis Nikana Member

    Apr 15, 2021
    Also, just to make sure I understand:

    -the first stone modifies one card to be any conceivable card, even a duplicate, such that it creates the worst possible version of the best possible hand. (i.e. when using this stone to make a flush, the card will change to a 2.)

    -the second stone and third stone increments and decrements a card’s rank, wrapping around if need be.

    -the fourth stone takes two arguments: the first is the suit of the first selected card, and the second is the card that suit is applied to.

    -the fifth stone takes two arguments: both are added together, modulo 13, with the first selected suit.

    -the sixth stone divides one card as evenly as possible, retaining suit, into two cards.
    BJ Malicoat likes this.
  14. BJ Malicoat

    BJ Malicoat Active Member

    Aug 10, 2022
    You got it! The fact that the first stone does the worst version of the best hand is unintentional and I'll probably make it be the best possible version since that feels nicer :) It currently does the best possible hand, even if you've already scored that hand which I also think I'll change so that it's the best possible hand you can still score.

    As for your first reply, the result of buying the key isn't finished! So congratulations for reaching the current end :) I'll have updates soon that make it completable. Thanks for playing.
    Tanis Nikana likes this.
  15. candyjet

    candyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    Am trying this and am new to poker.

    What I really need is a help screen showing how each of the categories is scored, e.g. Aces High. The score varies depending on the non-ace cards, but in the absence of any info, it isn’t possible to make rational decisions on what to hold.

    I’d suggest a little help icon that leads to a screen showing the scoring mechanics,


    BJ Malicoat likes this.
  16. BJ Malicoat

    BJ Malicoat Active Member

    Aug 10, 2022
    Thanks CJ! I *just* released an update that lets you tap and hold on a hand type to see some help for it (v0.288). Depending on when you downloaded, you might not have gotten it. The barkeep gives you this tip to tap and hold in the intro now too.
    vectorarchitekt likes this.
  17. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    I think I’ve reached the end of the beta. Can’t wait to continue!
    BJ Malicoat likes this.
  18. schaffstein

    schaffstein New Member

    Mar 25, 2011
    Played quite some time with the beta and had loads of fun! Well done!
    Currently I am a bit unsure if I am encountering a bug or just need to think different: I have the Hermit at hand and interpreted it as to have zero money. So I spent all my dollars but nothing happened.
    Is it a bug or am I just wrong with my idea?
    BJ Malicoat likes this.
  19. BJ Malicoat

    BJ Malicoat Active Member

    Aug 10, 2022
    Thanks for the feedback! Glad you're enjoying it. The Hermit card seems too confusing, I'm hearing from a lot of people they are thinking like you are. I'm going to refine the text and presentation, but to give you a hint in the short term: all of the tarot cards are things that happen within a single game of pine tar. In other words, from the moment you deal a new game to when that game is over. Nothing outside of that window affects the tarot cards :) Hope that helps!
    vectorarchitekt likes this.
  20. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Hey this is really a great casual game. I love the Barkeep and overall theme / presentation. The pine tar cross off factor makes the game much more interesting than regular video poker.
    Is there any way you could make this in the portrait orientation? It’s perfect for one-handed play
    BJ Malicoat likes this.

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