Still a fan of the tables. I go to a lot of retro shows is it's great playing on many of the original tables which are also in the app. The 'boring' tables as you put it are probably easier to licence. For more difficult ones you have to license the music and lots of other things. Can't expect a table every month which everyone likes.
Warning, today's update breaks the Manage Tables option in the menu. You may want to wait out this update.
Good to know it wasn't just me. The tables are still fine and the only table updated in this fix was High Roller.
Thanks for that . How many pinball arcade tables do you have ? I like both. With the zen tables they can do anything they want. Pinball atcade though are recreations of actual tables. I love trying the physical tables themselves (I go to some shows in England) and then realising what a great job Farsight do with their tables recreated for the app I've got all the tables. It's a great app
The classic debate but I still think the two companies are the top pinball simulators, just of the two different worlds. All of the Pinball Arcade tables are attempts to accurately simulate real world tables. Sure they might fudge things ever so slightly and I think some devout pin-heads might say that the PA tables are a bit too lenient compared to their real world counterparts (stuff subtley reducing the steepness of a table or alightly reducing the gap between the two flippers), but still damn accurate. The Zen Studio tables are a blast but clearly not based on any tables in the real world. They're surreal masterpieces with balls exploding, figures jumping across the table, and all sorts of other unbelieveable bits while maintaining pretty realistic ball physics.
Pinball Arcade - (by FarSight) I think pinball games in general (and physical) are underestimated. Thoses games are so fun to play. Need so much skill, it's not for casual gamers i think. I loved Zen Pinball and Marvel Pinball. I think i have at least 3 table of each series (Normal like Moon, Rome ect, Marvel like Spidey, GOTG, Inifinity Gauntlet, Street Fighter, and Star Wars) So fun to play. All of them. And the price of each are nothing compare to the quality. Each are different to play, some are really really hard. I love Marvel pinball, because i'm a comics fan.
So what pinball arcade games do you like ? Again I like this app as I've played on many of the physical tables themselves
The updated versions of the Pro Pinball tables will be releasing pretty soon as well. Timeshock, (coming very soon), Big Race USA, and Fantastic Journey, as well. The original games released over 10 years ago on PC and I still play them regularly, they're that good.
Always excited for new tables, but this last update is causing the app to crash on my iPad Air (v 7.1.2) after selecting Options-> Manage Tables. Tried to restart but app still crashes
I have all the tables on both, but I prefer Pinball Arcade. The tables are so realistic. I finally got to try Ripley's table and I was able to play for 45 minutes on one quarter due to my practice with Pinball Arcade.
Wish granted, Farsight just announced on their Facebook page that BS Dracula will be the next table released.
I reckon the new table (Dracula) will be available tomorrow, normally the second saturday of the month Saw the demo they did the other day on Twitch, looks a good table
Hey guys, here is the Kickstarter link: If you pledge $100 you actually get two different versions of the table. You get the standard version that you may have played in arcades. You also get the "Special Collector's Edition" that was only sold into private collections and limited to 1,000 units. This isn't just gold trim on the table, it even has some new rules and bonuses and sound effects. Currently FarSight doesn't have plans to sell the collector's edition in the app (of course this could change, they are not promising anything) but I'm in for $100 to get both versions I love TAF so much (I played that table sooooo much when I was young). It's by far my favorite table, and can't wait to have it on my phone and PC and console.